Bipolar disorder is most common in adolescence

Bipolar disorder is most common in adolescence

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Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir, bipolar bozukluğu (manik depresif psikoz) hakkında bilgi vererek, bu hastalığın ergenlikte başladığını, ancak tanıların genellikle 25-26 yaş civarında konulduğunu belirtti. Hastalığın belirtilerinin arasında manik dönemlerde öfori veya sinirlilik, hareket ve düşüncelerde hızlanma, amaçlı aktivitede artış, uyku ihtiyacında azalma bulunurken, depresif dönemlerde bunların tam tersi görülür (depresyon, üzüntü, karamsarlık, zevk alınan şeylerden zevk almama, isteksizlik, uyku ve iştah değişiklikleri, cinsel istekte değişiklikler, dikkat ve bilişsel alanlarda değişiklikler). Karma dönemlerde ise manik ve depresif belirtiler birlikte görülür. Bipolar bozukluk biyolojik, psikolojik ve sosyal açıdan bütüncül bir yaklaşım gerektirir. Tedavi, hastalık dönemlerinin ve iyi olma dönemlerinin yönetilmesini içerir ve ilaç tedavisi (farmakoterapi) ile psikoterapi (bilişsel davranışçı terapi, kişiler arası ilişki terapisi, sosyal ritim terapileri) yöntemlerini kapsar. Transkranial manyetik stimülasyon (TMS) ve elektrokonvülsif terapi (EKT) gibi diğer tedavi seçenekleri de mevcuttur. Stresörler, bipolar bozukluk ataklarını tetikleyen önemli bir faktördür, ancak atak sayısı arttıkça bu etki azalır. Bazı hastalarda mevsimsel değişiklikler de hastalığın seyrinde rol oynar. Erken dönemlerde, özellikle depresif dönemlerde, bipolar bozukluğun yaratıcılığı etkileyebileceği, ancak hastalığın ilerlemesiyle bu etkinin azaldığı belirtilmiştir.

Stating that bipolar disorder, also known as "bipolar mood disorder", often starts in adolescence, Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir said that the diagnosis of the disease is generally around the age of 25-26.


Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir stated that seasonal changes can be an important predictor of progression in bipolar disorder. It is aimed to draw attention to Bipolar Disorder and raise awareness on this special day celebrated on March 30, the birthday of the painter Vincent Van Gogh, who is considered to be Bipolar himself.

The intensity and speed of emotions cannot be controlled

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir said that bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar mood disorder, is a disorder in the field of mood, and that it can be defined as the inability to regulate emotions and control the intensity and speed of emotions.

There is euphoria in the manic period and sadness in the depressive period

Stating that symptoms such as euphoria or irritability, acceleration in mobility and thoughts, increase in purposeful activity, decrease in the need for sleep are seen in the manic period of the disease, Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir said, "Depression period is the opposite of this. It can be listed as depressed mood, sadness, pessimism, no longer enjoying things that were previously done with pleasure, reluctance, changes in sleep and appetite, changes in sexual desire, changes in attention and cognitive areas. In the mixed period, symptoms belonging to the manic end and depressive end are seen together."

Can be diagnosed in the 20s

Stating that bipolar disorder often starts in adolescence, Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir said, "If bipolar disorder starts with a depressive period, you do not know that it is bipolar disorder until you see mania. Therefore, the recognition of the disease can shift until the 20s. In studies conducted across our country, the age of onset is generally around 25-26 years of age."

Holistic approach is important

Noting that Bipolar Disorder should be handled with a holistic approach in biological, psychological and social terms, Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir said, "Biologically because the brain and body are added at the cellular level, one chemical, two electrophysiological and structural in the long term. Psychological because there is a difficulty in regulating mood, there is a disorder in impulse control. Social, because interpersonal relationships are affected and your functionality is impaired. Therefore, it is not possible to talk about a treatment without considering this whole."
Stating that there are two periods in the life of an individual diagnosed withbipolar disorder, Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir said, "There are periods of illness and periods of well-being. Therefore, let's divide the treatment into two as treatment of disease periods and preventive treatment. In the treatment of disease periods, we need to talk about a maintenance treatment. This is an adaptation process, a process of becoming stable after eliminating the symptoms."

Stress can affect crises

Stating that stressors are an important factor in initiating the episodes of bipolar disorder, Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir said, "As the number of episodes increases, the effect of this stressor in initiating episodes decreases in the later years of the disease."

It can affect creativity in the first period

Stating that bipolar disorder can affect the creativity of some people in the first period, Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir said, "If the intensity of an emotional state, whether it is mania or depression, if the intensity of that emotion is high, if its emergence is rapid, we can think that it will stimulate some creative processes. The reason why it is called an artist's disease is that in this sense, emotions are experienced very intensely and violently and with very sudden changes. Is creativity effective in bipolar disorder, is it reflected in the product? In the early stages of the disease, we can say yes, many writers and painters produced their works especially during the depressive periods of bipolar disorder, but as the disease progresses, the effectiveness in this creativity decreases. This creativity is no longer a productive creativity, but this situation can continue in successfully treated cases."

Seasonal changes may determine the course

Stating that seasonal changes can be an important prognostic factor in bipolar disorder, Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir said, "A group of patients show seasonal characteristics. This group is reported to be between 30 and 30 in bipolar patients. But we do not see seasonal course in all bipolar disorder."

Pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy methods are applied

Stating that various methods are successfully applied in the treatment of bipolar disorder, Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir said, "Pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy applications are indispensable in treatments. Among psychotherapy options, cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal relationship therapy, social rhythm therapies are among the most necessary therapies used in bipolar disorder. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy, which has become increasingly popular in recent years, can be mentioned. There are increasing publications that it is also effective in bipolar depression. ECT also offers the most powerful and fastest onset of action treatment option for both manic period and bipolar depression treatment."
CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At18 March 2024
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