They will go to any lengths for instant gratification!

They will go to any lengths for instant gratification!

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Özgür Arduç, Ordu'da balerin Ceren Özdemir'i bıçaklayarak öldürmekle suçlanan şüphelidir ve cinayeti soğukkanlılıkla açıklayarak pişmanlık duymadığını belirtmiştir. Uzmanlar, şüphelinin "psikopati" olarak bilinen antisosyal kişilik bozukluğu taşıyor olabileceğini belirtmektedir. Dışarıdan kibar ve nazik görünen bu kişilerin bencil oldukları, empati duygusunun gelişmediği, suçluluk ve pişmanlık hissetmedikleri ve anlık haz için her yolu deneyebilecekleri ifade edilmektedir. Klinik Psikolog Ahmet Yılmaz, şüphelinin antisosyal kişilik bozukluğu veya madde bağımlılığı da taşıyor olabileceğini, ancak tek bir olaya dayanarak tanı konulamayacağını, şüphelinin 15 yaşından sonraki yaşam öyküsünün incelenmesinin önemli olduğunu vurgulamıştır.

Özgür Arduç, the suspected murderer who stalked ballerina Ceren Özdemir in Ordu and stabbed her to death in front of her house, explained the murder in cold blood and said he did not regret what he did. Experts state that the suspected murderer may have antisocial personality disorder called "psychopathy". It is stated that these people, who appear polite and kind on the outside, are selfish, have no sense of empathy, and do not feel guilt or remorse. So much so that they will go to any lengths to get instant gratification.

NPISTANBUL Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ahmet Yılmaz stated that Özgür Arduç, the murder suspect who stabbed ballerina Ceren Özdemir to death in Ordu, may have a personality disorder.

However, stating that a general comment can be made about the suspect in line with the news in the media, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ahmet Yılmaz said, "We do not have any clear information about the suspect. In line with the news reflected in the media, we see that he committed a murder 20 years ago and spent some time in prison. Then he was taken to open prison for good behavior, escaped and committed theft. When we look at the picture, it looks like a personality disorder called antisocial personality disorder, popularly known as psychopathy. However, we should not create a victimization because the murderer has a psychological disorder and we should not create a perception that the suspect is sick. Here, it is necessary to take a good look at the suspect's period after the age of 15. It is important to know what kind of a process he went through."

They can try every way to satisfy instant gratification

Drawing attention to the fact that people with antisocial personality disorder are intelligent people, Ahmet Yılmaz said

"These people look polite and courteous on the outside and pontificate on social rules. Such people can behave very carefully in order to impress the court and to benefit from the good behavior discount. However, when the inner world of these people is examined, they have characteristics that do not develop a sense of empathy, are selfish, and do not feel guilt and remorse. Such people are the ones who say 'I caught my eye, I killed people to get the bag'. They try every way to get instant gratification. In this incident, the suspect says 'I am not remorseful'. In order to diagnose this person, we need to look at their long-term life history. Some scale tests are used as an auxiliary tool. It would be wrong to look at one incident and say that the person is sick."

May be a substance addict

Emphasizing that if aggression is in a person's nature and has reached a destructive dimension, it will continue, Ahmet Yılmaz said, "Since empathy does not occur, he takes an action to commit the current murder in order to get pleasure. There are also allegations on social media that the suspect is a substance addict. The claim that the suspect is a substance addict may be true. However, it is not the case that every substance addict commits murder. This person may have antisocial personality disorder and may also be using substances."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At11 December 2019
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