The foundation of tolerance is laid in the family

The foundation of tolerance is laid in the family

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Uzman Klinik Psikolog İhsan Öztekin'in belirttiği gibi, hoşgörü, bireyler arası ilişkilerde ve sosyal istikrar açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Hoşgörü, farklı ırk, inanç, kültür, düşünce ve görüşlere sahip bireylerin bir arada yaşadığı sosyal yapının zenginliği olarak görülmelidir. Ailede atılan hoşgörü temeli, sevgi, saygı ve hoşgörünün deneyimlendiği ilk sosyal çevredir. Hoşgörünün azalmasının en önemli nedenlerinden biri ise çıkar çatışmasıdır; eğitimsiz ve geri toplumlarda bu çatışmalar hoşgörüyü yok ederek düşmanlık ve kutuplaşmaya yol açar. Hoşgörülü bireyler empati yeteneği gelişmiş, hataları kabullenebilen, dengeli ve olgun kişilerdir. Hoşgörü, her şeye evet demek veya her şeyi görmezden gelmek anlamına gelmez; ancak sağlıklı iletişim ve karşılıklı saygıya zemin hazırlar. Hoşgörülü insanlar daha mutlu, huzurlu, sakin, kendine güvenen ve sosyal çevresi geniş bireylerdir; ayrıca daha kolay başarı elde ederler. Özetle, hoşgörü hem bireysel hem de toplumsal düzeyde psikolojik sağlık, sosyal istikrar ve huzur için elzemdir.

Stating that tolerant people are psychologically healthier people, experts draw attention to the positive effects of tolerance on relationships. Emphasizing that tolerance makes individuals happier and more peaceful, experts note that tolerant people are calmer, not easily angered and self-confident.
NPISTANBUL Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist İhsan Öztekin pointed out the importance of relationships and tolerance between individuals in terms of social stability.

Differences are the richness of social life

Stating that society is understood as a social structure formed by people with different characteristics who live together and within certain rules, İhsan Öztekin said: "It is necessary not to attribute a negative meaning to the fact that individuals belong to different races, beliefs, cultures, have different thoughts and opinions, but rather to see them as the richness of social life and human relations. Therefore, differences should be approached with tolerance. Only tolerance can prevent differences from turning into conflicts and prevent social polarization."

The foundation of tolerance is laid in the family

Stating that tolerance is a concept learned from the family, İhsan Öztekin said, "The foundation of tolerance is laid in the family. Family is the first social environment where love, respect and tolerance are experienced. The child learns tolerance in his/her relationship with his/her parents."

Expert Clinical Psychologist İhsan Öztekin made the following evaluations: "In this period, which we need more than ever, tolerance should be effective in all kinds of human relations in the world, starting from the smallest social group, the family, to all members of society and then to international relations. In both individual and social relations, the influence and guidance of people who are known and taken as examples by the society is very important in being tolerant. Politicians, people who are prominent in their fields and accepted by the society, artists and athletes are very effective in the formation of tolerance. The tolerance shown to each other by political party leaders with different views sets an example for the whole society and spreads."

Conflicts of interest reduce tolerance

Noting that one of the most important reasons for the decrease in tolerance is conflict of interest, İhsan Öztekin said: "In uneducated and backward societies, the effectiveness of conflict of interest destroys tolerance and creates an environment of anger, hatred, hostility and hatred. It deepens divisions and polarization. It destroys social order and peace."

Tolerant people have developed empathy

Stating that the ability to empathize is also developed in people who can show tolerance, İhsan Öztekin said, "A tolerant person accepts that other people can make mistakes. He knows that he cannot always be right. Tolerance does not mean ignoring, ignoring, ignoring people, events, problems that deliberately harm people and society. Tolerance does not mean accepting everything, saying yes to everything and remaining silent. Here, one should be able to display a measured and balanced attitude without suppressing one's emotions."

Where there is no tolerance, there are prejudices

Noting that there is prejudice where there is no tolerance, İhsan Öztekin said, "It is much easier to eliminate prejudices where there is tolerance and empathy. The disappearance of prejudice also paves the way for a healthy communication by eliminating misunderstandings and enables them to understand each other correctly. An environment of mutual respect, love and understanding is created."

Tolerant people are happier and more peaceful

Expressing that tolerant people are psychologically healthier people, Expert Clinical Psychologist İhsan Öztekin said, "Their tolerant behavior in their relationships makes them happier and more peaceful. They are calmer and do not get angry easily. They achieve success more easily in all areas of life. They are self-confident people. They do not see people who think differently as enemies or hate them. They are more mature and balanced. They are more loved and valued in society. They understand other people more easily and communicate more easily. They do not stay alone, they have a wide social circle."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At24 January 2020
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