Some people don't want to control their anger!

Some people don't want to control their anger!

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Son zamanlardaki şiddet olaylarının artması üzerine uzmanlar öfke kontrolü hakkında önemli bilgiler verdiler. Öfke kontrol sorunlarının altında yatan psikiyatrik hastalıklar veya kişilik bozuklukları olabileceği belirtildi. Bazı kişilerin öfkeden fayda sağladığı için öfke kontrolünü istemedikleri vurgulandı. Dış kontrol sistemlerinin (yasalar gibi) toplumun değerlerine, kurallarına ve kanunlarına saygı duymayan ve yetersiz iç kontrol (öz denetim) becerisine sahip kişileri sınırlandırmada sorumlu olduğu ifade edildi. Kişilik bozuklukları, özellikle psikopati, yıkıcı eylemlerinden pişmanlık duymayan ve kendilerini haklı gören bireylerde şiddetli ve onarılamaz sonuçlara yol açabilir. Öfke kontrolü için öncelikle sorunun belirlenmesi gerektiği, ardından psikiyatrik tedavi veya terapi uygulanması gerektiği belirtildi. Öfkeden fayda sağlayan kişilerin ise çözüm aramadıkları vurgulandı. Kurallara uymayan ve yaptırımlarla karşılaşmayan kişilerin bu davranışlarını sürdürdükleri ve toplumda umutsuzluğa yol açabilecekleri belirtilerek, kuralların uygulanmasının önemi vurgulandı.

The incidents of violence that are constantly on the agenda bring along many questions about anger management. Stating that psychiatric diseases or personality disorders may lie under the anger management problem, experts point out that some people do not want to control their anger because they benefit from anger.

Üsküdar University NP İSTANBUL Brain Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alper Evrensel gave important information about anger management regarding the increasing violence in recent days.

"External control systems are responsible for limiting people who do not respect the values, rules and laws of the society and who have insufficient internal control (self-control) skills," said Alper Evrensel, "Laws are at the top of these external control systems. People try to control themselves when they know the sanctions they will face when they commit a crime. Punishment also has such a function. If a person thinks that he/she will not pay the price and will not be punished when he/she commits a crime or a misdemeanor, he/she may become reckless. Especially if this person is a person who is prone to crime, impulsive and always sees himself as right."


Psychopaths think they are right!

Noting that psychiatric diseases or personality disorders may underlie the problem of controlling anger, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alper Evrensel,

"The disorders include hyperactivity, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety disorders. People with these disorders may exhibit impulsive behaviors such as shouting and screaming, hitting and breaking, throwing and throwing, but they regret it afterwards. They feel sorry for breaking hearts. This kind of impulsiveness can be compensated for most of the time. However, those caused by personality disorders have more severe and irreparable consequences such as murder. One such personality disorder is antisocial personality disorder, also known as psychopathy. Psychopaths see themselves as right and do not feel remorse for their destructive actions."

"I don't think this student suddenly turned into a murderer"

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alper Evrensel made the following evaluations regarding the murder of Çankaya University Lecturer Ceren Damar Şenel by her student

"In this murder, a person who obeyed the rules and did not want to compromise on doing his duty was murdered by a person who did not obey the rules and saw himself right. Moreover, this student is a final year law student. I think this is one of the reasons why it caused outrage in the society. In other words, a student studying in a school where law and rules are taught, where those who do not obey the law will be punished, where the necessity of law is emphasized, kills a teacher who obeys the rules. This is a contradiction. These are two situations that cannot be juxtaposed. I don't think this student suddenly turned into a murderer. When we look at the flow of the incident, first of all, the student already has a history of past indiscipline and cheating. In the last exam, he had prepared in advance for cheating. In other words, there is a pre-planned misdemeanor. Then he defends himself by saying that the lessons are difficult and that every student cheats, and he feels justified in his misdemeanor. He also planned the murder, went home, took the gun and knife and came to school. Therefore, these data suggest a personality structure prone to crime.

"A person who capitalizes on anger does not seek remedy"

Emphasizing that in order to control anger, the problem that causes difficulty in controlling anger must first be identified, Evrensel,

"For this, a psychiatrist should examine and investigate. If the disease is detected, it should be treated. If there are problems arising from personality structure, then therapy should be applied. If the person who has difficulty in controlling his/her anger complains about this, successful results will definitely be obtained. However, some people do not want to control their anger. Because the state of anger provides them with various gains. The person who benefits from anger does not look for a remedy."

"Laxity and arbitrariness encourage those who do not recognize the rules!"

"Institutions and individuals must fulfill their duties to ensure that laws and all kinds of rules are obeyed," said Alper Evrensel and concluded his words as follows:

"Laxity and arbitrariness encourage those who break the rules. People who break the rules and laws and do not face any sanctions continue to do so. Society starts to become unresponsive and people who obey the rules become hopeless over time. Seeing laws and rules in action gives strength and confidence to society."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At25 October 2022
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