QEEG Topographic Brain Mapping

QEEG Topographic Brain Mapping

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QEEG (Kantitatif Elektroensefalografi), kafa derisinden alınan beyin elektrik aktivitesini analiz eden ve beyindeki farklı frekanslardaki dalgaların dağılımını gösteren bir tekniktir; bu da dolaylı olarak beyin fonksiyonu hakkında bilgi sağlar. QEEG, tedavi öncesi ve sonrası karşılaştırılarak tedavinin olumlu etkisini gösterir. Birçok ruhsal bozukluğun beyinle ilgili olduğu göz önüne alındığında, özellikle tedaviye dirençli depresyon vakalarında, etkin tedavi için beyin fonksiyonunun izlenmesi önemlidir. QEEG, yetişkinlerde, ergenlerde ve çocuklarda psikiyatrik bozuklukların teşhis ve tedavisinde kullanılır. Depresyon, panik bozukluğu gibi birçok psikiyatrik hastalığın biyolojik boyutunun bilimsel olarak kanıtlandığı, ancak beyin yapısının karmaşıklığı nedeniyle bu ilişkinin detaylı incelenmesinin zor olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. QEEG, özellikle psikotrop ilaçların beyindeki etkisini değerlendirerek, ilaçların antidepresan, antipsikotik, anksiyolitik veya bilişsel aktivatör etkilerine dair ön bilgiler sunarak tedavi planlamasında yardımcı olur ve depresyon, panik bozukluğu, hafıza kaybı, demans, alkolizm, dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu gibi birçok nöropsikiyatrik hastalıkta kullanılabilmektedir. Ayrıca çocuklarda ve gençlerde özel reçeteli ilaçların kullanımında da anlamlı ön bilgiler sağlar.

What is QEEG?

It is a technique that analyzes the brain electrical activity recording taken from the scalp and shows the distribution of waves of different frequencies on the brain, thus providing indirect information about the functioning of the brain. When QEEG is repeated after treatment, it can show the positive change provided by the treatment.

As can be seen from the pre-treatment and post-treatment profiles in the examples, it can be observed through bioelectrical activity recording that the treatment has eliminated the disorder in brain chemistry.

Since many mental disorders are brain disorders, understanding and monitoring brain function is important for effective treatment. In the treatment of depression, monitoring the biological dimension along with the psychological or social dimension is particularly valuable and prioritized in treatment-resistant cases.

Treatment by measuring brain function in adults, adolescents and children is an aspired and targeted goal in psychiatry. It is possible to measure bioelectrical activity, the end product of biological processes in the brain, with QEEG.

QEEG is an important detail in treatment. In order to make a clear diagnosis, it is necessary to have a scientific study basis, so QEEG is important.
After QEEG is performed, the person is diagnosed and a treatment plan is made.

Where is QEEG Used?

The biological dimension of many psychiatric diseases, especially depression and panic disorder, has been confirmed by scientific research. The relationship between biochemical dysregulation in some areas of the brain and these diseases has been shown in laboratory studies.
However, the extraordinarily complex structure and "inviolability" of the human brain constitute a strong obstacle to a detailed analysis of this relationship. Since the human brain cannot be seen directly and a part of it cannot be removed and examined as in other organs, researchers utilize techniques that can provide "indirect" information about the functioning of the brain.
QEEG is crucial for the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders.


Psychotropic drugs, which are chemical substances that affect the human brain, "should be given to the appropriate person at the appropriate time in the appropriate way." It is of great clinical importance to test the bioavailability of a drug that will be used for years.

The Kantitatit Pharmaco EEG system at NPISTANBUL Hospital can provide preliminary information about whether the drug has Antidepressant, Antipsychotic, Anxiolytic or Cognitive Activator effects in the human brain. This information increases sensitivity and specificity, even if not with 100% certainty.

It is a helpful method in many Neuropsychiatric diseases such as Depression, Panic Disorder, Memory Loss, Dementia, Alcoholism, Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder.

This test can provide meaningful preliminary information in the use of specially prescribed drugs such as Red Prescription (Ritalin...) in children and young people.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At25 October 2022
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