Psychologists, guardians of mental health

Psychologists, guardians of mental health

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Klinik Psikolog Uzmanı Yıldız Burkovik, psikologların bireylerin yaşamında önemli bir rol oynadığını, zihinsel sağlığın koruyucuları olduğunu ve bireylerin çözmekte zorlandıkları sorunları değerlendirerek, engelleri ortadan kaldırarak ve çözüm yolları bularak destek sağladıklarını belirtmiştir. Toplumun psikologlara bakış açısının değiştiğini, insanların şikayette bulunmak değil, çözüm odaklı bir yaklaşımla sorunlarını ele almak ve yaşam kalitelerini artırmak için terapiye başvurduklarını vurgulamıştır. Ancak Burkovik, terapinin eğitimli psikologlar tarafından yürütülmesinin önemine dikkat çekerek, terapi arayan kişilerin terapistin uzmanlık alanını ve terapi tarzını araştırmalarının gerektiğini ve güvenin terapinin temelini oluşturduğunu ifade etmiştir. Son olarak, psikologların sadece terapiyle değil, toplumla da iç içe olması gerektiğini, doğal afetler gibi zor durumlarda da topluma destek sağlamak için birlikte çalışmaları gerektiğini söylemiştir.

Psychologists have an important role in the improvement and protection of mental health by guiding the solution of problems and providing solutions to situations that people cannot get out of. Stating that therapy should be continued with people who are trained in therapy, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik warned, "People who come to therapy should definitely know the field and therapy style of the therapist."

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital made important evaluations about the place of psychologists in the lives of individuals.

"Psychologists are the guardians of mental health"

Expert Clinical Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik stated that psychologists are the guardians of mental health,

"You evaluate together the troubles that exist within you, the emotions you cannot solve, the events you cannot resolve. While finding the way, it is with you in realizing the situations that you have missed many times. People sometimes don't want to hear themselves and sometimes don't want to make themselves heard. However, many voices and words kept inside become heavy over time. At this point, a professional support helps to take a big step and to look at one's surroundings with detailed and seeing eyes. In this way, the problems that do not accumulate, the situations that do not remain as problems and reach a solution make both the person himself/herself and those around him/her more comfortable. The psychologist is the one who helps to open the stuck unsolvability. He or she is the guide in untangling and resolving knotted relationships. Therefore, with the proper mental health of the person, this situation will spread to the society, so the psychologist is not only the person, but also the one who comforts the society and brings a solution."

Society's perspective on psychologists is not what it used to be

Yıldız Burkovik, Specialist Clinical Psychologist from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital, stated that the awareness of the society erased the prejudice about going to a psychologist and continued her words as follows:

"Of course, there may be exceptions. However, in general, society's view of psychologists is not what it used to be. They go to therapy not to complain, but to see what is blocking them in the content of the solution and to open it, to see a structured therapy in whatever area it affects and to hold on to life more.

Therapy should be continued with a trained psychologist

The only problem is to continue therapy with someone who is really trained to do therapy. Otherwise, there is a possibility that existing situations may become even more negative. Therefore, people who will receive therapy should do very good research. Just as everyone is responsible for their own health, a psychologist is also responsible for their clients. For this reason, the therapist's own training and knowledge should also be clear. People who come to therapy should know the therapist's area of interest and the style of therapy. Then there will be more trust. Because therapy starts with trust and develops with trust."

"A psychologist should also be intertwined with the public"

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik said, "A psychologist should not only be in the field of therapy, but should also be intertwined with the public" and concluded her words as follows:

"He/she should be with those in need, especially in important unexpected situations after many traumas, informational articles, video lectures, public meetings and many traumas. Each psychologist has his/her own style and working dynamics, of course, but all psychologists should work hand in hand and form a large mass when needed."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At10 May 2019
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