PsychoLife magazine Positive Psychology special issue published

PsychoLife magazine Positive Psychology special issue published

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PsikoHayat Dergisi'nin 21. sayısı, Üsküdar Üniversitesi, NPİSTANBUL Hastanesi ve NP Medikal Merkezleri'nin desteğiyle, "Pozitif Psikoloji"ye odaklanan özel bir sayı yayınladı. Bu sayıda, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan'ın da "Pozitif psikoloji, iyi insanlar yetiştirmenin bilimidir" başlıklı yazısıyla katkıda bulunduğu üzere, pandemi döneminde önemi bir kez daha anlaşılan pozitif psikolojinin çeşitli yönleri ele alındı. Dergide, duygusal zeka, iyilik, mutluluk ve zeka arasındaki ilişki, yaşam kalitesi, Mevlana'nın mutluluğa giden yolları, mutluluğun nörobiyolojisi, felsefecilerin mutluluk algısı, yaşam amacı ve tutku, karakter güçlü yönleri ve erdemleri, mutluluğun sosyolojisi, mutluluğun öğrenilebilirliği, sosyal zeka, minnettarlık, akış durumu, şefkat, bağışlama, umut ve psikolojik direnç gibi konular ele alındı. Ayrıca, Prof. Dr. Eflatun Adam'ın ölümünden önceki son röportajı da dergide yer aldı.

The 21st issue of PsychoHayat Magazine, published by Üsküdar University for 11 years, met with the readers.

PsikoHayat Magazine said 'hello' to 2021 with a special issue on "Positive Psychology". In its latest issue, the magazine deals with all aspects of Positive Psychology, whose importance was once again understood during the pandemic period.

The "Positive Psychology" special issue of PsychoHayat Magazine, prepared by Üsküdar University, the first thematic university of our country in the field of Behavioral Sciences and health, with the support of its application partner NPISTANBUL Hospital and NP Medical Centers, met with its readers. The 21st issue of the magazine, which is published quarterly by Üsküdar University Publications under the Editor-in-Chief of Tahsin Aksu and edited by Fatma Özten, was published. In the magazine, positive psychology was discussed in many aspects.

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan: "Positive psychology is the science of raising good people"

Üsküdar University Founding Rector, Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "After Üsküdar, it is taught at Harvard, Yale and Bristol. Positive Psychology is the science of raising good people." In his article titled "Positive Psychology is the science of raising good people", he pointed out that "Positive Psychology" is the most important solution to combat the problems experienced during the pandemic process, to cope with problems and for psychological well-being. Noting that positive psychology, which is an important approach in terms of preventive health services in protecting public mental health, is an important resource, Tarhan said, "Empathy, stress management, anger management, self-mobilization, forgiveness, relationship management are some of the teachings acquired in this field. When a person learns these, he/she gains a protective barrier for mental health. Positive psychology provides this. In short, positive psychology is the science of raising good people. This special issue was prepared to introduce these characteristics to the society."

"Positive Psychology" was discussed in all aspects

The authors who prepared articles under the cover title of "Positive Psychology" and their topics are as follows:

- After Üsküdar, it is taught at Harvard, Yale and Bristol. Positive Psychology is the science of raising good people. Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan

- Emotional Intelligence, Expert Cynical Psychologist Görkem Altıntaş

- Kindness Heals, Expert Cynical Psychologist Simge Bulunmaz

- The Relationship between Happiness and Intelligence, Cynical Psychologist Yildiz Burkovik

- Quality of life with different dimensions, Expert Psychologist Cemre Ece Gökpınar Çağlı

- According to Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi, the ways of getting rid of sadness and reaching happiness, Lecturer. Assist. Arzu Eylül Yalçınkaya

- Neurobiology of Happiness: The Happy Brain, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Gümüş Demir

- A look at happiness through the eyes of philosophers, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Baver Demircan

- Is There Something That Gives Meaning To Your Life And You Are Passionately Committed To? Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Doğan

- Character Strengths and Virtues, Expert Psychologist Serkan Elçi

- Sociology of Happiness, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Erdoğan

- Can Happiness Be Learned? Expert Psychologist Can Kamsız

- Understanding People and Being Skillful in Human Relations: Social Intelligence, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Remziye Keskin

- Gratitude and Mental Health, Expert Psychologist Merve Nur Özbey

- Flow State in the Science of Happiness, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Zülfikar Özkan

- "Compassion was a Lively Bird in Human Hearts", Lecturer. Gör. Fatma Turan

- "Forgiveness" as a Point of Restraint, Expert Psychologist Esma Uygun

- Not Living Without Hope, Lecturer. Assist. Ozgur Varan

- Psychological Resilience, Lecturer. Assist. Kudret Eren Yavuz

Prof. Dr. Eflatun Adam's last interview before his death

A special interview was included in the 21st issue of PsychoHayat. In this interview, Prof. Dr. Eflatun Adam shared his professional life and his predictions about the future of psychiatry, as well as his contributions to Turkish psychiatry. This special interview was followed by Healthy News from the World and Turkey sections and News from Üsküdar University. Finland was analyzed in the Travel-Review section and the 2011 movie Salgın was discussed in the Cine-Review section.

Please click to read the "Positive Psychology" Special Issue of PsychoHayat Magazine

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At22 January 2021
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