Problems in Sexual Life

Problems in Sexual Life

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Uzmanlar, sağlıklı bir cinsel yaşamın mutluluk, iyi uyku, fiziksel ve ruhsal sağlık getirdiğini belirtirken, olumsuz cinsel deneyimlerin cinsel travmalar, cinsel yolla bulaşan hastalıklar, istenmeyen gebelikler ve daha sonra cinsel işlev bozuklukları ve bazen diğer psikiyatrik bozukluklara yol açabileceği konusunda uyarıyorlar. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün tanımına göre, cinsel sağlık, cinselliğe ve cinsel ilişkilere olumlu ve saygılı bir yaklaşımın yanı sıra, zorlama, ayrımcılık ve şiddetten uzak, keyifli ve güvenli bir cinsel deneyim yaşamayı gerektirir. Cinsel sağlığı sağlamak ve sürdürmek için tüm kişilerin cinsel haklarının korunması ve yerine getirilmesi gerekir. Cinsel kimliğin 3-6 yaşları arasında oluşmaya başladığı ve ergenlikte netleştiği belirtilmektedir. Sağlıklı cinsel işlevsellik, cinsel yaşamın doğal bir parçası olarak deneyimlenmesi gerektiğini vurgulanırken, cinselliğin yalnızca ilişkiyle yaşanması gerektiği yanılgısı kırılıyor; tek başına cinsel deneyimlerin de fiziksel ve ruhsal sağlık için faydalı olduğu belirtiliyor. Cinsel sağlık bilgisi, eğitimi ve tıbbi bakıma erişimin önemi vurgulanarak, jinekoloji ve obstetri, üroloji, psikiyatri uzmanları, aile hekimleri ve ebelerin bu konuda yardımcı olabileceği belirtiliyor. İstenmeyen gebeliklere ve cinsel yolla bulaşan hastalıklara karşı önlem alınması gerektiği ve gerektiğinde bakım ve tedavi talep edilmesi gerektiği belirtiliyor. Sonuç olarak, cinsellik, kendi beden sınırlarımızı tanıyarak ve koruyarak, partnerimizin sınırlarına saygı duyarak, sorumluluk bilinciyle ve istendiğinde zevkle yaşanması gereken sağlıklı yaşamın temel bir fonksiyonudur.

Stating that a healthy sexual life will bring happiness, good sleep, physical and mental health, experts warn, "Negative experiences in sexual life can lead to sexual traumas, sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and later sexual dysfunctions and sometimes other psychiatric disorders."

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Sinem Zeynep Metin drew attention to the importance of sexual health. Metin made the following evaluations:

"According to the definition of the World Health Organization, sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as having a pleasant and safe sexual experience free from coercion, discrimination and violence. In order to ensure and maintain sexual health, the sexual rights of all persons must be protected and fulfilled."

Stating that the person starts to recognize and experience sexuality from early childhood, Psychiatry Specialist Sinem Zeynep Metin said, "The first lines of our sexual identity are formed between the ages of 3-6; it becomes clear during adolescence. Every detail about sexuality that the person hears, learns and experiences during these periods are the basic determinants for the quality of their future sexual life."

Stating that an important part of sexual health is healthy sexual functionality, Psychiatry Specialist Sinem Zeynep Metin said the following:

"Sexual life, sexual pleasure, satisfaction and intimacy should be experienced as a natural part of life, when the person desires. Although there is no "right" way to define sexual life, one of the most important prejudices about sexuality is that it is experienced only with motives. Contrary to popular belief, there is general information about sexuality and learning and practicing this information increases the quality of sexual life. However, everyone has individual qualities to discover about their own sexuality. These can be experienced to the extent that the sexual-physical and spiritual boundaries of other people and even living beings are respected; at this point, there is no accepted and defined "normal" in terms of sexual health.

Another misconception about healthy sexuality is that it must be experienced with a partner. Some people may want to (also) experience sexuality alone. Regular sexual life, even alone, is beneficial for physical and mental health and for getting to know one's own body. It should be known that sexual life, sexual pleasure and sexual satisfaction are primarily the responsibility of the person himself/herself; the partner's satisfaction and pleasure from sexual life is the second step."

Noting that people should have access to information, education and medical care about sexual health, Psychiatry Specialist Sinem Zeynep Metin said, "Health professionals related to the subject can be listed as gynecology and obstetrics, urology, psychiatry specialists, family physicians and midwives. Precautions should be taken against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases; care and treatment should be requested when necessary."


"A healthy sexual life will bring happiness, good sleep, physical and mental health," said Psychiatry Specialist Sinem Zeynep Metin, "Negative experiences in sexual life can lead to sexual traumas, sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and later sexual dysfunctions - sometimes other psychiatric disorders. As a result, sexuality is an absolute function of healthy life that should be experienced with pleasure, by recognizing and protecting our own body boundaries well, respecting the boundaries of our partner, with a sense of responsibility and when desired."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At29 November 2018
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