New book by Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir

New book by Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir

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Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi Psikiyatri Uzmanı Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir'in kaleme aldığı "Bir Psikiyatristin Penceresinden Beyin Dalgalarının Ritmi" adlı kitap, Üsküdar Üniversitesi Yayınları'ndan çıktı. Kitabın derleme değil, özgün sorulara özgün cevaplar ve özgün fikirlerden oluştuğunu vurgulayan Prof. Dr. Kesebir, bipolar EEG kavramının iki anlamını (bipolar bozukluk ve EEG'nin bipolar yapısı) açıklıyor. Kitap, "5G'yi mi bekliyoruz?", "Beyin Dalgalarının Ritmi, Entropi ve Kaos", "Düşünce Bozukluklarında EEG", ve benzeri EEG ile çeşitli ruhsal bozuklukları inceleyen konuları ele alıyor. Prof. Dr. Kesebir, kitabın oluşumunda Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan ve Prof. Dr. Oğuz Tanrıdağ'ın desteğini vurguluyor. Prof. Dr. Kesebir'in özgeçmişi ise Dokuz Eylül Tıp Fakültesi mezuniyeti, Ege Üniversitesi Psikiyatri Uzmanlığı eğitimi ve çeşitli hastanelerdeki görevlerini içeriyor.

The book titled "The Rhythm of Brain Waves from the Window of a Psychiatrist" written by Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir met with its readers from Üsküdar University (ÜÜ) Publications. Stating that the book is not a compilation, Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir said that the book is based on original ideas and original answers to original questions.

The book titled "The Rhythm of Brain Waves from the Window of a Psychiatrist" written by Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir met with its readers.

The book titled "The Rhythm of Brain Waves from the Window of a Psychiatrist" published by Üsküdar University (ÜÜ) Publications includes the following topics:

"Are we waiting for 5G?", "Rhythm of Brain Waves, Entropy and Chaos", "EEG in Mood Disorders", "Physiopathology of Mood Disorder: EEG Projection", "The Difference and Importance of Dimensional Approach to Mood Disorder when Evaluating with EEG", "Risk Factors, Resistance to Treatment, Resilience: Comparison of Bipolar Cases, First Degree Relatives and Healthy Individuals, Role of Temperament", "Does EEG Differentiate Cases Diagnosed with Schizoaffective and Bipolar Disorder? The Role of Cluster A Personality Disorders", "Does EEG Differentiate Unipolar and Bipolar Disorder?", "EEG in First Attack Mania: Trace of Childhood Traumas".

Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir emphasized that the book is not a compilation, but originates from original ideas and original answers to original questions, and said, "The title Bipolar EEG has a double meaning. The first one is inspired by the mood disorder we call bipolar disorder, in which periods of depression and mania follow each other and take place together. The second is inspired by the bipolar structure of the EEG. The harmony between slow and fast waves. In nature, everything exists with its opposite, night, day, summer and winter... I would like to express my respect, love and thanks to my dear teacher Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, Founding Rector of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, who offered his kitchen in the formation of this book, and to my dear teacher Prof. Dr. Oğuz Tanrıdağ, who has always kept the neurology window open."

Who is Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir?

Prof. Dr. Sermin Kesebir graduated from Dokuz Eylül Faculty of Medicine in 1995. She completed her psychiatry specialty training at Ege University Department of Psychiatry (2002). After completing her compulsory service at Kırıkkale High Specialization Hospital, she became an associate professor at Adnan Menderes University Hospital in 2008. Between 2009 and 2014, she worked as an educational assistant at Erenköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital, managing the acute psychosis service. Since 2014, he has been working as a professor at Üsküdar University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and as a consultant physician in the outpatient unit at NPISTANBUL Hospital.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At08 July 2020
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