Is it possible to erase memory?

Is it possible to erase memory?

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Transkranial Manyetik Stimülasyon (TMS), tedaviye dirençli depresyon, ruh hali bozuklukları, anksiyete, OKB, yeme bozuklukları, migren ve tinnitus gibi rahatsızlıkların tedavisinde kullanılan, beyindeki bozulmuş işlevleri düzenlemeyi amaçlayan bir yöntemdir. TMS, elektrikle çalışan ve manyetik alan üreten bir cihaz kullanılarak beyne manyetik stimülasyon uygulanmasını içerir. Bu yöntem, duyguları ve düşünceleri düzenleyen beyin hücre gruplarının bozulmuş düzenini düzeltmeyi ve beynin doğal elektriksel süreçlerini aktive etmeyi hedefler. Ancak, TMS ile hafızanın silinmesinin mümkün olmadığı, çünkü beynin bilgileri bilgisayarın hard diskine benzer şekilde depolamadığı ve bu nedenle seçilen bir dosya veya veri gibi bilgilerin silinemeyeceği belirtilmektedir.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMU), a method used to regulate impaired brain functions, can be used for treatment-resistant depression and mood disorders, as well as anxiety, OCD, eating disorders, migraine and tinnitus. Stating that it is not possible to erase the memory with TMU treatment, experts said, "It is already medically impossible to erase the memory for a certain memory."

NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Dr. Faculty Member Alper Evrensel gave information about magnetic stimulation therapy TMU, which is used in the treatment of complaints such as resistant depression, anxiety and mood disorders.

Magnetic stimulation is given to the brain

Noting that TMU is a treatment method in which magnetic stimulation is given to the brain through a coil, Dr. Alper Evrensel said, "TMU aims to correct impaired brain functions and the impaired order of the brain's cell groups that regulate emotions and thoughts. It activates the natural electrical processes in the brain. During this process, a device that generates a magnetic field by working with electricity is used. This device can be compared to an MRI machine. In the MRI device, a magnetic field is used to visualize an area of the body, while in TMU, a magnetic field focused on a smaller brain area is directed."

Noting that TMU is generally used in treatment-resistant depression and mood disorders, Evrensel said, "It can also be used in diseases such as anxiety, OCD, auditory hallucinations of schizophrenia, eating disorders, migraine, tinnitus."

Information cannot be deleted from the brain

Noting that it is not possible to erase the memory with TMU treatment, Dr. Alper Evrensel said, "It is not possible to erase the memory with TMU. It is already medically impossible to erase the memory for a certain memory. The information in our brain is not stored like on a computer's hard-disk and you cannot delete information from the brain as you delete a selected file or data from the computer's memory. Therefore, memory cannot be erased with TMU."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At16 December 2019
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