Ignorance and misconceptions are the source of sexual problems

Ignorance and misconceptions are the source of sexual problems

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Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün (DSÖ) cinsel sağlığı, cinsellikle ilgili fiziksel, duygusal, zihinsel ve sosyal refah hali olarak tanımladığını belirten uzmanlar, cinsel sorunların cinsel cehalet, eğitim eksikliği, yanlış bilgiler ve cinsellikle ilgili inançlardan kaynaklandığını vurguluyor. Araştırmalar, her üç kişiden birinin hayatının bir döneminde en az bir cinsel işlev bozukluğu yaşadığını, kadınların %30-60'ının hayatı boyunca en az bir cinsel işlev bozukluğu yaşadığını (en yaygın olanları cinsel istek ve uyarılma bozuklukları) ve erkeklerin yaklaşık %40'ının hayatları boyunca en az bir cinsel işlev bozukluğu yaşadığını (en yaygın olanı erken boşalma) gösteriyor. Cinsel sorunların nedenleri arasında cinsel eğitim eksikliği, toplumsal tabular ve cinsel mitler yer alıyor. Yüksek tansiyon, diyabet ve diğer bazı hastalıklar da cinsel sorunlara yol açabilir. Vaginismus gibi sorunlar ise seks terapisine iyi yanıt veriyor. Uzmanlar, sağlıklı bir cinsel yaşam için karşılıklı saygı, iletişim ve paylaşımın önemini vurguluyor ve bireylerin cinsel sorunları olduğunda uzman bir hekime danışmaları gerektiğini belirtiyorlar. Cinsel sağlık, her bireyin hakkıdır ve doğru bilgilerle desteklenmelidir.

Stating that sexual ignorance, lack of education, misinformation and beliefs about sexuality lead to sexual problems, experts point out the importance of correct information. Stating that one in every three women has sexual desire and arousal disorders, experts point out that approximately 40 percent of men experience at least one sexual dysfunction during their lifetime. Experts state that one in every three people in the world experiences sexual dysfunction.

In 2010, the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) declared September 4 as World Health Day in order to raise social awareness on sexual health. This year's slogan was determined as "Sexuality in Covid-19 days".

Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center Psychiatry Specialist Dr. Faculty Member Dilek Sarıkaya made an evaluation regarding World Sexual Health Day.

Respect, communication and sharing are essential for a happy sexual life

Stating that the World Health Organization (WHO) defines the concept of sexual health as "a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being related to sexuality", Dr. Faculty Member Dilek Sarıkaya said, "Accordingly, sexual health is not limited to the absence of disease or dysfunction. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the opportunity to have pleasurable and safe sexual experiences that are free of coercion, discrimination and violence. Mutual respect and effective communication and sharing between partners are essential for a happy and satisfying sexual life. Recognizing one's own body, recognizing sexual pleasure points and not avoiding sharing this with one's sexual partner will ensure a more satisfying sexual relationship. It should also be taken into consideration that people should act responsibly towards each other and that everyone has a privacy. How sexuality is experienced should be realized with the desire, approval and consent of both parties. No one should be forced to experience or maintain a sexual behavior they do not like."

One out of every three people suffer from sexual dysfunction

Noting that researches indicate that sexual problems are common worldwide, Dr. Dilek Sarıkaya said, "It is known that one in every three people has at least one sexual dysfunction at any time in their sexual life. Studies conducted in various societies and cultures show that there are some differences in the incidence of sexual dysfunctions due to cultural and social factors. In countries where sexuality is perceived as a taboo, not talking about sexuality, prohibition, lack of formal sexual education, false beliefs about sexuality and the importance attributed to virginity lead to higher rates of vaginismus and sexual desire disorders in women and sexual desire and ejaculation disorders in men. Again, it is observed that premature ejaculation in men and various orgasm difficulties in women are more common in societies with insufficient sexual experience."

Sexual desire and arousal disorders are seen in women

"Research shows that 30 percent to 60 percent of women experience at least one sexual dysfunction during their lifetime," said Dr. Dilek Sarıkaya, "Sexual desire disorder and arousal disorders are the most common sexual dysfunctions (1 in every 3 women). We see that in developed countries, mostly older women apply for treatment, while in developing countries such as our country, young-middle-aged women tend to seek for the solution of sexual problems. The most common sexual problem in women in our country is sexual reluctance, but the most common reason for application to the health institution is vaginismus."

Premature ejaculation is seen in men

Prof. Dr. Dilek Sarıkaya stated that researches show that approximately 40 percent of men experience at least one sexual dysfunction throughout their lives and said, "Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual dysfunction in men and is seen in approximately one in 3-4 men."

Sexual myths lead to sexual problems

When we look at the causes of sexual problems, Dr. Dilek Sarıkaya noted that lack of sexual education and ignorance takes the lead and said the following:

"Lack of sexual knowledge, education and experience can lead to many sexual problems and sexual dysfunctions when combined with society's negative attitude towards sexuality, including strict, taboos and prohibitions. False beliefs about sexuality (sexual myths) are also effective in the emergence of sexual problems. Sexual myths that are accepted without questioning their accuracy such as 'The man is always ready for sexual intercourse', 'The man should always initiate sexual intercourse', 'The woman should not show her sexual desire', 'All physical intimacy should result in sexual intercourse', 'Making love means sexual intercourse', 'If there is a sexual problem once, it means that it will repeat', 'The first sexual intercourse is painful for the woman' play a major role in the emergence of sexual problems."

Some diseases can also cause sexual problems

Stating that various diseases can lead to sexual problems, Dr. Dilek Sarıkaya stated that it is important to consult a specialist and said, "Sexual problems can also occur after high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure, chronic kidney and liver failure, chronic lung disease, thyroid dysfunction and other hormonal disorders, multiple sclerosis, chronic neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and epilepsy, alcohol and drug use disorder and major surgeries. Sexual problems can also be seen as a side effect of some medications used for a long time (high blood pressure and heart medications, some medications used in asthma treatment, some medications used in epilepsy treatment, some psychiatric treatment medications). In sexual problems that arise for such reasons, it will be useful to consult the relevant branch physician and, if necessary, to ask him to refer you to a physician specializing in sexual dysfunctions."

Prof. Dr. Dilek Sarıkaya said, "Psychiatric causes that may lead to sexual problems are primarily depression, mental traumas, anxiety disorder, sexual phobia and avoidance, performance anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, psychotic disorders, alcohol and substance addiction and grief process."

Vaginismus can be treated

Suggesting that individuals with sexual problems should consult a psychiatrist who specializes in the psychotherapy of sexual dysfunctions in the absence of a medical reason for this problem, Dr. Dilek Sarıkaya said, "Vaginismus, which is the most common cause of application especially in women, can be treated up to 100 percent with sexual therapy. Contrary to popular belief in the treatment of vaginismus, methods such as the use of sedative drugs or alcohol, hymen operation, sexual intercourse under general anesthesia, the use of anesthetic cream or botox application to the vaginal area are not effective and are not recommended because they can lead to various medical problems and mental trauma."

Sexual health care is a right

"Sexuality is a natural and healthy part of life," Dr. Dilek Sarıkaya said:

"Sexual life should be based on mutual trust, integrity, commitment and respect. Children and young people have the right to access accurate information about sexuality and should be provided with an environment where they can easily share their questions with their families, people they trust or health care providers. Individuals with sexual problems have the right to receive sexual health services. For this reason, there is a need for more institutions working in the field of sexual health where they can easily apply and receive the most accurate counseling and treatment services. Both educational institutions and health institutions have a great job in this regard."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At07 September 2020
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