Dreaming of someone else is enough to deceive

Dreaming of someone else is enough to deceive

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Infidelity and infidelity is one of the most important issues that cause relationships to be deeply shaken and end. Stating that this situation is mostly experienced in cases of low marital satisfaction, Specialist. Dr. Mahir Yeşildal stated that women cheat more emotionally and men cheat sexually, and drew attention to the fact that cheating also takes place by imagining someone else.


Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Dr. Mahir Yeşildal gave important information about the infidelity process and its effects on relationships.

"We are more afraid of relationships that seem to be going very well"

Stating that infidelity is defined as 'one of the parties physically or emotionally seeing another person and violating their physical and emotional needs in favor of another person', Uzm. Dr. Mahir Yeşildal,

"Infidelity or cheating is more common in relationships where marital satisfaction is low. Sometimes we are more afraid of relationships that seem to be going very well, where there are no arguments, no problems at home. Because this is against the flow of life. People argue. Spouses can fight about the salt in the food, and all this is very normal. If they are not talked about, we think that one of the parties prefers not to talk or is too scared or afraid to talk."

There are 4 different types of infidelity

Speaking about a study on infidelity, Specialist. Prof. Dr. Mahir Yeşildal said, "Kurt Lewin mentions 4 different forms of infidelity in a study he conducted. 'Falling in love with someone else', 'having sexual intercourse with someone else', 'managing someone else' and 'imagining someone else while being sexually together with your spouse'. In other words, Kurt Lewin actually states that imagining someone else is also a form of infidelity and infidelity."

Those who are satisfied with their marriage are 8 times less likely to cheat

Noting that marriages are actually divided into types such as 'I am satisfied with my marriage', 'I am very satisfied', 'Many things are going well', Yeşildal continued her words as follows:

"Those who are very satisfied with their marriages are 8 times less likely to cheat than those who are less satisfied. The higher the marital satisfaction, the lower the rate of infidelity.

Women cheat emotionally, men cheat sexually

When women cheat, they are usually emotionally involved with another man. So they fall in love with someone else. This is usually the way women cheat. This is partly related to their marriages because according to studies, women are happier when they are emotionally satisfied in their marriages. Men, on the other hand, cheat more sexually. In other words, they have sexual relationships that do not have much emotional meaning, sometimes for one night, sometimes for many years. On the contrary, women are generally afraid of being emotionally cheated on. In other words, a woman who finds out that her husband cheated on her may emotionally pursue whether she is in love with him or not, whether she loves him or not. Men, on the other hand, are very afraid of their wives cheating on them sexually. In other words, it is more important for a man to be with his wife sexually than it is for her to fall in love with another man or to share something emotional with him. This is an interesting paradox.

Cheating is also possible by imagining it

Infidelity is also possible with an imaginary partner, i.e. when imagining someone else. Therefore, it may very well happen on social media. Even if you have never physically come together with the other party in any way, whether male or female; corresponding with someone, sharing your problems with someone, and then feeling something emotional towards that person is also considered as cheating.

An incident learned from another person ends a marriage

Let's say an incident of infidelity has occurred. If the cheated spouse learns from a third party that he/she has been cheated on, or if he/she is warned by someone else, the chances of that marriage ending are much higher. However, when the cheater comes and confesses to his/her spouse, the likelihood of that marriage ending is much lower. This is an interesting data in terms of studies."

Do women cheat more or men?

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Dr. Mahir Yeşildal concluded his words as follows:

"In fact, men seem to cheat more. Social acceptance is also a bit in this direction. What men do is normalized in society and it is thought that men cheat more. However, this is not the case. Especially in recent years, women's gaining economic freedom has led to an increase in self-confidence, and according to a study conducted in couples under the age of 40, the rates of men and women cheating on their spouses are now very close to each other."

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At30 April 2019
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