Craving for things in consumption addiction

Craving for things in consumption addiction

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Experts define consumption addiction, which can occur in almost every segment of society, as one of the impulsive disorders. Pointing out that consumption addiction is similar to substance addiction, Psychiatrist Alper Evrensel says that the person here craves the object. The object acquired by the person loses its appeal in a short time and then he/she desires to replace it with a new one. This turns into a vicious cycle.

NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Dr. Alper Evrensel said that consumption addiction is one of the impulsive disorders.

Shopping without need; consumption addiction

"Consumption addiction is a type of impulse control disorder," said Dr. Alper Evrensel: "As human beings grow from infancy to childhood, adolescence and adulthood, they have impulses that they can control for each period. For example, the human baby learns to control the urge to go to the toilet at the age of 1-2. People who have difficulty in determining the limits of consumption and who have the desire to buy things just for the sake of consumption even though they do not need them can be called consumption addicts. This is a situation that can be seen in people who have grown into adulthood but still retain their childish characteristics. Consumption is essentially the nature of a child."

Craving for things in consumption addiction

Noting that consumption addiction has similarities with substance addiction, Dr. Alper Evrensel said: "We can compare consumption addiction with substance addiction both literally and figuratively. In real terms, there is an irresistible desire for matter, material things. Things are craved. Every newly acquired object soon loses its charm and becomes old. Every outdated object needs to be replaced with a new one. This cycle continues in this way. Figuratively speaking, there is a kind of substance addiction. The more you have access to the substance, the more tolerance develops and the more you want it. This situation results in a spiritual death, if not a material one."

Underlying causes should be investigated

Noting that in order to treat consumption addiction, this situation must first be accepted, Dr. Alper Evrensel said: "In order to solve a problem, it must first be accepted that there is a problem. Unfortunately, addicts do not see themselves as addicts. If there is a mental illness such as depression underlying the addiction, medication and therapy should be applied for this illness. Therapies often play a very important role in the maturation of raw personalities. It is like a sapling being duly pruned by a skillful gardener to grow into a fruitful fruit tree."

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At14 January 2020
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