Alcohol addiction starts with social drinking

Alcohol addiction starts with social drinking

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Alkol bağımlılığı, başlangıçta sosyal içme şeklinde olsa bile, artan alkol tüketimiyle ortaya çıkar. Uzmanlar, alkol bağımlılığının bir beyin hastalığı olduğunu belirterek, dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu (DEHB) ve panik bozukluk gibi anksiyete bozukluklarının alkol bağımlılığı için risk faktörü olduğunu vurguluyor. Belirli bir miktarın üzerindeki alkol tüketiminin yaklaşık 60 akut ve kronik sağlık problemiyle ilişkili olduğu belirtiliyor. Alkol bağımlılığı, beyindeki bağımlılık bölgesinde dopamin gibi kimyasalların etkisiyle oluşan bir beyin hastalığıdır; bu hastalık geliştikten sonra dopamin miktarı giderek artar ve kişi içmeyi kontrol edemez. Aile öyküsünde alkol bağımlılığı veya başka bağımlılıkların olması, DEHB ve stresle başa çıkma güçlüğü de risk faktörleri arasında yer alır. Kadınlarda bağımlılık daha hızlı gelişir ve mide küçültme ameliyatları sonrasında bağımlılık gelişimi görülebilir. Tedavi yöntemleri arasında beyni hedef alan manyetik stimülasyon terapileri, istek azaltıcı ve tiksinti ilaçları, aile terapileri ve implant (çip) tedavileri bulunur.

Increasing alcohol consumption, which was initially in the form of 'social drinking', brings along addiction. Stating that alcohol addiction is a brain disease, experts point out that anxiety disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and panic disorder are risk factors for alcohol addiction. According to experts, alcohol consumption above a certain amount is associated with about 60 acute and chronic health problems.


Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gül Eryılmaz made important evaluations about alcohol addiction.

Social drinking turns into addiction

"When alcohol addiction is mentioned, people who drink alcohol starting in the morning usually come to mind. Patients have difficulty in accepting it by saying 'I am not addicted to alcohol, I drink from evening to evening, I will not harm anyone'," said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gül Eryılmaz and added: "It can be defined as the gradual increase in alcohol intake, which was initially social drinking, and the desire to take alcohol when not drinking alcohol or withdrawal symptoms, unsuccessful quit attempts, social and family problems and alcohol intake despite these."

Alcohol addiction is a brain disease

Prof. Dr. Gül Eryılmaz said, "Consumption of alcohol above a certain amount has been reported to be associated with about 60 acute and chronic health problems. It has been calculated that a total of 13,435 deaths would be prevented by preventing alcohol consumption."

"Alcohol addiction is a brain disease. It is a brain disease caused by the effect of some chemicals such as dopamine in the addiction area of the brain. After this disease develops, the amount of dopamine gradually increases and the person cannot prevent it. They cannot control drinking alcohol. When it touches the mouth, the brain forgets the promises made or the damage done before. The brain almost short-circuits and organizes emotions, thoughts and behaviors to get alcohol.

The vicious circle is a characteristic of alcohol addiction

Alcohol, which at first is good for sleep and panic, hand trembling, and anxiety, later insidiously disrupts sleep or increases panic attacks. In order to suppress these, the person drinks more and more alcohol. This vicious cycle is a characteristic of the disease.

Beware if alcohol addiction runs in the family!

If alcohol addiction runs in your family genetically, you may be a ticking time bomb. This is a risk factor. Moreover, not only alcohol addiction in your family, but also any addiction in your family increases the risk.

ADHD is a risk factor for addictions!

Anxiety disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and panic disorder are also considered risk factors. If you or your family members have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, you are at risk for all kinds of addiction. Care should be taken. In addition, difficulties in coping with stress and a high need for relaxation may cause the amount of alcohol to increase gradually.


Smoking also triggers other addictions!

Smoking is another risk factor in the studies conducted. It is stated that those who are addicted to smoking may be at risk of using other substances. In general, it is stated that smokers are more likely to experiment with and use alcohol and substances."

Addiction develops faster in women

Stating that women are more easily exposed to substance effects due to biological reasons, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gül Eryılmaz,

"The emergence of activity even at low doses poses a risk for addiction. While the frequency of substance and alcohol use is higher in men than in women, women develop addiction much faster than men, even though they use substances in lower amounts and for a shorter period of time. In addition, due to changes in women's social roles, gaining economic freedom, changing socioeconomic and cultural structures, the rate of accessibility of substances is close to the rate of accessibility of the male gender. There is a strong relationship between women's trauma and substance use. There is a strong relationship between women being exposed to sexual and physical abuse more than men and women's substance use. Women tend to use cigarettes and alcohol for reasons such as increasing their confidence, reducing tension, coping with their problems, and reducing pressures."

Addiction may develop after stomach reduction surgeries

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gül Eryılmaz said, "Today, stomach reduction surgery methods are increasingly used in the treatment of obesity. Psychiatric complications can be seen after surgery," she said and concluded her words as follows:

"After successful weight loss surgeries, clinicians have reported that some patients stop overeating and may develop alcohol, substance or behavioral addiction instead. This phenomenon is called addiction transfer.

New developments in treatment

In the treatment of alcohol addiction, there are treatments that are applied to the brain, such as magnetic stimulation therapies, as well as craving-reducing and aversion medication treatments. There are also network treatments such as family treatments and implant (chip) treatments."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At25 October 2022
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