What is Computer and Gaming Addiction?

What is Computer and Gaming Addiction?

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Bilgisayar bağımlılığı, uygunsuz davranışlarla bağlantılı bir davranışsal bağımlılık ve teknoloji bağımlılığı olarak adlandırılır ve internet bağımlılığının bir alt başlığı olarak kabul edilir. Bilgisayar oyunları, beyinde uyuşturucu veya alkole benzer değişikliklere neden olarak ödül ve mutluluk duygularına yol açar. Bilgisayarda çok fazla zaman geçirmek ve oyun oynamak, bireyi olumsuz etkileyen birçok zihinsel ve fiziksel duruma yol açar. Belirtiler arasında okul veya iş hayatında başarısızlık, sürekli uyuşukluk, aşırı yeme, kişisel hijyene dikkat etmeme, sürekli kilo alma, yeme bozuklukları, ruh hali bozukluğu, bilgisayardan kalkmamak için bahaneler bulma ve bilgisayar kapatıldığında olumsuz ruh hali değişimi yer alır. Ayrıca sinirlilik veya aşırı terleme gibi yoksunluk belirtileri de yaygındır. Bağımlılığın nedenleri arasında gerçek hayattaki ihtiyaçların bilgisayar aracılığıyla karşılanması, çevreden soyutlanma, iletişim sorunları, içe dönüklük, teknolojiyi uygun şekilde kullanmayan insanlara imrenme ve sürekli onay ihtiyacı yer almaktadır. Çocukluk ve ergenlik dönemlerinde uyum sorunları bilgisayar bağımlılığını artırabilir. Tedavi yöntemleri arasında bilişsel davranışçı terapi (BDT), grup veya aile terapisi, sanat terapisi, rekreasyon terapisi ve gerçeklik terapisi yer alır. Ebeveynler çocuklarını desteklemeli, bilgisayar kullanım süresini takip etmeli ve çocukların daha aktif bir yaşam sürmelerini sağlamalıdır.

The computer is one of the most effective tools of today's technologies and is becoming an integral part of our lives day by day. However, while computer use facilitates daily life, it also paves the way for various problems. When the time spent playing computer games, online shopping or spending time on the internet reaches advanced levels, it can become harmful, just like smoking or alcohol addiction. The potential for computer and gaming addiction can be caused by many factors such as the reality created in virtual worlds, reward systems, easy socialization and the ability to get things quickly, and this affects children and young people the most. Therefore, a choice must be made between proper computer use and computer addiction.

Computer addiction is referred to as a behavioral addiction and is a technology addiction linked to inappropriate behavior. It is also considered as a sub-heading of internet addiction. Computer games have recently become a part of societies. Playing games and watching videos produces differences in the brain similar to drugs or alcohol, leading to feelings of reward and happiness. Spending too much time on the computer and playing games invites many mental and physical conditions that affect the individual in a bad way.

What are the symptoms of computer and gaming addiction?

If the individual spends too much time on the computer in his/her daily life and if this time isolates the person from his/her social life, work and environment, he/she is called addicted . When computer games have a strong influence on the daily life of the person concerned, people are considered addicted. Computer addiction creates a desire to play games and spend more time on the computer depending on the pleasure obtained in the game or in the videos watched, and the addiction grows. We can list the symptoms of computer addiction as follows;

  • Failure in school or work life
  • Persistent sleepiness
  • Overeating
  • Not taking care of personal hygiene
  • Continuous weight gain
  • Eating disorders
  • Mood disorder
  • Finding excuses not to get up from the computer
  • Negative mood change when the computer is turned off

It is also common to experience withdrawal symptoms such as irritability or excessive sweating. However, the opportunities to find friends, plan activities, play games and socialize in the virtual world attract people. In addition, young people in school spend a lot of time in front of the computer, which adversely affects their physical, personal and social development. Other causes of computer addiction can be listed as follows;

  • The addicted person obtains his/her needs such as games and activities in real life through the computer
  • The child or adolescent isolates himself/herself from his/her environment
  • Problems communicating
  • Introversion
  • Envying people who do not use technology appropriately
  • Constant need for validation

Children or adolescents are in search of identity during these periods. Therefore, computer addiction emerges as a risk factor in adolescence. In addition, adjustment problems in childhood and adolescence can lead to an increase in computer addiction. Many studies have been conducted on computer addiction. According to these studies, children and adolescents have been identified as a risk group. Therefore, computer use should be more controlled during these periods.

How to quit computer and game addiction?

If children or adolescents are faced with situations such as spending too much time on the computer, not being able to adapt to daily life, showing excessive reactions when the computer is taken away and therefore not being able to feed themselves, it may be useful to get support from a psychologist, pedagogue or a psychiatrist. Computer addiction treatment methods can be listed as follows;

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Group or family therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Recreation therapy
  • Reality therapy

Parents should also support their children in this regard. Some follow-up notes can be taken to measure the time the child or adolescent spends using the computer. The parent should guide the child and regulate the amount of time they spend on the internet, making sure that the child or adolescent takes a more active role in life. Parents should decide at what age children should use these technological devices.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At27 July 2022
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