What is Technology Addiction and What are the Causes?

What is Technology Addiction and What are the Causes?

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Teknoloji bağımlılığı, bireylerin çoğu zamanlarını telefonlar, bilgisayarlar ve benzeri teknolojik cihazlarla geçirdikleri bir bozukluktur. Bağımlı olan birey bu durumdan rahatsız olmaz ve bağımlılıktan kolayca kurtulamaz; aksine, bağımlılıkları artar ve teknolojiye daha yatkın hale gelirler. Bu durum birçok probleme yol açar. İnternet kullanımında kontrol kaybı yaşayan kişilerde kötüye kullanım ve bağımlılık gelişebilir. Bilgisayar ve internet ortamının fizyolojik olarak bağımlılık yaptığı kesinleşmiştir. Teknoloji bağımlılığı, fiziksel ve ruhsal sağlık açısından bireyi olumsuz etkiler ve aile, okul, iş ve sosyal yaşamda sorunlara neden olur. Bağımlılığın sebepleri kişiden kişiye değişir; genetik, biyolojik, psikolojik ve sosyal faktörler ile internetin sunduğu sınırsız olanaklar etkilidir. Teknoloji bağımlılığının semptomları arasında aşırı internet kullanımı, bilgisayar başında geç saatlere kadar kalma, cihazdan uzaklaşırken boşluk hissi, çevrimiçi olmak için yemek yemeyi, dinlenmeyi ve arkadaşlarla vakit geçirmeyi feda etme, teknoloji kullanım süresini düzenleyememe, depresyon, stres ve gerginlik yer alır. Tedavide altta yatan psikolojik faktörler belirlenip tedavi edilir; farmakoterapi ve psikoterapi, özellikle bilişsel davranışçı terapi kullanılır.

Technology addiction is one of the biggest problems of our age. Technology addiction is a dangerous condition seen in all age groups. Individuals with this addiction spend most of their time on technological devices. People who are addicted choose to postpone many of their daily tasks and have no social life. The causes of technology addiction may vary from person to person. This addiction can be seen in different areas. Since technology addiction negatively affects the person and his/her environment, this situation should end as soon as possible. Examining the psychiatric problems underlying addictive behavior will make a great contribution to determining the treatment template.

What is Technology Addiction?

Technology addiction is a disorder in which individuals spend most of their time with phones, computers and many similar technological devices. The individual who is addicted to technology is not disturbed by this situation and cannot easily quit this addiction. On the contrary, these individuals develop more addiction and become prone to technology. This situation causes many problems.
Abuse and addiction can develop when the person loses control in using the internet. It is now certain that computer and internet environment is physiologically addictive.
Technology addiction negatively affects the individual in terms of physical and mental health and subsequently causes problems in family, school, work and social life. In technology addiction, it can be said that the related behavior has addictive stimulating and reinforcing features.
It is a disease that starts with individuals losing control over the internet, causes pathological disorders in time and needs to be treated with a specialist. When the internet is used consciously, it serves the purpose of facilitating human life. Today, with the developing technology, many changes, developments and conveniences have been provided in our lives.

What are the Causes of Technology Addiction?

The causes of technology addiction may vary from person to person. There may be many reasons for a person to become addicted to technology, it is not correct to talk about a single reason in this process. As seen in many different types of addiction, genetic, biological, psychological, psychological, social factors and the unlimited possibilities offered by the internet are among the reasons that develop addiction in technology addiction. Technology addiction can occur at any age and in any gender. It is 2-3 times more likely to occur in men than in women. While women spend time in chat programs and reading on the internet, men prefer games such as war, violence and sports.
The probability of technology addiction in society is 1.8%. This proves that there is technology addiction and prepares the way for its treatment.
Technology addiction can cause or contribute to many diseases. For example, an individual who spends a lot of time on the Internet may develop depression and social phobia. Or an individual with such pathological disorders may turn to the internet and spend more time and turn this situation into addiction.

What are the Symptoms of Technology Addiction?

The following factors are generally seen in the emergence of technology addiction.
When technology addiction is examined, criteria related to internet use have been established. If 5 of these criteria are present in the individual, it is thought to be pathological internet addiction.

  • Spending too many hours consciously or unconsciously
  • Staying on the computer late at night
  • Feeling empty when away from the computer or phone
  • Sacrificing eating, resting, and spending time with friends in order to go online
  • Not being able to regulate the time of technology use
  • Experiencing depression, stress and tension due to technology use
  • Enjoying only digital devices
  • Lying to family and friends about the duration of use

In general, loss of control is at the root of all these symptoms of technology addiction. Loss of control is the basis of addiction.

What is the Treatment Method for Technology Addiction?

Psychological factors often play a role in technology addiction. Therefore, the treatment goal is to first identify the underlying psychological factors and treat these points. Pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy are used in this context. Especially cognitive behavioral therapy is widely used in technology addiction.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At07 October 2021
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