Conditioning triggers addiction!

Conditioning triggers addiction!

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2016 TUIK verilerine göre 15 yaş üstü nüfusun %26,5'i her gün tütün ürünü kullanmaktadır. Uzmanlar, sigara bağımlılığında insanların zamanla ortaya çıkabilecek sorunları görmezden gelerek kullanmaya devam ettiğini, bağımlılığı etkileyen faktörlerden birinin şartlandırma olduğunu ve "Sigara sakinleştirir, çay ve kahve ile sigara" gibi ifadelerin sigara başlatma ve sürdürme üzerinde etkili olduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Sigarayı bırakma aşamasındaki kişilerin bu süreçte uzman desteği alması büyük önem taşımaktadır. Sigaranın beyindeki etkileri ne kadar hızlı gelişirse, bağımlılık o kadar hızlı gelişir; sigaralar bu anlamda birçok bağımlılık yapan maddeden daha hızlı etki eder ve bu, sigara bağımlılığının gelişmesinde önemli bir rol oynar. Kısa vadede zarar görmeyen kişiler sigarayı bırakmak istemeyebilir; bu nedenle insanlar kısa vadede kendilerinde önemli bir zarar görmedikleri için uzun vadede yaşayabilecekleri olumsuzlukları göz ardı edebilir ve olası uzun vadeli olumsuzluklara göre kısa vadeli zevki tercih edebilirler. Sigara bağımlılığı, diğer bağımlılık türleri gibi tedavi edilebilir bir hastalıktır; tedavinin amacı, kişiyi bağımlılığı hakkında bilgilendirmek, sigaranın zararları hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak, sigara özlemiyle başa çıkma yöntemlerini uygulamak, stres ve olumsuz duygularla başa çıkma yöntemleri geliştirmek ve uzun vadede tekrarlamayı önlemektir. Sigara bırakma aşamasında uzman desteği almak, hem daha sağlıklı ve rahat bir sigara bırakma süreci için hem de tekrarlamaları önlemek için önemlidir. Nargile, sigara gibi bağımlılık yapıcı ve sağlığa zararlıdır; bilimsel çalışmalar, nargilenin sağlık risklerinin sigaranın sağlık risklerinden daha fazla olduğunu göstermektedir. Elektronik nargile aslında bir elektronik sigaradır ve tütün, ister sigara, ister nargile, ister elektronik sigara veya elektronik nargile şeklinde olsun, hepsinin sağlığa çok olumsuz etkileri vardır ve bağımlılık yapar.

According to 2016 TUIK data, 26.5 percent of the population over the age of 15 uses tobacco products every day. Stating that in cigarette addiction, people continue to use by ignoring the problems that may occur over time, experts state that one of the factors affecting addiction is conditioning and underline that expressions such as "Smoking calms down, smoking with tea and coffee" etc. affect starting and maintaining smoking. It is of great importance that people in the smoking cessation phase receive expert support in this process.

Every year, the third Wednesday of November is celebrated as World COPD Day. Specialist Clinical Psychologist Simge Alevsaçanlar Cücü from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital made important evaluations about smoking addiction.

Simge Alevsaçanlar Cücü said, "The faster the effects of a substance on the brain develop, the faster the development of addiction" and stated that cigarettes act faster than many addictive substances in this sense and this plays an important role in the development of smoking addiction.

Conditioning triggers addiction!

Stating that one of the factors affecting the start of smoking and addiction is "conditioning", Cücü said, '''Smoking weakens, smoking calms, smoking facilitates digestion, smoking increases concentration, smoking with tea and coffee'', etc. expressions affect the start and continuation of smoking. In addition, ease of access and transportation to cigarettes, weakness or inadequacy of cigarette control laws, insufficient health warnings, being affordable, smoking at home-workplace-school, public places, etc. situations such as social, cultural and economic factors, stress factors, social learning factors that support smoking also play an important role in the development and prevalence of smoking addiction."


People who are not harmed in the short term do not want to quit smoking!

"Smoking addiction, as a form of addiction, causes relatively fewer problems in the short term in social, economic, legal or psychological areas compared to other forms of addiction," said Cücü,

"Therefore, since people do not see any significant harm on themselves in the short term, they may ignore the negativities they may experience in the long term and prefer short-term pleasure to possible long-term negativities. When we look at Turkey's averages; According to 2016 TUIK data, 26.5 percent of the population over the age of 15 uses tobacco products every day. This rate was 27.3 in 2014, 23.2 in 2012 and 25.4 in 2010. There has been a 0.8% decrease in cigarette use in the last two years. In 2014, people who had never smoked tobacco products before constituted 49.8 percent of the population over the age of 15, while in 2016, the rate of those who had never used tobacco products increased to 56.5 percent."

Smoking addiction can be treated!

Stating that smoking addiction is a treatable disease just like other types of addiction, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Simge Alevsaçanlar Cücü said, "The aim of the treatment of smoking addiction is to inform the person about his addiction, to be informed about the harms of smoking, to apply methods of coping with cigarette cravings, to develop methods of coping with stress and negative emotions and to prevent relapse in the long term."

"Different approaches and methods are applied in the treatment of smoking addiction. It is not possible to talk about a single beneficial way. The treatment to be applied is shaped by the person's expectations, the person's history of use, coping resources, etc.

Get expert support during the smoking cessation phase!

In the treatment of smoking addiction, symptomatic treatments for withdrawal and other symptoms that occur when smoking is stopped, drug treatments and psychotherapies that reduce the desire to smoke are important. It is known that 36 million people in the USA, 8 million in France and 1 million in Switzerland have quit smoking as a result of the measures taken against smoking and educational programs. Getting expert support during the smoking cessation phase is important both for a healthier and more comfortable smoking cessation process and for preventing relapses."


Hookahs are more harmful to health than cigarettes!

"Hookah is one of the different ways of using tobacco. Hookah, like cigarettes, has an addictive effect and is harmful to health." Simge Alevsaçanlar Cücü said, "Hookah smoke contains basically 3 substances: nicotine, tar and heavy metals (arsenic, chromium, lead, etc.). Studies have found that hookah smoking contains much more nicotine, tar and heavy metals compared to smoking a single cigarette."

"Scientific studies indicate that the health hazards of hookah are more than the health hazards of cigarettes. Some of these harms are lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory failure, COPD, gum diseases, esophageal cancer, oral cancer, bladder cancer, bronchitis, ulcers, various infections. In addition, when used jointly; it can cause infectious infections such as hepatitis C, tuberculosis, AIDS caused by the HIV virus, oral tumors, herpes.

"Electronic hookah is a type of electronic cigarette"

For similar reasons to the production of electronic cigarettes, electronic hookahs are now also offered for sale and find buyers. Electronic hookah is actually an electronic cigarette. The two products may differ in terms of the liquid used in it and the atomizer parts that turn the liquid into steam. Due to this structural difference, e-hookah can produce more smoke than e-cigarettes. This means that we take more harmful substances into our body. As a result; whether tobacco is smoked in the form of cigarettes, hookah, e-cigarettes or e-hookah, it can be said that all of them have very negative effects on health and are addictive."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 November 2018
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