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Addiction Treatment

After the patient is evaluated by the psychiatrist, some psychological and neurological tests are performed. After the patient is diagnosed with addiction, he or she is evaluated psychologically and then interviewed. After making assessments of the patient’s condition, clinical treatment is initiated in case his condition allows so.

Addiction treatment should contain the following characteristics to be effective:

Patient diagnosis

Making sure the patient is ready for treatment

Developing a treatment plan 

Making a psychosocial plan for treatment

Evaluating side effects and risks of treatment

Having medical diagnosis of existing symptoms from the concerned departments

Knowing the patient's story

Making physical examination of the patient

Examinating  mental state 

Conducting medical analysis 

Making psychological assessment

Addiction treatment and cleaning the body from drugs

In addiction treatment, it is important to clean the body from the leftovers of drugs and alcohol. Early detection and immediate treatment make recovery easier for the patient. In addition to that, it is necessary to clean the body especially for patients who have severe addiction as they are given some medications that help them recover and which may have its side effects.

The first examination should consist of objective survey tools, laboratory assessment and interview. If addiction is diagnosed in initial evaluation, further detailed analysis is required. 

Treatment in the Addiction Clinic is made on the basis of a special treatment program that is made for each patient

In addition, we should know the substance consumed as well as its psychological and physical impacts and we should also know that addiction, like any other chronic disease, will not heal quickly.

In addiction treatment, the Word change means the patient’s ability to control the crave , carry on his life in the normal way, the ability to face negative emotions without escaping to drugs or alcohol and also the ability to handle stress and negative emotions.

Stages that the addict goes through

Like other chronic diseases, addiction can not be fully healed that is why the terms of treatment, change or evaluation are better to be used at the place of the term recovery.

The Word change here means the person having stopped doing drugs and been able to control crave. Inorder to carry on his life, the addict should face his problems without depending on drugs and alcohol, and he should also develop his abilities to deal with stress and negative emotions.

It is important for him to know the reasons behind and the elements that have contributed in addiction inorder to be able to face them properly without depending on drugs and alcohol. But in case therapy is interrupted, it can make the addict more addicted than he used to be and thus gets into the same old troubles.

Signs of recovery differ from one person to another and from a treatment phase to another.

Deprivation (withdrawal) phase (0-1 month) :

This is the hardest phase for the addict as he faces a lot of physical and psychological problems, so it is mostly characterised by mood swings.

Excitement phase (1-3 months) :

After the first month, the feeling of deprivation goes away and the patient starts to have less crave, which indicates that the patient is getting better so he feels as if addiction is now gone. During this phase, the patient starts feeling good as a lot of thing change for him especially when he resumes his Daily organised life and gets back to his old relations.

Boredom  phase (3-6 months) :

By the end of the third month, because of the organised life he has now, the patient starts to feel bored, tired and depressed, which might lead him to lose the excitement he used to have. After that, he starts missing the previous life and here we should understand his position and give him the enough support and help.

The new life phase (After 6 months) :

The patient goes through mood swings during the first six months but soon after he starts having new life style as he makes some new friends and starts to gets entertained easily.

After the patient is evaluated by the psychiatrist, some psychological and neurological tests are performed. After the patient is diagnosed with addiction, he or she is evaluated psychologically and then interviewed. After making assessments of the patient’s condition, clinical treatment is initiated in case his condition allows so.

Addiction treatment should contain the following characteristics to be effective:

Patient diagnosis

Making sure the patient is ready for treatment

Developing a treatment plan

 Making a psychosocial plan for treatment

 Evaluating side effects and risks of treatment

 Having medical diagnosis of existing symptoms from the concerned departments

 Knowing the patient's story

 Making physical examination of the patient

 Examinating  mental state

 Conducting medical analysis

 Making psychological assessment

Addiction treatment and cleaning the body from drugs

In addiction treatment, it is important to clean the body from the leftovers of drugs and alcohol. Early detection and immediate treatment make recovery easier for the patient. In addition to that, it is necessary to clean the body especially for patients who have severe addiction as they are given some medications that help them recover and which may have its side effects.

The first examination should consist of objective survey tools, laboratory assessment and interview. If addiction is diagnosed in initial evaluation, further detailed analysis is required.

 Treatment in the Addiction Clinic is made on the basis of a special treatment program that is made for each patient

In addition, we should know the substance consumed as well as its psychological and physical impacts and we should also know that addiction, like any other chronic disease, will not heal quickly.

In addiction treatment, the Word change means the patient’s ability to control the crave , carry on his life in the normal way, the ability to face negative emotions without escaping to drugs or alcohol and also the ability to handle stress and negative emotions.

Stages that the addict goes through

Like other chronic diseases, addiction can not be fully healed that is why the terms of treatment, change or evaluation are better to be used at the place of the term recovery.

The Word change here means the person having stopped doing drugs and been able to control crave. Inorder to carry on his life, the addict should face his problems without depending on drugs and alcohol, and he should also develop his abilities to deal with stress and negative emotions.

It is important for him to know the reasons behind and the elements that have contributed in addiction inorder to be able to face them properly without depending on drugs and alcohol. But in case therapy is interrupted, it can make the addict more addicted than he used to be and thus gets into the same old troubles.

Signs of recovery differ from one person to another and from a treatment phase to another.

Deprivation (withdrawal) phase (0-1 month) :

This is the hardest phase for the addict as he faces a lot of physical and psychological problems, so it is mostly characterised by mood swings.

Excitement phase (1-3 months) :

After the first month, the feeling of deprivation goes away and the patient starts to have less crave, which indicates that the patient is getting better so he feels as if addiction is now gone. During this phase, the patient starts feeling good as a lot of thing change for him especially when he resumes his Daily organised life and gets back to his old relations.

Boredom  phase (3-6 months) :

By the end of the third month, because of the organised life he has now, the patient starts to feel bored, tired and depressed, which might lead him to lose the excitement he used to have. After that, he starts missing the previous life and here we should understand his position and give him the enough support and help.

The new life phase (After 6 months) :

The patient goes through mood swings during the first six months but soon after he starts having new life style as he makes some new friends and starts to gets entertained easily.


Yayınlama Tarihi:
02 Temmuz 2019
Güncelleme Tarihi:
18 Ekim 2021