Addiction should be considered a disease, not a shame

Addiction should be considered a disease, not a shame

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Uzmanlar, bağımlılığın utanılacak bir şey olmadığını, beyin hastalığı olarak kabul edilmesi gerektiğini vurguluyor. Madde bağımlılığının bazı belirtilerle tanınabileceğini belirten uzmanlar, "uyku ve çalışma saatleri, okul düzeni, para harcama alışkanlıkları gibi günlük yaşam alışkanlıklarının değiştiğini" uyarıyor. Bağımlılığın sadece madde bağımlılığı değil, aynı zamanda alkol ve davranışsal bağımlılık olarak da değerlendirilmesi gerektiğini belirten uzmanlar, alkol ve davranışsal bağımlılığın kumar veya farklı davranışsal bağımlılıkları da içerdiğini söylüyor. Kişiler zararlı olduğunu bilseler bile, günlük yaşamlarını olumsuz etkileyen bir şekilde kullanmaya devam ediyorlar ve sağlık üzerindeki etkisiyle hastalık olarak adlandırılan durum ortaya çıkıyor. Bazı hastalar durumlarından şikayetçi değilken, aileleri tarafından tedavi için başvuruda bulunuyorlar. Bağımlılık belirtileri arasında uyku ve çalışma saatlerinde, okul düzeninde ve para harcama alışkanlıklarında değişiklikler yer alıyor. Madde ve alkol kullanımı genellikle, özellikle genç hastalarda, merakla başlıyor. Merak korkudan ağır bastığında ilk kullanım gerçekleşiyor. Depresyon ve anksiyete gibi diğer ruhsal hastalıkları olan kişilerde, kendine ilaç verme çabasıyla madde ve alkol kullanımı ortaya çıkabilir. Türkiye'de yapılan araştırmalarda, ortaokul çağına kadar sigara, alkol ve madde kullanımının azaldığı, gençlerin risk altında olduğu belirtiliyor. Ek ruhsal hastalıkları olanlar, alkol ve madde kullanımı öyküsü olanlar da risk grubunda yer alıyor. Madde bağımlılığında miktar önemli değil, kişinin günlük ve sosyal hayatının nasıl etkilendiği önemli. Düşük kullanımın bile hastalık anlamına gelmemesi gerektiği, aşırı kullanımın ise kesinlikle risk oluşturduğu vurgulanıyor. Bağımlılık tedavi edilebilir bir beyin hastalığıdır ve profesyonel yardımla değerlendirilmesi gerekir.

The age of substance and alcohol use is decreasing in Turkey. Studies reveal that children are introduced to drugs and alcohol at the age of 13-14, which is defined as the middle school age.

Stating that addiction is not something to be ashamed of, experts emphasize that it should be considered as a brain disease. Pointing out that substance addiction can be recognized by some symptoms, experts warn, "Daily life habits such as sleep and working hours, school order, money spending habits change."
Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry and AMATEM Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alptekin Çetin made important evaluations about substance, alcohol and behavioral addictions.

They continue knowing they will be harmed

Stating that addiction should be evaluated not only as substance addiction but also as alcohol and behavioral addiction, Assist. Prof. Dr. Alptekin Çetin said, "At the same time, alcohol and behavioral addiction, which we call alcohol and behavioral addiction, can be gambling or different behavioral addictions are also included in this disease group. Although people know that they are harmed by such substances, alcohol, gambling or different behavioral problems, they continue and use them in a way that negatively affects their daily lives, and accordingly, the situation we call the disease emerges with the effect on their health."

Applications from the families of some patients

Çetin stated that some of the patients who apply do not have any complaints about the situation they are in and continued his words as follows:
"They think that they are not harmed by the substance they have used, alcohol. Sometimes they are asked to come to the doctor and apply for a treatment by their relatives, not by themselves. Some patients also realize that they have been harmed by the substance they use. They may have complaints such as their daily lives being affected, their work and social lives being negatively affected, they have health problems, they have to go to the hospital because of such problems, they have financial problems because of the substance they use or gambling. Sometimes, since patients do not have what we call insight, they are not themselves, but their spouses, siblings, parents or children come to the hospital. They can come with their relatives or they say that they have a relative and they apply by saying that they have such a problem."

Addiction symptoms can be recognized

Stating that addiction should not be limited to children, Çetin continued his words as follows:

"The addicted person can be a spouse, sibling or parent. While the disease we call addiction emerges with the use of drugs and alcohol, some changes occur in the behavior and life of the person. Some of them may attract the attention of the family and be noticed. Daily life habits such as sleeping and working hours, school routine, money spending habits change. For example, we often hear from parents that their children have spent a lot of money in recent months. Spending money is manifested in the form of substance abuse, alcohol abuse. If there is a gambling problem, this financial problem comes to the fore more. The person starts asking for a loan from the environment or takes out a loan. In their daily life, they start to withdraw more, whereas before they spent more time with their family and friends. Families think that their patients start spending more time with friends who are suspected of substance abuse. There is a decline in school organization and school success. Problems such as going to work late, leaving work before working hours and decreased performance are shared with us by families."

Curiosity is an important factor in addiction

Pointing out that substance and alcohol use usually starts with curiosity, especially in young patients, Çetin said: "There is a curiosity about what effect the substance that will be used or has been used will have on me. On the one hand they are afraid and on the other hand they are curious. There is actually a scale in the mind. There are fears on one side of that scale and curiosity on the other. Whenever curiosity outweighs, then the first use emerges. Often, substance and usually alcohol use starts with curiosity by seeing them in the company of friends. Patients sometimes have other mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. Depending on these mental illnesses, substance and alcohol use may occur in an effort to self-medicate. If a person with anxiety cannot sleep at night, they try to sleep by drinking alcohol, or if a person with attention problems sees that their attention increases with substance use, substance use increases."

Young people are at risk

Çetin defined the patient groups at risk for substance and alcohol addiction as follows:

"As we have seen in the researches conducted in Turkey, smoking, alcohol and substance use has decreased until the age of 13-14, which we call middle school age. Our young people are definitely at risk. People with additional mental illnesses, depression, anxiety, mood disorders and schizophrenia are also at risk for substance and alcohol use. People with a history of alcohol and substance abuse are also considered to be in the risk group. Use can start at older ages, but we know that the risk increases more in young people."

Functionality is more important than quantity

Stating that there are varying amounts of alcohol use for men and women, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çetin said, "In substance addiction, the amount is not important. The issue we focus on is functionality, that is, we look at how the person's daily and social life is affected. There can be serious effects in daily life with very little use. Low use should not mean that it is not a disease. Too much use definitely poses a risk. It needs to be evaluated in daily life."

Addiction is a treatable brain disease

Referring to the treatment of drug, alcohol and gambling addiction, Psychiatry and AMATEM Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alptekin Çetin concluded his words as follows
"It has changed in recent years, but intense concerns about addiction sometimes cause this disease to be considered as a taboo, that is, not to talk about it, to hide it in the family, sometimes only the mother hears it and hides it from the father, the person with addiction cannot explain it to his spouse and the disease progresses. In order to assess the disease, it is necessary to talk about it within the family and then with a professional team. It should never be forgotten that addiction is not a sin or a shame, but a serious brain disease that develops over the years and must be evaluated with professional help. In order to evaluate the brain disease, it is necessary to talk and get support."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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