The oldest raw material in human history: Hemp

The oldest raw material in human history: Hemp

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Kenevir, 25.000'den fazla kullanım alanı bulunan ve en eski hammadde bitkilerinden biri olarak bilinen çok yönlü bir bitkidir. Gıda, içecek, kozmetik, kişisel bakım ürünleri, gıda takviyeleri, ilaç, kumaş, kağıt ve inşaat malzemeleri gibi çok çeşitli alanlarda kullanılır. Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi AMATEM Koordinatörü Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz, devlet kontrolünde üretilmesi gündeme gelen kenevir bitkisi hakkında bilgi vererek, dişi kenevirde bulunan THC maddesinin esrar olarak kullanılmasının yasaklanmasının nedenlerinden biri olduğunu belirtti. Kenevirin üç türü vardır (Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica ve Cannabis ruderalis) ve esrar yapımında kullanılan tür Cannabis indica'dır. Endüstriyel kenevirin THC oranı %0,3'ün altında iken, esrar olarak kullanılan kenevirde bu oran %5-20 arasındadır. Kenevir, selüloz bakımından zengin olması ve oksijen üretimi nedeniyle çevre dostu bir alternatiftir. Çin, Kanada ve Avrupa ülkeleri kenevir üretiminde önde gelirken, ABD ise son yıllarda bu alanda büyük yatırımlar yapmaktadır. Ancak, kenevirin bağımlılık yapma riski göz önünde bulundurulmalı ve kötüye kullanımını önlemek için önlemler alınmalıdır.

Hemp, which has over 25 thousand uses today, is known as one of the oldest plants used as raw material. The most common uses of hemp include food, beverages, cosmetics, personal care, food supplements, medicine, fabric, paper and building materials. Stating that the reason for the prohibition of hemp is the use of the THC substance in female hemp as cannabis, Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz underlined that while trying to benefit from the benefits of the cannabis plant, measures should be taken against its abuse.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital AMATEM Coordinator Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz gave information about the cannabis plant, which is once again on the agenda to be produced under state control.

An environmentally friendly raw material: Hemp

Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz said, "Hemp is one of the oldest plants used as a raw material in the history of mankind, but it is known to have more than 25 thousand uses today." Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz said, "Especially the diversity of the usage areas of hemp oil and fibers and the need for alternative resources in the market make hemp popular and economically valuable. Food, beverage, cosmetics, personal care, food supplements, medicine, fabric, paper, building materials are among the most common uses of hemp. Its seeds are also used for fuel, food, soap and dye. Hemp has many uses and benefits. The main ones are that one acre of hemp is a very rich plant in cellulose that can provide pulp equivalent to 4 acres of trees. In addition, when compared in terms of the amount of oxygen it produces, 1 acre of hemp is equivalent to the amount of oxygen production of 25 acres of forest. Since it is more suitable for paper making than trees, it helps to protect forests."

Misinformation should be eliminated

Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz said, "It has been announced that hemp, which has started to regain its popularity due to its versatile opportunities and environmentalist structure, will be produced under state control in our country. Before the risks that this may bring, it is important to have sufficient knowledge about hemp and to eliminate misinformation."

There are three types of hemp

Stating that there are important differences between hemp produced under state control and hemp used as a drug, Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz gave the following information about hemp:

"Cannabis (Cannabis) is an annual plant belonging to the cannabaceae family. There are three species: cannabis sativa, cannabis indica and cannabis rudelasis. Cannabis sativa is the most widely known species. The type of cannabis used to make marijuana is cannabis indica. The plant is a female, sexual plant and requires permission from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to be grown in our country.

THC is a psychoactive substance

The cannabis plant contains two main chemicals, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol). THC is a psychoactive substance and is used as a narcotic. CBD, on the other hand, is non-psychoactive and can be used medicinally. Hemp used as a drug contains between 5% and 20% THC, while industrial hemp legally contains less than 0.3%. So they cannot be used for drug purposes. From this point of view, controlled production of hemp may not be directly harmful. However, it is thought that the increasing and widespread production of hemp may pose an indirect risk as it will make it difficult to detect those who produce illegally."

In which countries is hemp mostly used?

Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz stated that hemp is a global commercial substance and is widely produced especially in Asia, Europe and America. "China is the largest producer and exporter of hemp in the paper and fabric industry and continues to grow in this field. Canada, on the other hand, takes the lead in hemp seed products and shows a faster growth compared to China. In Europe, the use of hemp is more prominent in industrial fields such as automobiles and construction. Russia, the UK, Germany, France, Denmark, Denmark, Austria, Romania, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Ukraine and Hungary are among the countries where hemp production is known. The USA, on the other hand, has lagged behind countries such as Canada and China in this field, as it has changed its attitude towards hemp from time to time during different political periods, but in recent years, it has started to make large investments and support hemp research and production nationwide. From this point of view, it is seen that many states are in practice for the legal production of hemp."

Measures should be taken against the risk of addiction

"One of the main reasons for the prohibition of cannabis is that the THC (tetra-hydro-cannabinol) substance, which is found intensely in the upper part of female cannabis, is used as cannabis, which is a pleasurable and addictive substance," said Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz, stating that there are more than 461 different chemical components in the cannabis plant, and concluded her words as follows:

"There are misconceptions among the public that natural substances are not addictive. However, this is not true. According to research, cannabis use appears to be both physically and psychologically addictive. In a study, it was observed that 35% of cannabis users could not stop using cannabis even though they wanted to, 24% continued to use it even though it caused harm, 20% had difficulty in controlling their use, and 20% described withdrawal symptoms such as extreme restlessness and tension when they were not using. Therefore, while trying to benefit from the benefits of the plant, it would be appropriate to consider the risk of addiction due to misuse and misuse and to take precautions accordingly."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At18 January 2019
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