Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents

Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents

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Çocuk ve gençlerde madde bağımlılığı, sanayileşme, modernleşme ve kentleşmenin getirdiği algılardan kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu uzun süredir devam eden bir sorundur ve gençleri tehdit etmektedir. Çocuk ve gençlerin madde bağımlılığıyla başa çıkmak zorunda kaldıkları sorunların sayısı artmış, başa çıkma becerilerini azaltarak sağlıksız maddelerle destek ve denge sağlamaya çalışmış bireyler oluşturmuştur. Başlangıçta içsel sıkıntı ve kaygıyı azaltmak için kullanılırken, kısa süre içinde diğer tüm sorunlardan daha önemli hale gelir. Amaç, hiçbir madde kullanımının başlamamasını sağlamak, sağlık ve yaşam kalitesini iyileştirmek, gençlerin madde kullanmamalarından gurur duymalarını sağlamaktır. Ülkemizde yapılan çalışmalara göre gençlerin yarısından fazlası sigara deneyimi yaşamış, ömür boyu en az bir kez tütün kullananların oranı %16, alkol kullananların oranı %35-45, esrar kullananların oranı %4, uçucu madde kullananların oranı %4, ekstazi kullananların oranı ise %2-2,5'tir. Madde kullanımının başlamasındaki en belirgin neden "merak"tır. Biyolojik ve sosyal değişimlerden kaynaklanan stres, akran baskısı ve bir gruba ait olma isteği de önemli nedenlerdir. Madde kullanımı, artan madde kullanımı ve diğer suç davranışlarına yol açabilir. 12-18 yaşları arasındaki çocuk ve gençlerde madde kullanımı yaşla birlikte artar. Alkol veya diğer maddelerle deneyim artmaktadır. Alkol bağımlısı olan çocukların dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu (DEHB), muhalif karşıtlık bozukluğu (ODD), davranış bozukluğu (CD), depresyon ve anksiyete bozuklukları oranları daha yüksektir. Madde bağımlılığı olan çocuk ve gençlerde düşük öz saygı, depresyon, DEHB, anksiyete bozuklukları ve fiziksel-cinsel ve duygusal istismar gibi ruhsal hastalıklar gelişir. Okuldan uzaklaştırılma, devamsızlık, suç işleme, evden kaçma ve madde kullanan bir kardeşe sahip olma gibi durumlar da madde bağımlılığı oranlarını etkiler. Gece dışarı çıkan, özellikle müzik partilerine katılan ve geç saatlerde eve dönmeyen gençler riskli gruplardır. Arkadaşları madde kullanan çocuk ve gençlerin de madde bağımlılığı riski yüksektir. Belirtiler arasında uyku hali, ruhsal değişimler, hafıza kaybı, halüsinasyonlar, hobilere olan ilginin azalması, okul başarısındaki düşüş, yalan söyleme, hırsızlık, gizli konuşmalar, ani öfke, isyancılık ve içe kapanıklık yer alır. Tedavi üç ana yaklaşımı içerir: yoksunluk belirtileri, fiziksel ve ruhsal sorunlar için müdahale; ayık bir yaşam sürmeyi sağlamak için gerekli bilgi ve becerilerin geliştirilmesi; ve nüksetmeyi önlemek için psikoterapötik yaklaşımlar ve ilaç tedavilerinin kullanılması. Madde kullanımının önlenmesi için aileler çocuklarını sevgi ve şefkatle yetiştirmeli, tutarlı ve adil disiplin uygulamalı, düşüncelerini ve duygularını ifade etme fırsatı sağlamalı, istikrarlı bir aile ortamı sağlamalı, arkadaş çevrelerini yakından takip etmeli ve spor, edebiyat gibi hobiler geliştirmeleri teşvik etmelidirler.

Substance addiction in children and young people; The reason for addictions is the perceptions imposed by industrialization, modernization and urbanization.
This problem is not a new problem in our country and in the world. It is a long-standing problem and negatively affects children and young people. It has become a situation that threatens the young population and is a problem that must be prevented.

These perceptions have not always yielded the expected results or, even if they have yielded the desired results, they have isolated the individual.

While the number of problems that children and young people have to cope with in substance abuse has increased, it has led to the formation of individuals who reduce their coping skills and try to provide support and balance with unhealthy substances.

Substance abuse in children and youth has a wide spectrum extending into old age.
Substance abuse is initially used to reduce internal distress and anxiety caused by problems. However, after a very short period of time, it becomes more important than all other problems combined.

The aim in the fight against substance abuse in children and young people, which is an important public health problem;

  • To ensure that no substance use is initiated,
  • Improving health and quality of life,
  • To make the young person proud of themselves for not using substances,
  • In recent years, there has been an increase in the rate of substance abuse among children and young people in all European countries. In our country, the rates of substance abuse are low compared to many countries.

According to studies conducted among young people in our country;

  • More than half of them have smoking experience,
  • Lifetime tobacco use at least once 16%,
  • Lifetime alcohol use at least once 35-45
  • Cannabis use 4%,
  • Volatile substance use 4%,
  • Ecstasy use is given as 2-2.5%.

The most prominent reason for the onset of substance abuse in children and young people ''curiosity''.

Reducing the stress caused by biological and social changes, peer pressure and the desire to belong to a group are other important reasons for starting substance use.

Adolescence and youth is a period of biological, cognitive and social changes.

Regardless of the reason for the onset of substance abuse in children and young people, initiation of substance abuse can lead to increased substance use and other criminal behavior.

Substance abuse in children and young people, usually between the ages of 12 and 18, increases with age, as does experimentation with alcohol or other substances.

In general, screening studies have mainly targeted adolescent populations at high risk of developing problematic alcohol or substance use. These groups of adolescents are often absent from school, have depression or disruptive behavior, run away from home, and frequent bars, pubs and discos.
Children of parents with alcohol dependence are considered to be at high risk because alcohol dependence is a complex genetic disorder.
Children of alcohol addicts have higher rates of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD), depression and anxiety disorders compared to the control group.
Studies in children of alcohol addicts who were raised separately from their families have found 25% alcohol dependence in these children
Mental illnesses have an important place in the results of studies investigating the conditions that may be at risk for substance abuse in children and young people.

Psychiatric diseases also develop in children and young people with substance abuse. These include;

  • Low self-worth,
  • Depression
  • ADHD,
  • Anxiety disorders,
  • Physical-sexual and emotional abuse are at the forefront.

Conditions affecting addiction rates in children and young people;

  • Being suspended from school or receiving a license,
  • Truancy
  • Involvement in crime
  • Running away from home,
  • Having a sibling who abuses substances.

Young people who go out at night, especially for music parties, and do not return home until late hours are risky groups in terms of substance abuse in children and young people.
It is quite usual for children and young people whose friends abuse substances to have a high risk of substance abuse.

Symptoms of Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents

  • Sleep and drowsiness,
  • Spiritual changes,
  • Memory loss, hallucinations,
  • Lack of interest in hobbies,
  • Don't stay up too late,
  • Decline in school achievement,
  • Don't lie,
  • Theft
  • Cryptic and secretive conversations.
  • Quick anger,
  • Rebelliousness,
  • Introversion

The underlying causes of the above symptoms should be investigated. Sudden reactions to the person with symptoms may lead to a loss of trust in the parents.

Treatment of Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents

There are three main approaches to the treatment of substance abuse in children and young people. These are

  • Interventions are made for the patient's withdrawal symptoms, physical and mental problems. During this period, the patient and his/her relatives are educated about the problem.
  • The necessary knowledge and skills are developed to enable the patient to lead a sober life.

Psychotherapeutic approaches and drug treatments are utilized to prevent relapse.

Treatment Methods Applied in Our Center

Substance abuse treatment in children and adolescents includes two treatment models: medication and non-medication.
Increasing the motivation to end substance abuse in children and young people, teaching coping skills, increasing life support, increasing interpersonal functionality are the most commonly used basic strategies.

Ways to Prevent Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents

Families should be aware that adolescence and youth is a sensitive period, especially vulnerable to being influenced by peer behaviors, and should encourage young people to strengthen their personal development and individual talents, and increase their resistance to negative pressures from their peers.

What families should do to prevent substance abuse in children and young people;

  • Raise children with love and affection,
  • Consistent and fair discipline,
  • Give her the opportunity to express her thoughts and feelings,
  • A stable family atmosphere,
  • Monitoring their circle of friends closely,
  • To develop hobbies such as sports, literature, working in voluntary organizations.
CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At07 October 2021
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