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Mandala, Sanskrit kökenli bir kelime olup "enerjiyi içeren kap" anlamına gelir. Hindistan kökenli dinlerde mikro ve makro kozmosu temsil eden şekilleri ifade eder ve Jung'a göre bilinçaltının ifadesidir. Mandala boyama, sakinleştirici ve rahatlatıcı bir etkiye sahiptir, zihin ve ruh arasında bütünlük sağlar ve stresi azaltmaya yardımcı olur. Dikkat konsantrasyonunu artırır, sabır ve sakinlik geliştirir ve böylece ruhsal dinginliğe ulaşılmasını sağlar. Özellikle hiperaktif çocuklarda, karar verme, planlama, özgüven, sabır ve odaklanma gibi bilişsel fonksiyonları olumlu yönde etkiler. Ayrıca, sabırsızlık ve dürtüsellik gibi sorunları olan yetişkinlere ve ciddi fiziksel hastalıklardan kaynaklanan zihinsel sorunları olan bireylere de fayda sağlar. İş terapisi kapsamında stres yönetimi, dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite problemleri, öz farkındalık artışı, özgüven gelişimi, kendini ifade etme becerisi ve ince motor becerilerin geliştirilmesi için kullanılır. Grup çalışmaları sosyal etkileşimi artırırken, bütüncül keşif modellemeyi iyileştirir.

Mandala, mandala is a word of Sanskrit origin. It comes from the combination of the words manda (energy, essence) and la (container).

Based on the meaning stated in the definition above, we can say that mandala is 'the container that holds energy'. In religions originating in India, metaphysically or symbolically, the shapes that show the meta or micro cosmos are called mandala. Carl G. Jung says that the subconscious expresses itself through the mandala.

The Effect of Mandala Coloring on Psychology

  • Mandala painting has a calming and relaxing effect.
  • Mandala has both object and color harmony. This provides integration by appealing to both mind and soul.
  • In the hustle and bustle of daily life, mandala makes it easier to cope with stress.
  • It concentrates attention, helps to focus and prolongs attention span.
  • It teaches and develops patience and calmness.

Mandala calms the mind. It allows us to silence the voices and chaos that disturb us inside. With this relaxation, we tend to listen and understand what exists within us. Thus, we achieve spiritual serenity.

Which Psychiatric Conditions Painting Mandala Has a Positive Effect

Since mandala painting has a calming effect, it can have positive results in hyperactive children.

  • Especially children;
  • Decision making,
  • Planning,
  • Self-confidence,
  • Patience
  • Persistence,
  • It contributes positively to brain functions such as focus.

Mandala coloring can also make positive contributions to adults with impatient impulsivity. In coping with mental problems caused by severe physical illnesses, mandala coloring brings serenity and peace to the patient and helps the patient to spend the disease process more comfortably. It has an important place in art therapy due to its consciousness-enhancing feature.

Place of Mandalas in Occupational Therapy

The mandala has a stress-reducing and calming effect and is therefore used in occupational therapy for stress management in pediatric, adult and psychiatric patients. Mandala is a work that requires patience, so it can develop patience in individuals who are impatient and do not know how to wait.

Since mandala is a work that requires focus, it can be used in individuals with attention deficit and hyperactivity problems.

Mandala can be used to increase awareness in individuals. Since Mandala chooses its own shape and colors to paint, it increases self-confidence and can develop the ability to express itself.

In mandala, it is important to hold a pencil, to be able to paint a limited area and hand-eye coordination harmony. In this respect, it can improve the fine motor skills of the individual.

Mandala group work is done to increase social interaction. Holistic discovery can improve modeling in terms of having experience.

Mandala reduces stress and anxiety especially in children. Mandala is also used to reduce stress in adults.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At15 November 2022
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