Internal Medicine Clinic features and facilities

Umraniye Internal Medicine Hospital


In the Internal Medicine Department of Npistanbul brain Hospital Umraniye, we provide diagnosis, diagnosis, and treatment methods for dysfunctions and disorders in internal organs.

Internal Medicine Clinic features and facilities

Our internal medicine department is also called the Internal Medicine Department. The Department of Internal Medicine is the basis for almost all branches of Medicine. From this point of view, it works in coordination and cooperation with all clinical units.

Our department is the Solution Center for all ailments and complaints of adult patients except surgical operation. Evaluating our patients in the most accurate and objective way is the main goal of our Internal Medicine Unit. In this department, our specialist doctors and teams work to make the most precise diagnosis of our patients and to be referred to the right place to see their treatment for their disease or ailments.

From this point of view, our specialist doctors and teams in our department are continually developing in their branches, following innovations in the field of Medicine. Since the problem of many of the patients applying to health institutions falls within the area of their internal diseases, it is the most important rule to make the diagnosis and diagnosis correctly in this section.

In our hospital, emergency or internal diseases are diagnosed and treated both standing and inpatient. In our unit, a wide range of services are provided, from upper and lower end tract diseases to the stomach and intestinal system diseases, hypertension to kidney diseases, diabetes to thyroid diseases, or rheumatic diseases. Our unit, which also responds to complaints related to the heart or high blood pressure, is also a significant treatment center for pulmonology and asthma.

Internal Medicine is divided into many sub-units. We can list them as follows;

  • Department Of Emergency Internal Medicine,
  • Rheumatology,
  • Gastroenterology,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Constipation,
  • Indigestion,
  • Gastritis,
  • Reflux - Heartburn
  • Hematology Anemia,
  • leukemia and lymphomas,
  • Hemoglobin disorder,
  • Hemophilia,
  • Thrombocytopenia,
  • Nephrology,
  • Hypertension,
  • Kidney failure,
  • Urinary tract infections,
  • Inflammation of the kidney,
  • Pulmonology,
  • Endocrinology
  • Thyroid diseases,
  • Osteoporosis,
  • Adrenal gland diseases,
  • Hypertension diseases,
  • Obesity,
  • Hairiness
  • Infection,
  • Internal Intensive Care,
  • Check-Up,
  • Preventive Medicine.

In the diagnosis of diseases, our teams work together with our radiology and biochemistry experts. In cases where surgical operations are required, it also cooperates with other surgical branches as well as general surgery. We successfully perform complex and major operations with our high-tech operating rooms and intensive care units.

As an Internal Medicine Unit, the services provided in our clinic are as follows;

  • All Endoscopic Examinations,

  • Gastroscopy,
  • Dudonoscopy
  • Colonoscopy,
  • Rectoscopy,
  • Asthma and allergies
  • Treatment of internal medicine-related hormonal disorders,
  • Diagnosis and treatment of metabolic diseases,
  • Early Diagnosis Of Cancer
  • Follow-up and treatment of diabetes.

As with any disease, early detection is essential in internal diseases.

For this reason, our internal Medicine Check-up service is very helpful for the pre-diagnosis of possible problems and for starting treatments.


Major Internal Medicine Diseases

Internal Medicine includes a very comprehensive area of diseases. Accordingly, we can list conditions as follows;

  • Upper And Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,
  • Diseases Of The Thyroid Gland,
  • Adrenal Gland Diseases,
  • Obesity,
  • Diseases Of The Digestive System,
  • D, B 12, C, Folic Acid, Iron Or Other Vitamin Deficiencies,
  • Cholesterol,
  • Gout,
  • Diabetes,
  • hypertension,
  • Jaundice,
  • COPD disease,
  • Rheumatic Diseases,
  • Neural Colitis,
  • Lung Ailments,
  • Liver and gallbladder disorders,
  • Rhythm Disorders,
  • Flu,
  • Bronchitis,
  • Pneumonia,
  • Chest Ailments,
  • Urinary Tract Infections,
  • Anemia,
  • Blood Diseases,
  • Abdominal Or Stomach Pain,
  • Dry Mouth,
  • Anemia,
  • Leukemia And Lymphomas
  • Hemoglobin Disorders,
  • Various Pains,
  • Mediterranean Anemia,
  • Allergy,
  • Ulcer,
  • Gastritis,
  • Reflux,
  • Colitis,
  • Heartburn,
  • Feverish Joint Rheumatism Or Other Rheumatic Diseases,
  • Urinate Frequently,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Constipation,
Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine) Medical Staff
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