

Symptoms that are considered to be indicative of reflux, such as reflux, heartburn (heartburn), and stomach acid regurgitation, are prevalent in society.

In humans, there is a high-pressure zone at the junction of the esophagus and stomach. It acts as a cover in Normal time. In this area, there is a specialized thickening consisting of ring-shaped hanging novelties and fastening fibers.

Besides, when the stomach wall is stretched with gas and liquid, it also opens, allowing the gas to come out. Failure of this system to perform its task causes reflux. Resistance to reverse flow of gastric juice to the esophagus ( esophagus ) disappears, there is a back escape.


What Are The Symptoms Of Reflux?


Study on Night signs of reflux disease;


  • About one-fifth of society has heartburn, heartburn at least 1 time a week at night.
  • 80% of those with heartburn experience complaints at night and 65% both day and night.
  • 63% report that their sleep and work the next day are affected. 72% use prescription drugs.
  • About half (45%) report that current treatments do not relieve all symptoms.


When symptoms are not considered;

  • Achalasia ( esophageal stenosis ),
  • diffuse,
  • esophageal spasm,
  • esophageal carcinoma,
  • shortness of stomach output,
  • gallstones,
  • gastric,
  • duodenal ulcer,
  • it can also occur in other diseases, such as coronary heart disease.

For this reason, examination and examination are necessary when these symptoms and complaints are observed.

The cause of complications of reflux (GERD) is due to the direct hurtful effect of gastric juice on the epithelium of the esophagus, throat, and windpipe.

Complications of recurrent reflux are esophagitis, stenosis, and Barret's esophagus. Combined exposure to gastric fluid and duodenal fluid causes significant damage.

Experimental animal studies have shown that the reflux of duodenal content to the esophagus results in inflammation, increased Barret's esophagus, and the formation of esophageal adenocarcinoma.


How Is Reflux Treated?

The cause of reflux (GERD) should be thoroughly investigated and treated for the reason that should be carried out. Secretion-reducing drugs, antacids are useful in mild cases, in cases without complications. Control and follow-up are significant.

Reflux (GERD) is now considered the cause of the majority of esophageal diseases. It's a chronic disease. This treatment lasts for life when medical treatment is required. Recent efforts to develop various endoscopic antireflective interventions have failed to show lasting success in controlling reflux (GERD), although they are groundbreaking. Anti-reflux surgery is an effective and long-term treatment and the only approach that can repair the gastroesophageal valve.


How Do We Protect Ourselves From Reflux?


Protective measures to avoid reflux;

1. Raising the head of the bed,

2. Avoiding wearing body-hugging clothes,

3. Eating less and more often,

4. Avoiding eating shortly before bedtime,

5. Avoid foods that reduce pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter, such as alcohol, coffee, chocolate, and mint.



Note: we should not fill our stomachs in the evening!!


Reflux (GERD) is believed to be caused by the stomach. Delay in gastric emptying, secondary to overeating and eating habits with high-fat content, causes the stomach walls to stretch. This strain that occurs, the enlarged stomach, leads to the inability to close the lid ( sphincter ) by the walls of the stomach. It results in the victimization of the esophagus into the stomach fluid. Recurrent exposure causes inflammation and a change in structure at the entrance to the stomach. Esophagitis and carditis are seen. The patient tries to balance this condition by increasing swallowing, neutralizing the stomach water that escapes the salivary fluid to soothe the discomfort caused by reflux. Improved swallowing results in air swallowing, bloating in the abdomen, and belching. This condition creates a vicious cycle by increasing stomach tension, increasing exposure to the esophagus, repetitive damage.

Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine) Medical Staff
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