Liver Lubrication

Liver Lubrication

What is liver lubrication? What are the symptoms? It means that the liver contains at least 5% more fat than its weight.

The liver is an organ that has essential tasks in our body and is responsible for the performance of vital functions. Maintaining liver health is of great importance in terms of life expectancy.

This condition can occur clinically in two ways: alcohol-related hepatosteatosis, which we encounter more often, and not alcohol-related hepatosteatosis. The incidence in the general population is around 20-30%. Liver fat is more common in men than in women.

Liver fat can be a result of many diseases, such as excessive alcohol consumption, Hepatitis C infection, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, high serum triglyceride levels, and obesity.


What are the symptoms of liver lubrication?

Most patients do not have any complaints about liver lubrication.

In some patients;

  • Fatigue
  • Quick fatigue
  • Itching
  • Jaundice
  • The upper right quadrant of the abdomen may have pain and a feeling of fullness.

During a routine examination, there may be growth in the liver and a slight increase in liver enzymes (1-4 times) in the laboratory. Ultrasound is the most commonly used method of diagnosing liver fat because it is cheap and easily accessible.


What should a person with liver lubrication pay attention to

  • Avoid smoking and alcohol use altogether.
  • Weight should be lost by dieting
  • Exercise should be done regularly
  • Those diagnosed with diabetes should regularly use medications and insulin.
  • Diet should be started for those with hyperlipidemia. If the height of cholesterol and triglycerides is not controlled by diet, you should switch to drug therapy.

Simple liver lubrication can be easily treated in patients who adapt to these treatments


What are the risks of liver lubrication

5% of cases of liver lubrication develop cirrhosis at an average of 7 years, and 1% have been reported to result in death.


How to treat liver lubrication

First, etiology should be determined, and then treatment for the cause should be applied. In medicine, accompanying metabolic diseases such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia should be taken into account, weight loss should be made by exercise and diet.

In the treatment of liver fat, there are many drugs that have been the subject of research so far. But there are no drugs licensed directly for this disease in our country and the world.

When a diagnosis of liver lubrication is made, the person will consult a specialist and receive timely treatment and follow the treatment protocols to prevent future ailments.

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