What is Metabolic Syndrome? Symptoms and Treatment

What is Metabolic Syndrome? Symptoms and Treatment

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Metabolic Syndrome is a dangerous combination of factors that increase the likelihood of serious conditions such as heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes. While most of these factors can develop due to insulin resistance, obesity is one of the factors that play a role in the increase of this common syndrome.

The presence of at least 3 of the disorders seen in the emergence of this condition in a person leads to this syndrome. A large proportion of people with this problem have problems with weight. This situation may be related to genetic predisposition or may occur later.

What are the Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome?

Symptoms of this condition are usually not noticed for a long time and may not cause any symptoms or complaints. It can usually occur during the examination performed by the doctor or during a check-up performed by the person.
The most serious and important factor in this condition is obesity. This condition, which can also develop due to insulin resistance, is released after blood sugar rises.
It rarely causes sudden symptoms. It is linked to sedentary life and obesity. This condition can also lead to many diseases. While hardening of the blood vessels can be seen, low blood sugar, low blood pressure and high cholesterol can occur.
In order to prevent these conditions, people should eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Who Has Metabolic Syndrome?

There are a number of risk factors for the disease. In people who are among the risk factors, it can generally be seen due to obesity, age, diabetes and a number of diseases.
This syndrome, which is frequently experienced all over the world and in our country, is more common in women than in men. It is also seen in people who are obese and overweight.
It can be seen at an earlier age in people who continue their lives with a sedentary and unbalanced diet, in people who smoke too much, and in people who suffer from overeating due to stress and depression.
Obesity is more common in women with slower metabolism. Especially in women who cannot spare time for sports and exercise in their work and lives due to city life, the problem of obesity may increase and the emergence of this situation can be seen.
People who work in desk jobs, people with high blood pressure, people with excessive fat around the waist, people with diabetes or family members with a history of diabetes are more at risk.

Which Diseases Does Metabolic Syndrome Cause?

While cardiovascular diseases are very common in individuals with this disease, the risk to life increases. Even if the blood sugar level is not within the diabetes limit, the possibility of development in the future is high. For this reason, health problems and diseases in these people should be diagnosed correctly and all of them should be treated.

Thediseases and complications caused bymetabolic syndrome are as follows:

  • Insulin resistance
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Increase in cancer cells
  • Kidney diseases
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Increased likelihood of blood clots
  • Depression and some psychological problems

How is Metabolic Syndrome Diagnosed?

There are some factors to be considered in terms of diagnosis and diagnosis of the disease. People should be checked in cases such as the person's weight, age and the previous experience of this syndrome in one of the family members. In addition, some of the diseases that the person carries are also important factors. Since it can also develop due to certain diseases, the person should also be checked in diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

The factors that are important and important in thediagnosis and diagnosis ofmetabolic syndrome are as follows:

  • The waist circumference is too fat and wide
  • High blood sugar levels
  • Having high blood pressure
  • Impaired blood lipids
  • Obesity
  • Insulin resistance

Metabolic Syndrome Treatment

The first goal of treatment is to prevent other diseases that may occur. Reducing the factors that support the occurrence of complications and avoiding these situations are important for treatment. The treatment process is carried out in different stages. First, a specialist doctor recommends changing the person's lifestyle and eating habits. In cases where these methods are not successful, medication can be used for treatment.
In order to prevent personal risk factors, lifestyle changes should be made. People should adopt an active lifestyle and exercise regularly. They should also change their eating habits and turn to healthy eating.
The methods that can be done in terms ofmetabolic syndrome treatment are as follows:

Regular Exercise
With a regular exercise program, the patient can get rid of excess weight by increasing energy consumption and lowering blood lipid levels. The person should follow the program recommended and prescribed by the doctor.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol
People who smoke should stop smoking and move away from it, as cholesterol and heart attack risk are increased in smokers. In addition, since alcohol consumption triggers this disease, it is recommended to avoid all alcohol-containing substances.

Drug Treatments
In cases where no improvement is seen in people who change their lifestyle, the doctor may refer them to medication to reduce and control symptoms. Medication may be recommended for people with a body mass index of 30 and above.

In addition, as a different method, stomach reduction surgeries can be performed depending on the doctor's advice and the person's preference.

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At29 January 2021
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