What is Hidden Sugar (Pre-diabetes)?

What is Hidden Sugar (Pre-diabetes)?

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Gizli diyabet, kan şekeri normal seviyede olmamasına rağmen diyabet olarak teşhis edilemeyecek kadar yüksek olmadığı bir ara dönemdir. Prediyabet olarak da bilinen gizli diyabet, yemeklerden sonra halsizlik ve yorgunluk, bazı kişilerde ise ayaklarda yanma gibi belirtilerle karakterizedir. Normal glikoz seviyelerinden tip 2 diyabet geçiş aşaması olan bu prediyabet dönemi, yaklaşık 10 yıl sonra tip 2 diyabet teşhisiyle sonuçlanır. Gizli diyabet, açlık kan şekeri yüksekliği, yemek sonrası kan şekeri yüksekliği veya her ikisi şeklinde olabilir. Tanı için açlık kan şekeri testi (açlık kan şekeri 100-125 mg/dl arası prediyabet gösterir) veya Oral Glikoz Tolerans Testi (OGTT) kullanılabilir. Prediyabet riski taşıyanlar arasında aşırı kilolu veya obez olanlar, hipertansiyonu olanlar, hiperkolesterolemisi olanlar, hareketsiz yaşam tarzına sahip olanlar ve 4 kg ve üzeri bebek doğuranlar yer alır. Gizli diyabet tedavisinde, sağlıklı yaşam tarzı (sağlıklı beslenme, kilo verme, egzersiz) ve ilaç tedavisi önemlidir. Erken tanı ve tedavi, diyabet komplikasyonlarının (göz, kalp, böbrek sorunları gibi) önlenmesinde büyük önem taşır.

Hidden diabetes is an intermediate period in which blood sugar is not at a normal level but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.

Hidden diabetes, defined as pre-diabetes, is characterized by symptoms such as weakness and fatigue after meals, and in some people, burning in the feet.

This pre-diabetes period, the transition phase from normal glucose levels to Type 2 diabetes, is also referred to as 'pre-diabetes' or 'impaired glucose regulation'. According to research, most hidden diabetes patients are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes after 10 years.

Types of Hidden Diabetes

Types of hidden diabetes, high fasting blood glucose, high postprandial blood glucose and both.

How Does a Fasting Blood Glucose Test Detect Diabetes or Pre-diabetes?

Hidden diabetes is normally a fasting blood glucose level below 100 mg/dl. If the person has pre-diabetes, fasting blood sugar is between 100-125 mg/dl. If the blood sugar is 126 mg/dl or higher, the individual has diabetes.

How is diabetes or pre-diabetes detected with OGTT?

In OGTT, blood glucose is measured after fasting and 2 hours after drinking a glucose-rich beverage. Normal blood glucose is below 140 mg/dl at the 2nd hour. If the 2nd hour blood glucose is between 140-199 mg/dl, pre-diabetes is diagnosed, and if the 2nd hour blood glucose is above 200 mg/dl, diabetes is diagnosed.

Fasting Blood Glucose Test or OGTT, Which Test is More Suitable for Detecting Pre-diabetes?

Both tests are appropriate tests for detecting pre-diabetes.

Those at risk

  • Overweight people,
  • People with hypertension,
  • Those with hyper cholesterol
  • Those with a sedentary lifestyle
  • Those who have given birth to a child of large size (4kg) and above

Why is hidden sugar important?

This period is extremely important for treatment. Individuals with hidden diabetes also carry all the risks of diseases caused by diabetes. Organ damage occurs in 20 percent of patients diagnosed with diabetes and patients present to physicians with problems such as visual impairment, risk of heart attack and kidney failure. Problems also occur in people with pre-diabetes. Therefore, it is beneficial to know the symptoms in advance and take the necessary precautions.

Hidden Sugar Treatment

A healthy lifestyle is the most important treatment for hidden diabetes. Achieving a healthy weight by losing weight, reducing sugary foods, especially eliminating all table sugar, and a healthy life with exercise are important. This reduces insulin resistance in the body, lowers blood sugar levels and prevents the progression to diabetes. In addition, there are drug treatments that reduce insulin resistance and reduce the progression to diabetes.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At09 June 2020
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