- There are specially protected televisions in our day rooms.
- Our wards are monitored and treatment is followed up with a digital imaging system.
- At the ward entrances, a double-entry door system, smart doors with magnetic card swipe, and automatic systems that ensure that one door cannot be opened before the other door is closed are used.
- Patient room doors that are unlocked from inside and outside and controlled bathroom doors are available in the rooms.
- All ward windows are unbreakable. For this reason, iron bars are not used in our hospital.
- Unbreakable bathroom mirrors are placed in the rooms.
- Bathroom floors are structured with non-slip feature.
- The bathroom shower head is fixed to the wall and adjustable; extension connections are not used for patient safety. It is not capable of carrying more than 30 kilograms of weight against self-hanging attempt.
- Bathroom towel racks are configured not to carry more than 3 kg weight.
- Unbreakable round observation glasses are available on patient room doors.
- The etajers in the patient rooms are fixed to the floor and the drawers are non-removable.
- The wardrobes in the patient rooms are in the form of built-in wardrobes and the handles of the wardrobes are non-removable and unbreakable.
- Patient beds are in the form of wooden beds fixed to the floor at a height of 20 cm from the floor and smart beds with viscolastic mattresses.
- The nurse call system is not wired against hanging attempts, but wall-mounted and accessible by the patient.
- Patient televisions are embedded in the wall with special unbreakable cabinets.
- Room electrical sockets are set to 12 volts.
- Ward nurse desks are built in the form of double-sided locked doors at the patient's chest level.
- Treatment rooms are behind the counter and accessed through locked security doors.
- Patient day lounges and patient rooms are monitored by 24-hour night vision cameras.
- The cameras are monitored and recorded by the health personnel with 20 different views on 3 different screens at the same time at the main control desk at the nurse counters.

Physical Security
Psikiyatri risklerine göre yapılandırılmış koğuşta, hastaların güvenliğini sağlamak amacıyla çeşitli fiziksel ve mekanik önlemler alınmıştır. Bu önlemler arasında; kırılmaz pencereler, kırılmaz aynalar, kaymaz zeminli banyolar, duvara monte sabit duş başlığı (30 kg'dan fazla ağırlığı taşıyamaz), 3 kg'dan fazla ağırlık taşımayan havlu askıları, kırılmaz yuvarlak gözlem camları, yere sabitlenmiş ve çekmeceleri çıkarılamayan etajerler, gömme dolaplar ve çıkarılamayan kulplara sahip dolaplar, yere sabit 20 cm yüksekliğinde ahşap yataklar ve viskoelastik yataklı akıllı yataklar, asma girişimlerine karşı kablosuz duvar monteli hemşire çağrı sistemi, duvara gömülü özel kırılmaz dolaplara sahip televizyonlar, 12 voltluk elektrik prizleri, çift taraflı kilitli hemşire masaları, kilitli güvenlik kapılarıyla erişilen tedavi odaları, 24 saat gece görüş kameralarıyla izlenen ortak kullanım alanları ve hasta odaları ile ana kontrol masasında 3 farklı ekranda 20 farklı görüntüyle izlenen ve kaydedilen kamera sistemi bulunmaktadır. Koğuş girişlerinde çift giriş kapısı sistemi, manyetik kart okuyucu ve bir kapı kapanmadan diğerinin açılmasını engelleyen otomatik sistemler kullanılmaktadır.