


What is diabetes? What are its symptoms; it is called chronic metabolic disease, which is accompanied by a high level of sugar in the blood.


The pancreas secretes hormones that regulate blood sugar. One of these hormones is insulin. As a result of the fact that insulin is not secreted or ineffective, sugar, that is, glucose, which has the task of meeting the energy of the cell, cannot enter the cell. This sugar accumulates in the blood and is found more than it is usually found in the blood, which damages the cells because excess sugar is like poison in the body.


What Are The Symptoms Of Diabetes?

Symptoms of diabetes indicate the physical effects of the person. The reason for this is the high blood sugar.

Symptoms of diabetes (diabetes) ;

  • Drinking too much water or feeling the urge to drink
  • Overeating
  • Dryness of the skin
  • Quick fatigue
  • Late healing of wounds
  • Sometimes blurred vision
  • Frequent urination during the night
  • Sweat a lot at night and wake up with sweat


Is Diabetes Genetic?


Diabetes occurs due to hereditary or environmental factors. If you have inherited diabetes(diabetes) in your family genetically, you are more likely to have it than people who do not have diabetes(diabetes).


How Is Diabetes Diagnosed?

How to diagnose diabetes, first, you need to contact a specialist to diagnose diabetes. To be diagnosed with diabetes, the person's blood is first taken, and the blood sugar level is looked at. The appropriate treatment protocol is then applied to the person. A patient diagnosed with sugar load or low sugar applies a treatment protocol according to the severity of the specialist's health condition. It is impossible for a person to self-diagnose high sugar, low sugar, or diabetes by its common name.


  • It is determined by urine and blood tests.
  • Fasting blood sugar is measured. High blood sugar is a condition that needs to be studied very well. Fasting blood sugar should be below the face under normal conditions. The sugar on this has to be examined. If a person with hunger sugar 110 has satiety above 200, they may also have diabetes without realizing it, or an average person with hunger sugars may also have high satiety sugar. We call it glucose tolerance. This, in turn, is a process that we call pre-diabetes. For a person to be diagnosed with diabetes, their fasting blood sugar must be above 126, and their satiety sugar must be above two hundred. If fasting sugar is between 100-126 and satiety is expected, we call it impaired fasting glucose. If satiety is between 140-200, we call it glucose intolerance (secret sugar). At this point, borderline blood sugar levels are significant, and taking timely precautions can prevent future diabetes. Patients in both groups are at high risk of developing diabetes in the future. Experts also aim to catch these patients during this period, treat their insulin resistance, reduce them to their ideal weight, and prevent them from developing diabetes in the future by allowing them to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
  • Breath smell of acetone is also a measurement.

How Is Diabetes Treated?

How to treat diabetes; after diagnosis, the appropriate treatment protocol begins to be applied to the person by a specialist hexm.

  • A person needs to make changes to their lifestyle.
  • A person should make changes to the way they eat, start the appropriate diet and exercise program at the necessary point.
  • After a person's disease is diagnosed, oral sugar medication or insulin can be started depending on the condition of the disease.

Risk factors;

  • Diabetes in the family
  • Overweight people
  • Fast eating
  • Those with high blood pressure
  • Those who choose a sedentary lifestyle


What Are The Harms Of Diabetes?

Diabetes causes various ailments in a person if left untreated.

  • Heart attack as a result of vascular damage
  • Risk of stroke
  • Increased risk of gangrene in limbs
  • Risk of heart and kidney diseases

Visual impairment may occur.

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