What are the causes of depression in a baby?

What are the causes of depression in a baby?

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Bebeklerde depresyonun başlıca nedeni anne yoksunluğudur. Anneden ayrılık, protesto (sürekli ağlama), depresyon (iştahsızlık, gelişme geriliği) ve içe kapanma (duygusal tepkilerde azalma, dünyadan soyutlanma) dönemlerini içeren bir süreç başlatır. Anne-bebek bağı, çocuğun beyin ve beden gelişimi için hayati önem taşır; bu bağın kopması veya zayıflaması, gelişimsel sorunlara ve hatta ölüme yol açabilir. Hastanede kalma gibi durumlarda, sürekli değişen bakıcılar nedeniyle bir bire bir ilişki kurulamaması çocuğun psikolojisini olumsuz etkiler. Yetersiz ve çaresiz hissetme nedeniyle çocuğun bakıcıya olan bağlılığı artar. Bu bağlanma-ayrılma ilişkisi, ilerleyen yaşlarda evlilik, askerlik gibi durumlarda uyum sorunlarına, okul korkusuna ve anksiyeteye yol açabilir. Ancak sağlıklı bir gelişme sürecinde, bu korku ve sıkıntı, bireyselleşmenin doğal bir parçasıdır ve çocuğun olgunlaşmasını sağlar.

The first stress in children begins with birth. The baby's crying is a natural reaction from the warmth and comfort of the mother's womb to the coldness of the outside world.


The most important cause of depression in a baby is maternal deprivation. If the mother is suddenly separated from the baby in the first six months, there are three periods of symptoms.

Protest period: During this period, the baby cries constantly, the baby has unquenchable and inconsolable cries. When someone comes near the baby, it stops crying, but when it realizes that it is not its mother, it starts crying again. Even if the baby stops crying for a short time, if someone comes near it, it starts crying again. When the baby stops crying, it has a tired and sad expression on its face.

Period of depression: The baby's appetite decreases and weight loss begins. Physical development stops, vomiting and diarrhea may occur. Probably the brain is not secreting enough growth hormone. As a result, the physical development of the unhappy baby will also slow down. When the baby is observed, they often look resentful and sad.


Period of introversion: After the 2nd month, if maternal deprivation continues, the baby starts to become withdrawn and emotional reactions begin. He/she becomes indifferent to what is happening around him/her and to those who approach him/her. It seems to be isolated from the world. This condition is similar to schizophrenic disorder in adults.


There is an extraordinary spiritual bond between mother and baby. This spiritual bond is the basic food for the child's brain and body development. Mothers who give love and care ensure that love channels are opened in their children's brains and that their children's brains secrete hormones of happiness. In this way, the baby's development progresses


The mother may be hospitalized for a long time or separated from her baby. In such cases, a one-to-one loving relationship with the baby will replace the mother. A one-to-one relationship is important here. In a day-care center environment, this cannot be achieved because of the constant change of caregivers and some symptoms begin. The child's psychology deteriorates and he/she feels unloved.


Children in hospitialization have reduced interest in the environment, they are late and difficult to arouse, they rock in their seats, make movements like ruminating, shake their heads, and have tapping. This tapping is an attempt to stimulate themselves. They turn to sources of bodily pleasure such as finger sucking and rocking. Although they are intelligent, they give a false appearance of intelligence. Their height and weight are inferior to their peers and sudden deaths are common, even if nutrition and care are good.


The child shows a deep attachment to the caregiver. This is the inevitable result of inadequacy and helplessness.


Separation of the caregiver for a short or long period of time is an inevitable part of life. This attachment-separation relationship is a fundamental relationship that shapes people's lives in later life. In children and young people who cannot adapt when they get married or join the military, who are afraid of school, the immaturity of the attachment-separation relationship is the real reason for such negative situations.


Such people have a fear of losing the person they are attached to and love. This fear and distress is an inevitable part of life. In the normal course of life, this fear will develop the child. It will lead to individualization.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At11 December 2019
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