Genetics in Autism Panel

Genetics in Autism Panel

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Otizm genetik paneli olarak da bilinen Tüm Ekzom Dizilemesi (WES), otizmin yanı sıra tanı konulamayan nadir nörolojik genetik hastalıkların teşhisinde kullanılan bir genetik tanı testidir. WES, binlerce genin kodlama bölgelerini eş zamanlı olarak tarayarak, belirli bir gen veya gen grubunun seçilmesini gerektirmeden kalıtım yapısının tam olarak anlaşılmasına yardımcı olur. Bu test, hastalığa neden olan mutasyonların çoğunun tespit edildiği ekson bölgelerine odaklanarak DNA'daki değişiklikleri belirler. Otizmin ayırıcı tanısında, WES diğer genetik hastalıkların otizme benzer klinik belirtilerinden ayırımı yapmaya ve otizm aday genlerinin hastada bulunup bulunmadığını teşhis etmeye yardımcı olur. Her kurumda uygulanabilir olmamakla birlikte, kan örneği alımıyla yapılır ve test sonucu yorumlanırken aile öyküsü, test sonuçları ve klinik muayene bulguları birlikte değerlendirilmelidir. Gerekirse, hastanın ebeveynleri ve kardeşlerinden de örnek alınabilir.

What is the autism genetic panel WES (Whole Exome Sequencing)?

The autism genetic panel is actually a genetic diagnostic test called WES (Whole Exome Sequencing). It is a test that is not only used in Autism, but also helps diagnose rare genetic diseases of neurology that cannot be diagnosed.

WES test (Whole Exome Sequencing):

It is used to diagnose rare genetic diseases. It is a very useful genetic test to fully understand the structure of heredity and to choose the right genetic test, especially for diseases such as Autism, whose related gene has not yet been identified or categorized in detail. By applying Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) testing, the coding regions of thousands of genes can be tested simultaneously, without having to select a specific gene or group of genes to examine.

With WES, changes in DNA can be identified by focusing on functional regions of the genome. The exome is the set of DNA sequences of genes that produce proteins essential for the function of our bodies. Most of the disease-causing mutations that science has been able to identify so far have been detected in exon regions. While most genetic tests used in the diagnosis of diseases screen only a single gene or a few genes thought to be involved in the disease, WES tests screen thousands of genes simultaneously. Therefore, it is highly effective in revealing the genetic causes of complex clinical pictures. WES is also an ideal method for finding new mutations in various diseases and identifying atypical findings in many diseases.

In the differential diagnosis of autism, WES can be used to differentiate autism-like clinical manifestations of other genetic diseases and to diagnose whether Autism candidate genes are present in the patient. It therefore sheds light on the genetic basis of Autism cases.

Can the autism genetic panel WES (Whole Exome Sequencing) be applied in every institution?

WES cannot be applied in every institution.

How is the autism genetic panel WES (Whole Exome Sequencing) applied?

It can be done by taking 1 or 2 tubes of blood. Detailed clinical findings should be shared with the laboratory by the patient's physician during sample collection. Family history, test results and clinical examination findings should be evaluated together when interpreting the test result. If deemed necessary, samples can be taken from the patient's parents and siblings and the test can be performed on them as well.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At11 January 2023
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