Triple P Parenting Program

Triple P Parenting Program

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Üçlü P Pozitif Ebeveynlik Programı, çocukların ebeveynleri ve bakıcılarına yönelik kanıta dayalı bir eğitim destek sistemidir. Programın amacı, ebeveynlere çocuklarının sosyal, duygusal ve davranışsal sorunlarını yönetmeleri için gerekli becerileri ve özgüveni kazandırmak, onları bu süreçte içermek, cesaretlendirmek ve güçlendirmektir. Eğitim, ebeveynlerin çocuk yetiştirme bilincini artırmayı, kaygılarını azaltmayı, çocuklarda davranışsal ve gelişimsel sorunların kontrol altına alınmasını sağlamayı, cezalandırıcı ebeveynlik tutumlarının azaltılmasını ve ebeveyn-çocuk iletişimini iyileştirmeyi hedefler. Dünya çapında uygulanan ve 4 milyondan fazla aileye ulaşan program, olumlu ebeveyn-çocuk ilişkilerine katkıda bulunarak, huysuzluklar, okul uyumsuzluğu ve davranış sorunları gibi problemleri önlemeyi amaçlar. Çeşitli kültürlerde ve sosyo-ekonomik gruplarda etkililiği kanıtlanmış olan Üçlü P, 0-12 yaş arası çocuklar ve ergenler için çok seviyeli bir müdahale modeli sunmaktadır.

The Triple P positive parenting program is an evidence-based educational support system for parents and caregivers of children.

The aim of Triple P is to help parents

The aim is to provide parents with the skills and self-confidence they need to manage their children's social, emotional and behavioral problems by involving, encouraging and empowering them in the process.

Triple P Education is Child Guidance for Parents

By taking Triple P training, parents increase their awareness in raising children and at this point, cooperation with families is very important. The aim of Triple P training is to increase the awareness of parents and reduce their anxiety in raising children.

  • To increase the competence of parents to be able to control and keep behavioral and developmental problems in children under control
  • To help reduce the use of punitive and, at certain points, coercive parenting attitudes.
  • To improve parents' communication with their children in their parenting roles.
  • To reduce the child-rearing anxiety experienced by parents.

Benefits of Triple P Training

NP Feneryolu Medical Center Child Adolescent Unit Specialist Clinical Psychologist Duygu Barlas gave the following information about the Triple P training to be given in our hospital:

"We decided to implement this training in our hospital in order to prevent problems such as tantrums, school maladjustment, behavioral problems, relationship problems with parents at an early age by teaching positive mother and fatherhood. It is especially important for parents of young children to participate in this training. It is important that the participants attend all 4 sessions. In the training, we will ensure that parents develop the ability to solve problems by exhibiting positive attitudes without entering into conflict with their children. This training is also practiced in different parts of the world. Families who receive this training say that they have a more positive relationship with their children after the training. We are happy that families who receive training from us share the same opinion. I find it valuable that such trainings are preventive before problems occur and with a protective approach to families."

In the training, parents are enabled to develop the ability to solve problems by exhibiting positive attitudes without entering into conflict with their children.

This training is also practiced in different parts of the world. Families who receive this training say that they have a more positive relationship with their children after the training. This type of training has a valuable place as it is preventive before problems occur and has a protective approach for families.

Developed by Prof. Matt Sanders and his colleagues at the University of Queensland in Australia, Triple P programs have been translated into more than 20 languages, implemented in more than 25 countries and reached more than 4 million families of children in more than 35 years.

Triple P is one of the most effective and evidence-based parenting education systems in the world with internationally recognized success. The success of Triple P in different cultures, socio-economic groups and family structures has been proven by more than 830 articles published by 375 academic and research organizations and researchers from 30 countries.

The Triple P system offers a multilevel intervention model to meet the needs of parents with children aged 0-12 years and adolescents for different types and intensities of information, advice and professional support services.

The rationale for this progressive, multilevel intervention is that children and adolescents have different levels of functional and behavioral problems and that parents have different needs and desires regarding the type, intensity and form of support they need.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At15 November 2022
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