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Development of Addiction

Addiction is a close circle   First the person starts to be curious but at the same time he feels worried about the negative impacts the drug will have on him  But as soon as he says to himself (nothing will happen from one consumption) and starts using thinking that he can stop the time he wants things go out of control   At this stage the person denies the fact he has became an addict believing that things are under control and that people that are warning him are simply day-dreaming.

People with strong addiction start using the substance in an abusive manner and depsite how hard they try to quit it does not work  A lot of effort is made for the sake of reaching drugs using them and then get rid of traces

As a result they start paying less attention to their duties and start to achieve bad results in studies and also start having issues with their families and start changing friends as well as comming home late along with lying and spending most of the time in the bed room.

The addict starts getting into trouble with coworkers of the same age and starts neglecting the family and making less time for it which leads to conflicts   Moreover he keeps doing drug despite being aware of the physical and mental problems it caused to him

He might take the decicion to quit several times but none of them works so he consumes more and more drugs to face the feeling of guilt and loss he has.

Yayınlama Tarihi:
02 Temmuz 2019
Güncelleme Tarihi:
16 Ekim 2021