Unhappiness shrinks the brain!

Unhappiness shrinks the brain!

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Uzun süreli mutsuzluk, beyin küçülmesine yol açarken, mutluluk ise dayanıklılığı ve direnci artırır, hastalık semptomlarının daha az hissedilmesini sağlar, bağışıklık sistemini uyarır ve iyileşmeyi hızlandırır. Mutlu insanların hastalıklara daha az şikayetçi oldukları ve semptomları daha az hissettikleri gözlemlenmiştir. Mutluluk ve mutsuzluk öğrenilmiş davranışlardır; sağlıklı sosyal ilişkiler, affetme ve şükran gibi alışkanlıklar mutluluğu artırır. Dört mutluluk türü vardır: maddi, kişisel özellikler, ilişkiler ve kendini gerçekleştirme (en yüksek düzeydeki mutluluk). Amaçlı yaşayan bireyler en yüksek düzeyde mutluluğa ulaşır. Sağlıklı beslenme uzun vadede mutluluğu artırırken, sağlıksız beslenme mutsuzluğa yol açabilir. Zeka ile mutluluk arasında zayıf da olsa bir ilişki vardır; düşük zekaya sahip bireylerin daha az mutlu oldukları görülmektedir.

There is a direct relationship between unhappiness and the brain. So much so that the brains of those who experience long-term unhappiness shrink. According to experts who point out that happiness increases endurance and resilience, happiness causes symptoms of disease to be felt less, while stimulating the immune system and allowing diseases to heal quickly.


Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin drew attention to the effects of happiness on human health.

Happiness increases resistance

Stating that there is no information that happiness prolongs life or cures the disease in general, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin said, "However, in many diseases, it has been reported that the general level of happiness has positive effects on the course of the disease. Happiness especially increases endurance and resilience, causing symptoms to be felt less. In addition, happiness stimulates the immune system and causes diseases to heal quickly.

Happy people complain less

Emphasizing that even if they are sick, happy people complain less about the disease and feel the symptoms of the disease less, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin said, "Studies, especially on cancer patients, show that there is an inverse relationship between the general level of happiness and complaints in the disease."

Long-term unhappiness leads to brain shrinkage

Referring to the relationship between unhappiness and the brain, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin stated that the brains of people who experience long-term unhappiness shrink and said, "This shrinkage has been shown in many scientific studies. This is especially true for individuals with untreated depression. Prolonged unhappiness, inability to enjoy life and sadness require medical intervention. Being unhappy in old age may result in dementia due to shrinkage."

Happiness and unhappiness are learned

"Psychology reveals the existence of ways of thinking that make people unhappy," said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin, "Since these thinking patterns are generally acquired through learning, it can be said that happiness or unhappiness is learned indirectly. Gaining happy habits such as establishing healthy social relationships in the family, being forgiving, and being grateful can make the person happy in life."

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin also stated that there is a relationship, albeit weak, between intelligence and happiness and said, "Studies show that individuals with low intelligence are less happy."


People with purpose achieve the ultimate happiness

"In general, it can be said that there are four types of happiness," said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin and continued his words as follows: "The first type is material happiness and describes the happiness of having something. The second type is happiness from personal qualities, that is, from self-development and having good qualities. The third type is happiness from relationships, which can also be called 'happiness from loving and being loved'. The fourth and final stage of happiness is the happiness of self-realization and understanding the purpose of being in the world, which is also called 'the highest level of happiness'. In order to reach this level, we need to find ourselves, our purpose in the world, and the pursuits that will fulfill our purposes, the activities that will fulfill our potential. People who have a purpose in life are known to reach this last level of happiness."

It is in our hands to make happiness permanent

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin said, "In order to make happiness permanent, it is necessary to emphasize spiritual happiness instead of short-term material happiness, to protect social friendships and family ties, to be grateful for what we have and to be forgiving," and underlined that the happiest people are those who establish good relationships, forgive and feel gratitude.

Unhealthy diet lowers happiness levels

"A healthy and balanced diet increases the feeling of happiness in the long term as it prevents many chronic diseases," said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin and warned, "An unhealthy diet for short-term happiness and pleasure, without getting enough protein, minerals and vitamins, leads to health problems such as diabetes and obesity in the long term and reduces the level of happiness."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At17 July 2019
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