Sleep disturbance causes brain fog

Sleep disturbance causes brain fog

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Beyin sisi, tıpta bir hastalık olarak adlandırılmasa da, semptomlarına ve etkilerine dikkat edilmesi gereken, son zamanlarda sıkça gündeme gelen bir durumdur. Dikkat eksikliği, hafıza zayıflığı, uyku bozukluğu ve net düşünememe gibi semptomlarla ortaya çıktığını belirten uzmanlar, bu bozukluğun aslında diğer hastalıkların habercisi olabileceği konusunda uyarıyor. Beyin sisi, kişinin zihinsel işlevlerindeki azalmaya ilişkin öznel bir his olarak tanımlanabilir ve altta yatan çeşitli rahatsızlıkların belirtisi olabilir. Bunlar arasında depresyon, anksiyete bozuklukları, uyku apnesi ve hatta erken dönem demans yer alabilir. Beyin sisi tedavisi için öncelikle altta yatan rahatsızlığın tespiti ve ona göre tedavi uygulanması gerekmektedir. Önleme için düzenli uyku düzeni, dengeli beslenme (özellikle B1, B6 ve B12 vitaminlerinin yeterli alınması), düzenli egzersiz ve stres yönetimi önemlidir.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital Neurology Specialist Prof. Dr. Barış Metin shared important information about the symptoms of brain fog, recommendations for prevention and treatment.

Brain fog, which has been on the agenda quite frequently recently, is not referred to as a disease in medicine, but it is necessary to pay attention to its symptoms and effects. Pointing out that brain fog occurs with symptoms such as lack of attention, decreased memory power, sleep disturbance and inability to think clearly, experts warn that this disorder may actually be a harbinger of other diseases.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurology Specialist Prof. Dr. Barış Metin shared important information about the symptoms of brain fog, recommendations for prevention and treatment.

Not a disease in medical language

Stating that the concept of Brain Fog has become fashionable in popular culture, Neurology Specialist Prof. Dr. Barış Metin said, "Brain fog is not a scientific or medical disease. We can say that it is a colloquial name for a problem that people perceive about their own mental functions. It does not exactly indicate a disease in the medical literature, but since people perceive and think that they have a problem, this may actually be a symptom of another disease. It is necessary to think in this way."

Various disorders can occur underneath

Metin said, "We can define brain fog as the subjective feeling of a decrease in one's own mental functions" and continued his words as follows: "When people apply with this complaint, we try to detect whether there is another disease underlying it, we conduct research. There are really various disorders underneath. But each person's subjective perception of a decrease in their own mental ability does not mean a disease. Sometimes people may have very high performance expectations from themselves. In such a case, not being able to meet high performance expectations can also be perceived as a disorder."

These complaints define brain fog!

Prof. Dr. Metin said, "People usually come with complaints that they cannot concentrate their attention as much as they used to, that their minds do not work as well as they used to, that their memory has lost its power, that they feel as if they cannot wake up from sleep, that they feel that they cannot think clearly." Prof. Dr. Metin said, "Such complaints define brain fog. When we hear such complaints and our patients tell us that they have brain fog, we start to think about what it could be due to."
May be an early symptom of dementia

Stating that a brain diseases specialist or psychiatrist can understand the cause of brain fog when they talk to a person complaining of brain fog, Prof. Dr. Barış Metin said, "We say that brain fog is not a disease, but it is necessary to find the underlying disorder in the treatment of this complaint. The most common symptoms of this disorder are depression, anxiety disorders and sleep disorders. Brain fog can also be an early symptom of dementia. People with dementia can apply themselves before their dementia turns into a disease, stating that they cannot think as well as they used to. In summary, in the treatment of brain fog, the underlying disease is detected and a treatment is applied accordingly."

Sleep disorder causes brain fog

Stating that sleep disorders frequently lead to brain fog, Metin said, "Especially our patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome apply with complaints such as inability to concentrate during the day, inability to pay attention to a subject for a long time. Over the age of 40, especially in individuals with obesity problems, if they snore and stop breathing at night, we can say that the reason why they experience brain fog is most likely sleep apnea. Frequent dreaming also shows that sleep quality is impaired. We dream every night but do not remember them. The dreams that we remember mean that our sleep was interrupted, and since we woke up at that time, we memorize the dream we had. People who dream frequently in this way usually have poor sleep quality. This can be due to sleep apnea, depression or other disorders. All of these are disorders related to brain fog," he said.

Supplementation should be made if there is vitamin deficiency

Neurology Specialist Prof. Dr. Barış Metin said, "What needs to be done to prevent brain fog is to ensure sleep patterns" and concluded his words as follows

"If there is a sleep disorder, it must be treated. If there is a vitamin deficiency in terms of nutrition, treatment should be taken for it. Especially vitamins B1, B6, B12 are important for the healthy functioning of the brain. Regular exercise should be done, not a performance that tires the body. Walking for 20-30 minutes every day will be a good exercise. Stress is a part of our lives, but if there is excessive stress, intense anxiety, a feeling of not enjoying anything, it is necessary to get support from a specialist because such disorders affect mental capacity."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 January 2021
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