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Cigarette Smoking

Cigarette smoking: World Health Organization (WHO) identifies it as the most important cause of diseases which must be prevented. It is a chronic cerebrovascular disease, a behavior that can be described as impulsive, irreversible and repeated with permanent changes occurring in the brain structure and cells.

About 4.9 million cigarettes addicts in the world lose their lives each year due to various diseases.

Cigarette addiction requires medical treatment like all other chronic diseases and it can last a lifetime if it is not treated.

Many studies have shown that 60-80% of families have at least one person suffering from smoking addiction.

Cigarette smoking is very common. In addition to being addictive, the smoke associated with it has many negative effects on the health of the smoker and the people around him, and smoking is one of the most common diseases in the world and in Turkey in particular.

If cigarette addiction continues in this way, death rate is expected to reach 10 millions by the year 2020.





Yayınlama Tarihi:
23 Mayıs 2019
Güncelleme Tarihi:
18 Ekim 2021