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Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine is an addictive substance with an immediate effect. Even a single dose can cause serious damage to the body and psychological cocaine addiction can occur. Repeated use of cocaine can cause symptoms in the body. These symptoms can be related to many factors, so it is not known when they will appear. Cocaine stimulates, excites and gives pleasure to the user. However, these effects are temporary and end within an hour. People who continue to use cocaine find it difficult to adapt to normal life. Cocaine addiction is a treatable brain disease. In this case, an individualized treatment plan is made to decide on the form of treatment and the condition.


Addiction to cocaine: the most addictive substance, a substance that shows its effect immediately after use. Addiction on this type of drug has clear negative effects on the patient.
Cocaine is an alkaloid derived from a plant called pellets which grows in South America. People used to chew leaves in order to reach the stimulating effect they give. Alkaline material that is taken from cocaine (erythoroxycin), first extracted in 1860, has been used as a local anesthetic in 2006 and is currently used as a local anesthetic in eye, nose and neck surgeries.
Sigmund Freud's autobiography of 1884, a study of the general pharmacological effects of cocaine, suggests that Freud was a cocaine addict for a period of time. Cocaine that used to treat many diseases was listed in 1880 and 1890 in the Merck Manual.
The addictive effects and side effects were identified in 1899 and in 1914 cocaine was classified as a drug containing morphine and heroin that include the effects of angina and other risks.


How does cocaine addiction affect your body?

• Cocaine shows immediate results that last for 30 to 60 minutes on its consumers.

• Just from his behavior, you can tell that a given person is a cocaine addict.

• Cocaine addicts keep on using it although this substance has harmful effects and is considered as a risk on their life.

• Cocaine addicts have symptoms such as emotional or sleep disorder and other symptoms like nausea.

• Even when cocaine is used once, the desire to use it later increases dramatically, leading to addiction.

• With the frequent use of cocaine, addicts begin to think that their needs have lost their meaning and that life priorities are no more important.

• Cocaine addicts are ready to sacrifice everything for the use of drug as it gives them the feeling of happiness and enthusiasm. On the other hand, they cannot maintain their social life properly so they suffer from marriage, relationships and financial problems.

• Cocaine addicts are likely to have life-threatening diseases such as heart, brain and liver disease.

• Cocaine addicts need to be treated by specialists to get rid of this addiction, and they need support and assistance from the surrounding environment during treatment.

• Some addicts reach a developed level of addiction where it turns into a disease and they cannot be cured.


How is cocaine addiction treated? 

Cocaine is a substance with a high risk of addiction and thousands of people become addicted to cocaine every year. Cocaine negatively affects the human body both physically and mentally. Cocaine addiction develops insidiously and once addiction develops, it can be extremely difficult to get rid of this substance alone. One of the most important risks of repeated cocaine use is that physical and psychological dependence can last for many years.
One of the most important problems in the treatment of cocaine addiction is that the person may develop the desire to start using the substance again after withdrawal. After detoxing from highly addictive substances such as cocaine, the individual may experience a strong craving for the substance. This can lead to a desire to use the substance again. Since the individual cannot resist this desire, they start using the substance again. The main goal in the treatment process is to reduce the individual's desire to take the substance with medication and then to provide the necessary psychological social support.
In cocaine addiction, addiction is usually tried to be eliminated with supportive drug treatments. This was often inadequate. In recent years, treatment methods for cocaine addiction have been developed. Drugs have been developed to reduce the effects of cocaine by interfering with the receptors that cocaine affects.
The treatment program for addiction varies according to the type of addiction and the general condition of the patient.
The treatment program for addiction varies depending on the type of addiction and the general condition of the patient, but an individualized treatment plan is applied.



Yayınlama Tarihi:
23 Mayıs 2019
Güncelleme Tarihi:
07 Ekim 2021