Symmetry Disease

Symmetry Disease


The basis of symmetry disease is an obsession. The person feels the need to correct anything he sees due to his symmetry disease.


Symmetry Disease Symptoms

• The person's desire to be in clean and hygienic environments all the time

• Continuous cleaning request

• Thinking about bad events and situations

• The need to disinfect yourself constantly

• Request to fix and edit anything


Symmetry disease has different severities of life. Some live more violently, some live lighter. The person may need to clean the table in the living room. If he doesn't do that, he feels very bad. If these obsessions are very severe and obsessive, it can turn into a psychiatric condition that needs to be treated. Obsessive compulsion and OCD can be a sign of the disease. In addition to symmetry disease, it is necessary to look for any other obsessions. For example, continuous hand washing is actually a kind of obsession. The person may have frequent control rituals. "Did I lock the car door, pull the iron out of the socket?" Continuous returning home, checks are made.


In symmetry disease, obsessions can be single or together. If the severity of the obsessions is very intense in symmetry, it should be treated. Although the total of these obsessions exceeds one hour in a day, the disease is in question and should be treated. Because these obsessions disrupt one's relationship and functionality with the environment.


The deterioration of the person's functionality is divided into Social functionality, family functionality. This type of individual has difficulty in all tow areas. The job never ends on time, as they want to do their job very well. Control rituals continue many times in home life. They cannot get out of the house in social life. This affects social life.


Thought, emotion, and behavior mentioned in psychology. In individuals who are obsessed with symmetry, there is a thought. "I closed the door, I didn't." This thought creates anxiety and fear. It is the behavior for the person to go and check the door. In fact, all the behavior of individuals who are obsessed with symmetry is caused by the feeling of anxiety. The aim of all these behaviors is to eliminate the feeling of “anxiety”. However, every repetitive behavior causes this feeling to become more rigid.

Symmetry disease seriously affects a person's social life. If the mirror does not look symmetrical on the wall, the person may not go to that friend's house. This is avoidance behavior because the individual tries to prevent the feeling of anxiety that he will experience when he sees the mirror that does not stand properly.


In individuals with symmetry obsessions; anger is very intense. The person is angry with both himself and the other party. The individual angers everyone, considering that he is not understood.


Symmetry Disease Treatment

Symmetry disease is a treatable disease. However, symmetry disease treatment takes a long time. Individuals who say that symmetry disease treatment is unsuccessful are generally individuals who do not comply with the treatment protocol or experience OCD very severely. In this case, the success rate of symmetry disease treatment may decrease. In symmetry disease, medication is usually applied. Deep TMS application is one of the alternative and supportive treatments. ECT can be performed if OCD is very severe and resistant to treatment. If none of these treatments work, surgical methods are also available. Psychotherapy is used in all cases in the treatment of symmetry disease. After the treatment, the person's mind comes to the feeling of whether I closed the door or not, but it does not return to behavior.


İn Who we Can See Symmetry Disease?

Symmetry disease can be seen in everyone. Genetics is important in symmetry. The incidence is higher in the family if any. It usually starts in childhood. The incidence rate is equal to the female-male ratio. Sometimes he sees the obsession of symmetry but does not turn it into behavior and tries to correct it. However, he thinks this thought intensely. This is just an obsession with thought. Such people are very skeptical and want to control everything.


Family Attitudes of Symmetry Disease

Symmetry disease can be observed in children of certain ages. But if there is an obsession in children and adults, it is useful to take a psychiatric opinion. If obsessions are not treated, its duration and number increases. Confirming the patient increases obsession. This is often the most common mistake families make.

Individuals with OCD say that they are aware that the behaviors are absurd when they come to treatment. However, when we start the treatment, we see that the person experiences them and feels intense anxiety. In therapy; No matter how much they have trouble with anxiety, they don't really want to get out of this situation. If he is not aware of obsessions and does not notice the obsession, then the diagnosis also changes. Such patients want to confirm every behavior because they cannot be sure of their behavior. After a while, this situation turns into a war and the patient usually wins.

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