Meticulousness Disease

Meticulousness Disease


Rigorous disease; The disease that causes people to think that they are still dirty, infected after finishing the necessary cleaning stages is called rigor.


What are the Symptoms of Meticulousness?

• Failure to be sure of this although it is cleaned,

• Feeling that you have to clean your own body, environment, things again,

• Asking to wash their clothes immediately when coming from the outside or keeping them separate from other clothes,

• Not being able to take a guest or someone from home etc. it is seen with symptoms in many different forms,

• Regardless of the forms, all of them are characterized by intense anxiety and restlessness that arise with the thought that they are not cleaned. The individual's behavior repeats with these thoughts and feelings.

It may be related to the body of the person with rigor, as well as household items, used bags, telephone, clothes, etc. can be all about it.

For example; Once the person washes his hand after the toilet, he thinks that his hand is still dirty and washes his hands again in a certain number of rituals. He thinks that less than this number is not cleaned when he washes his hands. Or, after cleaning at home, he thinks the house is still dusty, uncleaned, and sweeps over and over again. The most remarkable here is the repetitive behavior that the individual thinks is “dirty, dirty” and copes with the intense anxiety that arises with this thought. This disease can sometimes be characterized by not being able to get out of the toilet, taking extreme precautions against urine, feces, etc. before entering the toilet, and having to shower after a toilet with a certain ritual. In some cases, the person cannot take anything home or invite guests with the idea that the house will become dirty. When the guest arrives, he experiences intense anxiety and anxiety and when he leaves, he applies all the cleaning rituals from the very beginning. Meticulousness also restricts social life in this way.

It is seen that the mothers of individuals with rigor are also obsessed with cleaning and their fathers have a harsh, accusatory, and strict authority. The person repeats these behaviors in order not to be blamed or to keep up with this patent system. The aim is actually to stay away from guilt and soothe anxiety.

Cleaning obsessions are more common in women. It may be thought that this is related to the roles socially attributed and taught to women. Meticulousness, and control and aggression obsessions are more prominent in men.


How Is It Treated?

Meticulousness is a disease that needs to be treated.

If not treated,

Rigorous disease; Often to divorce, to complete social environment, to go to work, to social problems such as not spending time with children,

• Washing hands and body and skin cause skin diseases due to chemicals,

• Depression causes psychiatric diseases such as suicide risk that accompany this.


In the treatment of rigor disease, it is recommended to follow a bipedal path. Studies support this in the treatment of meticulousness. A two-legged therapy using psychotherapy along with drug therapy is recommended for individuals with such problems, and studies show that the best results are obtained in this way. In psychotherapy, an in-depth study of other factors that reveal and maintain the sources of emotions such as anxiety and guilt experienced by the person is carried out. The use of psychotherapy in individuals with rigor disease contributes significantly to the treatment.

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