School Report

School Report


There are three reasons for a weak report card


Stating that parents should self-criticize the evaluation of the weak scorecard, experts warn that "The reason for academic failure can be Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, Specific Learning Difficulty and Mental Retardation Problems".



How to approach the child according to the report card?


How should parents approach broken children because of their school Report

? How do you deal with bad school Report



We should avoid comparisons


Punishing, judging-comparing the child for bad records will not solve the problem and make the solution more difficult. This requires a family assessment. The family must be in cooperation with the school and the teacher.



Project Children


Experts state that the relationship between mother and child has very important effects on a child's development and emphasizes that this relationship should be balanced and consistent. According to the experts, who stated that it is important for the mother to give attention and protection continuously and consistently, the interest of the mother should be uninterrupted but the protection should not be excessive. Children raised in this way are more robust in life.


Digital detox


Experts who state that the semester break will be an opportunity for both children and parents to spend time together, suggests digital detox.



How we will motivate our children


Students are preparing to leave a grueling period behind. One of the most talked-about topics these days is the measure of reward and punishment. Experts point out that the reward or punishment may cause the child's personality trait to seek approval. Experts warn that “A child who needs constant approval cannot form his own ideas and preferences”.

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