Othello Syndrome

Othello Syndrome

Othello syndrome, also called pathological jealousy, is the disease that have to be treated which causes obsessive thoughts.

Pathological jealousy, wanting to be in someone else enving in itself also be considered the first step in the event that brings the lead.


“either mine or no body else’s ” thought means that he is in the first step.

Asking to have a feature or object in another or want to have the object itself is called envy.

There is no pathological aspect of this.

“either mine or no body else’s” thought triggers the feeling we call envy


Othello syndrome, jealousy based on fear of not losing what is in his hand, and jealousy to ask someone else to be in him.


The jealousy of losing what is in hand shows insecurity; It brings feelings of

  • worthlessness,
  • helplessness.


Othello Sendromu Belirtileri

  • Obscure the person with whom he is obsessed with everything and everyone
  • Believe in him by setting up and not setting up unsuspected scenarios
  • Making a phobia of a lover, leaving his wife
  • Overreaction to a simple event
  • Excessive aggressiveness and violence tendency

Othello Syndrome (pathological jealousy) highly affects bilateral relations.


Othello syndrome (pathological jealousy), when the relationship between spouses is considered,


'' Darling, I trust you and I don't trust the surroundings. I know you won't do it wrong, but there are so many different people around.

As the words '' are viewed from the outside, the people who love '' are jealous, Jealousy at the dose is good '' is used in the community as a few promises.


 It should be kept in mind that these partially accepted words are an important step in the direction of life and relationship in the future.


The person you hear the words of “ i trust you but i do not trust the people around you”  can be either your lover,  partner or friend. In turkish, these words actually mean “ I do not trust you too much either”.


It is not an appropriate behaviour to enquire your partner's instagram password to check his or her messages. A self confident person should not consider such issues.  Even when it has to do with the spouses’ or the lover’s life, no one has a right to poison anyone's life, or to rule over it.

Clinical Overview and Treatment of Othello Syndrome (Pathological Jealousy)

The most pathological form of jealousy is othello syndrome (pathological jealousy).
Someone who has an Othello syndrome, even with no concrete evidence, will:

  • Suspect when the partner does not to respond to the phone at the right time.
  • Also suspect when he gets back from the place he went to 3 minutes late than the time said.
  • Take finding a hair on cloths as a confirmation instead of a suspicion.


A man who has Othello syndrome (pathological jealousy), will assume that his woman is deceiving him if she has a short hair on. For this man, the fact that his women has liked another man’s picture is also taken as a proof.


Othello syndrome (pathological jealousy) is not a striking discomfort as the impact of the person’s acts have remained limited only to his partner who can do well as a doctor, a lawyer or a housewife.


But in bilateral relationships, fights and disturbance might take place on a Daily basis, the thing that makes the life of the person loved subject of disconfort. In case this happens,  the situation is going to be dramatic. Sometimes some cases of pathological jealousy, mainly about the 'madness brought', are displayed on the 3rd page of some newspapers.


Some of the female murders have othello syndrome (pathological jealousy). According to the man, if the woman wanted to divorce, the reason for this is not violence or incompatibility, but a deception.

 These cases should undergo absolute psychological treatment.


The more moderate form is to follow the person who is constantly obsessed with the social media.

These people feel,

• Sad,

• Desperate,

• Unworthy,

• Unhappy.


The person making his life miserable by boring the other side, taking control, trying to know where he's going, trying to determine his friends. Unfortunately it is not acceptable to consider that as a love. In cases of this type of jealousy, In cases of this type of jealousy, at least one therapy should be supported.

It should be emphasized that the words '' jealous at the dose '' and '' loving people envy '' in the society will not always express innocence and love.


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