Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder


Bipolar disorder is defined as "extreme changes in mood, ranging from mania to depression”      This case is called bipolar disorder.


Among these mood fluctuations sometime  the person with bipolar disorder may be in normal mood   

The term "manic" defines a period of extreme mobility, energetic, talkative, indifferent, strong, euphoric.


What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is defined as “extreme changes in mood, ranging from mania to depression.”

Previously known as manic depressive disorder or manic depression, In Turkish who has disturbance in two-sides feeling that means  has a bipolar affective disorder,  it is a serious mental illness that damages relationships and careers because of risky behaviors and even leads to suicide when not treated.


As an answer to the question of what is bipolar disorder bipolar disorder can be answered from a change of mood in the form of a double.


Also known as manic depressive disorder.

People who are not ill can not observe sudden ups and downs in their mood, but bipolar disorder patients in their mood will affect the daily life of ups and downs, changes can be observed. In bipolar disorder, symptoms at first be as mania then the symptoms of depression   will appear.


Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder

There are two different stages of the disease.:

Mania or hypomania

  • Feeling extremely energized
  • Constantly feeling excited
  • Speed of thought change
  • Optimism
  • Having problems in concentrating
  • Lack of sleep
  • Talking fast
  • Increase in sexual desire


  • Too fast to be irritated, as opposed to being overly cheerful.
  • Problems of appetite
  • Inattentiveness
  • Uses of alkohol and drug that depending on these symptoms

At least three of the symptoms that can be seen in mania and hypomania are enough to diagnose bipolar disorder.


Symptoms of Bipolar Depression

  • Feeling too debilitated As opposed to Mania
  • Forgetfulness 
  • Feeling of hopelessness
  • İnability to enjoy anything
  • Problems of appetite
  • Feeling tired
  • Getting away from the family and the immediate surroundings
  • Waking up frequently during sleep
  •  Be against activites that make pleasure
  • Be indifferent
  • Loosing self esteem
  • Suicidal tendencies, attempted suicide
  • Suicidal tendencies, suicide attempts


Bipolar disorder is characterized by periodic changes in mood. The term ‘manic’ in bipolar disorder describes a period in which the patient feels extremely active, energetic, talkative, indifferent, and strong.

Insomnia lasting for days, excessive mobility, unstoppable speech, irritability, aggressive behavior, excessive and unnecessary shopping are the most common symptoms of this period. In manic periods, some patients may refuse treatment by stating that their creativity increased and their work went great.


However as the disease progresses, the results can be very dramatic and can result in disaster. A person can do reckless behavior, spend a lot of Money. Bipolar disorder; impulsive risky decisions, behaviors (inappropriate work agreements, buying/selling, etc.), random and inappropriate personality to have sexual intercourse can create health risks for the patient and the family financial.


Bipolar Disorder; In the other period of the disease, the mood is completely opposite to the previous one. Depression is defined as sadness, crying, feeling of worthless/guilt, energy loss, loss of pleasure, sleep problems may occur. In these periods, Bipolar Disorder may be equally dangerous as depressive and may attempt suicide.

When someone has this disordes, his deeds should not be considered as a mistake  or a crime.

Is Bipolar Disorder Genetic?

Genetic susceptibility in Bipolar Disorder is seen as an important risk.   Bipolar disorder might be seen on relatives that are not subject for it up to 1-2% and the percentage goes up to 7-8% in case  of first degree relatives (parents and siblings).

If one of the twins has bipolar disorder, the probability of bipolar disorder in the other twin increases to 45-60%.



Bipolar disorder is usually seen between the ages of 15 and 24 and often lasts throughout life. It can be seen at any age (from 7 to 77) but most often begins in the early 20s. It is seen in 1-2 of every 100 people.

Similar incidence is observed all over the world. There is no difference in incidence between men and women. Children and above 65 years of age rarely have newly diagnosed mania.


In bipolar disorder manic or a depressive episode in the period of illness of the patient in the case where the symptoms are very severe, risky behaviors, suicidal thoughts or aggressive behaviour fail to yield the initiative of hospitalized for the purpose of soothing. Approximately 90% of patients with bipolar disorder were hospitalized at least once in their lifetime, and two-thirds were admitted to hospital twice or more.

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