Parkinson's affects facial expression and speech

Parkinson's affects facial expression and speech

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Parkinson hastalığı, hareketleri engelleyen ilerleyici bir beyin hastalığıdır ve çeşitli semptomlarla kendini gösterebilir. Erken dönemde yüz ifadesinde azalma, konuşmada bulanıklık ve yazıda küçülme gibi belirtiler ortaya çıkabilir. Hastalığın başlangıcı genellikle tek taraflı titreme veya sertlik/katılık ile başlar ve ilerleyerek diğer tarafa geçer. Yürüme esnasında kol hareketlerinin olmaması da bir belirti olabilir. Teşhisin önemi vurgulanırken, tedavide dopaminin rolü de önemlidir. Parkinson hastalığının nedeni bilinmemekle birlikte, genetik yatkınlık ve çevresel faktörler etkili olabilir. Yaşlılık, ailede Parkinson öyküsü, erkek cinsiyet ve pestisit/herbisit maruziyeti risk faktörleri arasında yer alır. Tedavide eksik dopamin hormonunun yerine konması esas olup, oral dopamin içeren ilaçlar ile başlanır ve ileri durumlarda dopamin pompası ve beyin uyarımı gibi yöntemler kullanılabilir.

Parkinson's, a progressive brain disease that prevents movement, can show symptoms in various ways. Experts point out that there may be a decrease in facial expression in the early stages of the disease, speech may be slurred and writing may shrink. Emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis, experts also draw attention to the importance of dopamine in treatment.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurology Specialist Dr. Celal Şalçini made evaluations about Parkinson's, a progressive brain disease that affects movement.

Complaints start unilaterally

Dr. Celal Şalçini noted that the complaints in Parkinson's disease often start unilaterally as tremors or stiffness / rigidity, and as it progresses, it passes to the other side, "In addition, a decrease in facial expression can be observed in the early period, speech may be slurred. Not waving while walking may begin."

Beware if the writing is shrinking!

Emphasizing that these complaints vary from person to person, Dr. Celal Şalçini said, "At first, the complaints may be very faint and hardly noticeable. Complaints may mainly include tremor, slowing down in movements (bradykinesia), rigidity in muscles, imbalance and posture disorder, loss of automatic movements, change in speech, and shrinkage in writing. If any of these findings are present, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor."

Advanced age, risk factor

Noting that dopamine-producing cells die over time in Parkinson's disease, Dr. Celal Şalçini said, "The cause of Parkinson's disease is unknown, but genetic predisposition and environmental factors are blamed. Familial genetic mutations have been detected in some Parkinson's patients. Factors such as advanced age, Parkinson's disease in the family, being male and exposure to pesticides/herbicides are mentioned as risk factors."

Dopamine drugs are effective in treatment

Noting that various methods are used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, Dr. Celal Şalçini said, "The main principle in the treatment of Parkinson's disease is to replace the missing dopamine hormone. Therefore, treatment starts with oral medications containing dopamine, then dopamine pumps and surgical brain pacing can be applied as advanced treatment when necessary."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 January 2021
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