Don't go to bed with your phone!

Don't go to bed with your phone!

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Insomnia, defined as difficulty falling asleep and maintaining sleep, is a very common disorder in society. Contrary to popular belief, quality sleep is not very dependent on sleep duration. Pointing out that the most important sign of healthy sleep is to be able to wake up rested and vigorous in the morning, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin stated that the use of technology causes insomnia and emphasized that the light emitted by tablets and phones used in bed disrupts the body rhythm by changing the sleep-wake cycle of the brain.


Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin gave important information about sleep hygiene and conditions that cause insomnia.

If you are constantly sleeping during the day, treatment is a must!

Stating that insomnia is defined as difficulty falling asleep and maintaining sleep, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin stated that insomnia is a very high prevalence in the society,

"In fact, it is rare to find a person who does not experience insomnia from time to time. In order for insomnia to be defined as a disease, it must continue for a certain period of time and interfere with the person's daily life activities, academic and social life. For example, if a person complaining of insomnia is constantly dozing off during the day because he/she cannot sleep at night, there is a condition that must be treated."

The quality of sleep does not depend on its duration

Neurology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin said, "The most important sign of healthy sleep is to wake up rested and vigorous in the morning."

"Conditions such as excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep maintenance disorder, excessive waking, inability to wake up rested, excessive dreaming may also be indicators of impaired sleep quality. Contrary to popular belief, the quality of sleep is not very dependent on its duration. While some people can only get 12 hours of sleep, others can get 4-5 hours of sleep. If the person can wake up rested and continue their daily work in a healthy way, a short sleep duration does not mean that there is a disease."

Psychiatric diseases are not independent from sleep

"People who cannot sleep for a long time may experience restlessness, irritability and depression. Conditions such as sleep apnea syndrome that disrupt sleep quality can also cause various psychiatric disorders," said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin and continued his words as follows:

"On the contrary, insomnia is quite common in depressed individuals. Anxiety disorder can also appear as insomnia. In some cases, it is not easy to distinguish whether sleep disorder is caused by psychiatric illness or psychiatric illness is caused by sleep disorder. For this reason, a comprehensive history including past sleep habits, medication use and psychiatric history should be taken from all patients presenting with sleep disorders.

What are the factors that cause sleep problems?

The most common condition we encounter is insomnia. Especially difficulty falling asleep is often the reason for patients to consult a physician. The most common causes of insomnia are excessive stimulant consumption, technology addiction, excessive daytime naps and psychiatric diseases. Restless leg syndrome is another important disorder that manifests itself with restlessness in the legs especially in the evening hours and causes insomnia. In addition, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a condition characterized by excessive snoring and breathing stops during sleep. Inability to breathe easily enough during sleep at night impairs sleep quality and causes excessive daytime sleepiness. Another problem we encounter during sleep is parasomnias. This group includes disorders such as sleep talking, sleepwalking and rocking. Although these diseases, especially in childhood, are generally benign, they can worry parents.


Light emitted by devices alters the brain's sleep cycle

The use of technology is a particular cause of insomnia. The use of tablets and smartphones in bed can prolong the time it takes people of all ages to fall asleep. The light emitted by such devices changes the sleep-wake cycle of the brain and can disrupt the body rhythm. In terms of sleep hygiene, it is necessary to avoid the use of technological devices late at night and in bed. Digital game addiction is another habit that we frequently see in young individuals and students and leads to sleep disturbance. Some individuals may disrupt sleep-wake rhythms by playing digital games until late at night. This can lead to excessive daytime fatigue and decreased academic achievement.

Avoid naps if you cannot fall asleep at night

"For sleep hygiene, we should not change the time we usually go to bed to sleep, we should stay away from high light, noise and technological devices, especially social media before falling asleep," said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Metin,

It is also important for sleep hygiene not to eat or drink heavy foods, stimulants containing caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes during the hours close to sleep. The quality of the environment we sleep in, the comfort of the pillow and mattress are also important for a quality sleep. Daytime naps called naps are very popular habits for some people. However, if there is a problem falling asleep at night, daytime naps should be avoided."

Which treatment methods are applied in sleep problems?

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Barış Metin said, "The treatment method varies according to the sleep problem. In insomnia, treatment is usually given according to the underlying condition," he said and concluded his words as follows:

"For example, if depression is the cause of insomnia, this condition should be treated first. If there is insomnia due to sleep hygiene disorder, sleep problems can be eliminated with some simple lifestyle changes. In some of our patients, drug treatments that will make it easier to fall asleep are necessary. When there is a suspicion of a disease that fundamentally impairs sleep quality such as sleep apnea, the patient must be hospitalized overnight in a sleep laboratory and undergo a sleep test called polysomnography. At the end of this test, the type of sleep apnea can be understood and a targeted treatment can be given. Especially in children, if there is a condition such as shouting in sleep, having nightmares, walking and talking in sleep, it is necessary to perform a sleep electroencephalography examination to understand whether a sleep disorder or a disease such as epilepsy causes this condition."

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At23 December 2020
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