30 minutes of walking at least 3 days a week

30 minutes of walking at least 3 days a week

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Pandemi sırasında hareketsizliğin yol açtığı kas sorunlarını önlemek için, Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi Fizik Tedavi Uzmanı Dr. Nurten Korkmaz, haftada en az üç gün, 20-30 dakika yürüyüş gibi aerobik egzersizler yapılması önerisinde bulunmuştur. Bu, 65 yaş üstü bireyler için özellikle önemlidir. Ayrıca, eklem çevresindeki kasları güçlendirmek için haftada 3 gün, gün aşırı bant veya ağırlıklarla güçlendirme egzersizleri ve dengeyi korumak için yoga önerilmiştir. Kasların kısalmasını ve zayıflamasını önlemek için günlük germe egzersizleri de yapılmalıdır. Son olarak, yeterli güneş ışığı alarak veya takviye alarak vücuttaki D vitamini seviyesinin korunmasının önemi vurgulanmıştır, çünkü hareketsizlik ve yetersiz güneş ışığı D vitamini seviyelerini düşürerek kemik sağlığını olumsuz etkiler.

During the home quarantine period brought about by the pandemic, daily routine movements decreased significantly in many people. Experts recommend regular walking and yoga exercises to prevent musculoskeletal problems that may arise from inactivity, especially in individuals over the age of 65 during the normalization period. Experts also point out the importance of sufficient vitamin D storage in the body by utilizing sunlight.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Physical Therapy Specialist Dr. Nurten Korkmaz made recommendations to prevent muscle problems that may occur as a result of inactivity.

Inactivity causes muscle weakness and shortening of muscle length

Drawing attention to the movements that can be done at home and the problems caused by inactivity, Dr. Nurten Korkmaz said, "Being inactive causes weakness in the muscles due to lack of use and shortening in muscle length. Muscle support is very important to protect these joints, especially in advanced age, as there are changes in the joints due to degeneration. Weight gain due to inactivity will also increase degeneration in these joints. In addition to the muscles, the bone structure will also weaken if there is no upright position and no load bearing, and osteoprosis (osteoporosis) will increase. Another consequence of inactivity is reduced blood circulation and a predisposition to varicose veins. Inactivity also increases the risk of muscle damage, increases injuries, decreases endurance and reduces the capacity to complete a task. It should not be forgotten that inactivity has negative effects on mood as well as physical health. For all these reasons, it is important to be active and exercise."

Walk for 20-30 minutes at least three times a week

Noting that aerobic exercise is the most suitable exercise to increase endurance, maintain bone mass, prevent weight gain and increase mode, Dr. Nurten Korkmaz said, "Aerobic exercise can be done with walking. Walking exercise performed at least 3 days a week for 20 - 30 minutes depending on the condition of the person meets the body needs of people over the age of 65. They can determine a route and walk at home or a walking belt can be used. If it is done at home, the important thing is that the walking exercise should be continuous for at least 12 minutes."

Strengthening exercises and yoga can be done

Dr. Nurten Korkmaz noted that in addition to walking exercises, strengthening exercises with bands or weights can be applied to the muscles around the joints 3 days a week, every other day, and said, "The weight should be increased gradually and a maximum of 8 - 10 repetitions should be done. Yoga exercises are very suitable as balance and coordination decrease in advanced age. Simple yoga movements can be found on the internet. Stretching exercises performed daily on all joints can be done to lengthen the length of the muscles."

The body should not be deficient in vitamin D

Pointing out that the rate of vitamin D in the body decreases when not enough sunlight is utilized, Physical Therapist Dr. Nurten Korkmaz said, "Vitamin D, which is already low in older individuals, decreases even more with confinement. Therefore, it is important to get sunlight from the arms and legs. Of course, patients with hypertension should be careful not to increase their complaints by staying in the sun too much. Half an hour of sunlight from a balcony or window every day may be sufficient, or they can have their vitamin D levels measured and take supplements. Outdoor walks should be done both to increase the morale and motivation of the person and as part of aerobic exercise."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At30 June 2020
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