What to do for spine health

What to do for spine health

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Omurga, 33 kemikten oluşan ve başı taşıyan, kalbi ve akciğerleri koruyan bir taşıyıcı sistemdir. Omurga sağlığını korumak için düzenli fiziksel aktivite (haftada 5 gün, günde 45 dakika), doğru duruş, yeterli su tüketimi ve sağlıklı kilonun korunması esastır. Omurga ile ilgili hastalıklar arasında skolioz (yan eğrilik), kamburluk (özellikle çocuklarda yaşamı tehdit edebilir) ve bel fıtığı (ameliyat gerektirebilir) bulunur. Korseler omurga sağlığı için faydalı değildir. Erken teşhis ve tedavi, skolioz ve kamburluk gibi durumlarda önemlidir. Güçlü kas yapısı için yürüyüş, koşu ve yüzme gibi egzersizler önerilir. Beslenmede balık ve sebzelere önem verilmelidir.

The spine acts as a shield protecting the nervous system, lung and heart health. Stating that overweight should be avoided for spinal health, experts warn that regular physical activity is essential. Proper posture and drinking plenty of water are also good for spinal health.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Specialist. Dr. Abdullah Şarlak gave important information about spine health.

Spine protects the heart and lungs

"Our spine is a carrier system consisting of 33 bones. These bones are connected to each other by joints, connective tissue and cushions called discs." Abdullah Şarlak said, "The spine is supported by very strong muscle groups. We stand and lean forward, backward and sideways with this system that carries our head. It protects our heart and lungs together with the rib cage. It also carries and protects the nervous system that commands our torso, arms and legs."
Uzm. Dr. Abdullah Şarlak gave the following information about spinal diseases:

Scoliosis is detected during adolescence

"It is the bending of the spine to the side (right or left). It can also rotate around itself. It is detected especially in adolescence during the process of rapid growth. The shoulders, lumbar curve and scapula (shoulder blades) are not equal. The rib cage may appear as if it has shifted. It is caused by genetic predisposition. It can be treated by early diagnosis.

Humpback carries a life risk in children

It is a distortion in the back area towards the front. It can occur during adolescence and at older ages. The type that occurs in children can have life-threatening risks. It is caused by genetic predisposition. It can be diagnosed early and treated without causing further health problems. It can be confused with posture disorder, especially in adolescent girls. This can be corrected with exercise that increases muscle strength.

Lumbar disc herniation can cause major damage

It is caused by the deterioration of the discs that act as a buffer between the vertebrae. Patients experience low back pain, numbness and weakness in the legs. It can cause damage that can lead to surgery."

Corsets are not beneficial for spine health

Stating that the corset does not have any benefit in terms of spine health, Uzm. Dr. Abdullah Şarlak listed the things to be done to protect spine health as follows:

- "We should drink plenty of water.
- We should do our physical activities regularly (5 days a week; 45 minutes a day)
- We need to get rid of excess weight. Obesity and inactivity increase problems.
- Posture should be maintained in a proper position. Thus, we provide an aesthetic appearance without pain.
- For a strong muscular structure, we first need strong muscles. This is achieved by walking, jogging and swimming.
- Good nutrition, especially fish and vegetables are recommended."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At16 October 2018
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