What is Good for Anemia?

What is Good for Anemia?

Content Summary

Anemia, vücutta oksijeni organlara ve dokulara düzenli bir şekilde taşımak için gereken miktarda sağlıklı kırmızı kan hücresinin eksikliğinden kaynaklanan, yaşam kalitesini olumsuz etkileyen yaygın bir kan bozukluğudur. Belirtileri arasında yorgunluk, halsizlik, iştahsızlık, ciltte renk değişikliği, baş ağrısı, baygınlık, sinirlilik, konsantrasyon bozukluğu, cilt kuruluğu, ellerde ve ayaklarda uyuşma, hafif kulak ağrıları, dudaklarda kuruluk ve yaralar, tırnak kırılması, saç dökülmesi, dinlendikten sonra bile yorgunluk, sürekli hastalık hissi, zayıf bağışıklık sistemi ve soğuğa tahammülsüzlük bulunur. Anemi, demir, B12 vitamini ve folik asit eksikliğinden kaynaklanabilir ve tedavisi ihmal edilirse daha ciddi sağlık sorunlarına yol açabilir. Tedavi için demir, B12 vitamini ve folik asit açısından zengin besinler (kırmızı et, kümes hayvanları, somon, soya fasulyesi, tahıllar, baklagiller, yağlı tohumlar, yeşil yapraklı sebzeler, meyveler, tahin, pekmez vb.) tüketilmeli ve Rooibos çayı, ısırgan otu çayı, melisa çayı ve limon otu çayı gibi bitki çayları içilebilir. Vitamin C, demir emilimini artırmaya yardımcı olur. B12 vitamini eksikliği için iç organlar, deniz ürünleri ve süt ürünleri tüketilebilir. Anemi şüphesi durumunda kan testi yaptırmak ve uzman bir doktora danışmak önemlidir.

Anemia can develop due to iron deficiency, vitamin deficiencies such as b12 and b19. In addition, inflammatory diseases such as cancer, kidney disease and Crohn's disease can cause anemia. Although anemia is generally caused by iron deficiency, it can be explained by the lack of red blood cells in the blood. Therefore, some healthy foods can be recommended to eliminate iron deficiencies. Consuming these healthy foods contributes to the reduction of problems such as fatigue and shortness of breath caused by anemia.

Blood is a vital fluid for every living thing. In case of anemia, some problems may occur in the body. In order for this fluid to be in sufficient quantity in the body, some vitamins and minerals should be used in a controlled manner. At the same time, anemia can be seen due to the lack of foods such as iron, B12 and folic acid, which prevent anemia due to the lack of consumption of certain foods and certain ailments. Therefore, it is common for anemia to occur. Anemia, which negatively affects daily life , paves the way for more important health problems when left untreated.

What are the Symptoms of Anemia?

Anemia negatively affects human life, it is more common in women. Anemia occurs when the body lacks the necessary amount of healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to organs and tissues at a regular level. Anemia occurs when the proportion of circulating red blood cells decreases. We can list the symptoms of anemia as follows;

  • Fatigue, weakness and loss of strength
  • Eating disorders
  • Skin discoloration
  • Headaches
  • Fainting
  • Irritable mood
  • Impaired concentration
  • Skin dryness
  • Numbness in hands and feet
  • Mild pain in the ears
  • Dryness, sores on the lips
  • Nail breakage
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue even after rest
  • Being sick all the time
  • Weak immune system
  • Inability to tolerate cold, chills

What are the Herbal Teas Good for Anemia?

In addition to various foods, there are some herbal teas that are good for anemia. We can list these herbal teas as follows;
Rooibos tea: 250 ml of boiled water is added into a teaspoon of rooibos tea and left to brew. If the taste of the tea is not liked, some milk can be added according to preference.
Nettle Nettle has more than one benefit. To prepare; 4 teaspoons of dried nettle leaves 250 ml. should be thrown into water and left to boil for about 1 minute. The brewed tea is filtered and it is recommended to drink 2 times a day.
Lemon balm tea Lemon balm tea has soothing properties. In addition, boiling and consuming it is good for anemia. For preparation; 1 teaspoon of dried lemon balm leaves are added to a glass of hot water and left to brew for 10 minutes. Optionally, it can be consumed hot or cold 2 times a day.
Lemongrass tea: Lemongrass tea is one of the other herbal teas that are good for anemia. To prepare; 30 gr. 1 lt. boiling water is added into the dried lemongrass and left to infuse for 20 minutes. It is recommended to consume 2 times a day. Optionally, you can add honey inside.

What are the Foods Good for Anemia?

Vitamin C is one of the vitamins that are good for anemia. Vitamin C contributes to increase iron absorption. When iron support is taken, consuming 1 glass of fresh orange juice can contribute to increasing absorption. In addition to iron-based foods, plenty of vegetables should be eaten outside of meals and calcium-rich foods should be consumed in snacks. Other foods that are good for anemia can be listed as follows;

  • Red meat types
  • Chicken products
  • Salmon, tuna
  • Soya beans
  • Cereals (rice, wheat, rye)
  • Dry legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils, corn)
  • Oilseeds such as walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and almonds
  • Cowpeas, peas, beans and green peppers
  • Green leafy vegetables such as chard, spinach, arugula, broccoli
  • Fruits such as oranges, red berries, apples, pears, bananas, strawberries and watermelon
  • Foods such as tahini, molasses, raisins, prunes and goat horn

What to do to raise blood pressure?

Anemia may seem like a simple deficiency in the body. However, it is one of the health problems that deeply affect life. It brings many problems in daily life, from mental state to sleep patterns. However, some of the problems it creates also bring mental problems due to reasons such as loss of energy and impaired concentration. It also manifests itself with chills during the day. In addition to anemia, conditions such as exhaustion and fatigue may occur. In such cases, you should consult a specialist. There are also some simple methods that can be applied to raise blood. This simple method is the regular consumption of healthy foods that increase blood values.
Forvitamin B12 deficiency , it is recommended to consume offal such as liver and spleen. In addition, seafood such as oysters, mussels, shrimp, trout, tuna and mackerel are among the foods that are good for iron deficiency. Dairy products rich in vitamin B12 such as eggs, milk, yogurt and cheese can also be consumed. Red meat, spinach, lentils, chickpeas, grapes, pumpkin, molasses and oatmeal can also be consumed.
You only need to spend 5 minutes to havea blood test and have your values measured. With a drop of blood, you can find out the causes of your future diseases or minor problems you are experiencing, and you can find detailed information on the hematology, internal medicine (internal medicine) department page https://cdn.npistanbul.com/ic-hastaliklari-dahiliye.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At19 September 2022
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