What is an Inferiority Complex?

What is an Inferiority Complex?

Content Summary

Bir yetersizlik duygusu, hayali eksikliklerden de kaynaklanabilir ve iki tür reaksiyona yol açabilir: sosyal durumlardan çekilme veya yetersiz olmadıklarını kanıtlamak için aşırı rekabetçi olma. İkinci reaksiyon, bazı durumlarda üstünlük kompleksine dönüşebilir. Yetersizlik kompleksi semptomları arasında güvensizlik, eksiklik veya değersizlik hissi, düşük öz saygı, övgüye inanmakta veya eleştiriyi kabul etmekte zorluk, günlük aktivitelerden ve sosyal ortamlardan kaçınma, sürekli olarak kendini başkalarıyla karşılaştırma, sürekli utanç, suçluluk, mahcubiyet ve güvensizlik hissi, mükemmeliyetçilik, aşırı öz eleştiri, sürekli başkalarından onay ve övgü arama, her türlü rekabetten kaçınma, uykusuzluk ve sürekli endişeli ve depresif hissetme yer alır. Yetersizlik kompleksi, çocuklukta yanlış bir öz kavramının oluşmasından kaynaklanabilir ve aile, çevre ve eğitim faktörlerinden etkilenir. Ayrıca travmalar, stres, depresyon, anksiyete öyküsü, çocukluk deneyimleri, fiziksel özellikler, ekonomik ve sosyal zorluklar, sosyal baskılar ve zihinsel özellikler de katkıda bulunabilir. Tedavi, yetersizlik hissini kabul etmeyi, mükemmeliyetçilikten kaçınmayı ve öz güveni geliştirmeyi içerir. Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapi, psikodinamik terapi ve destekleyici terapi gibi psikoterapi yöntemleri etkilidir. Yetersizlik duygusuyla başa çıkmak için gerçekçi hedefler belirlemek, başkalarıyla karşılaştırmayı bırakmak, kendine güvenmeyi öğrenmek, sosyal etkileşimi artırmak, başkaları gibi olmak istemeyi bırakmak, başkalarının ne düşündüğünü dert etmemek, olumlu özelliklere odaklanmak, kendini olduğu gibi kabul etmek, mükemmeliyetçilikten kaçınmak ve olumsuz düşünceleri tersine çevirmek ve sorgulamak önemlidir.

The term inferiority complex, coined by Alfred Adler, refers to a person's feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness or inferiority. The person who has these feelings may experience a constant sense of inadequacy or insecurity in their daily life due to the belief that they are physically or mentally inferior and inferior to other people. This condition is considered a psychological disorder and can be treated with the help of a therapist.

A sense of inferiority can also arise from imagined deficiencies and can lead to two types of reactions. The person may withdraw and withdraw from social situations or become overly competitive in an effort to prove that they are not inadequate. The second reaction can, in some cases, turn into a superiority complex.

What are the symptoms of an inferiority complex?

It is considered normal to compare oneself to talented or intelligent people from time to time. However, when such behavior becomes excessive and out of control, it is considered abnormal and a disorder. Individuals with this type of disorder may experience feelings that can harm their daily lives. Inferiority complex symptoms can be listed as follows:

  • Feeling insecure, incomplete or worthless
  • Low self-esteem
  • Difficulty believing praise or accepting criticism
  • Avoiding daily activities and social settings
  • Constantly comparing and contrasting oneself with others
  • Constant feelings of shame, guilt, embarrassment, insecurity
  • A sense of perfectionism
  • Excessive self-criticism
  • Constantly seeking approval and praise from others
  • Avoiding all forms of competition
  • Insomnia
  • Feeling constantly anxious and depressed

What Causes Inferiority Complex?

The feeling of inferiority usually begins and continues during childhood. This is due to the failure to form the self-concept correctly during childhood. Family, environment and education factors are effective in the formation of self-concept. When this concept is formed correctly, the individual experiences the real perception and reality. However, if the child is subjected to distortion, unnecessary and false criticism while forming this concept, a sense of inferiority may occur.

In addition to behavioral and psychological characteristics, thecauses of inferiority complex can include many factors. The person's life experiences and genetic disposition are effective in this regard. In addition, some psychological problems such as anxiety and depression can also lead to this condition. Inferiority, which can be common in childhood, is often associated with a lack of encouragement from parents or a lack of self-confidence.

This can lead to children feeling unappreciated, which can result in problems later in life, such as low self-esteem and feeling worthless. In addition, the factors that can lead to such feelings can be listed as follows:

  • Traumas
  • History of stress, depression, anxiety and anxiety
  • Childhood experiences
  • Physical properties
  • Economic and social challenges
  • Social pressures
  • Mental characteristics

Inferiority Complex Treatment

For the treatment of inferiority complex, the person must first accept this situation. The person should avoid perfectionism and accept that they cannot be successful in everything. Lack of self-confidence is at the root of this problem. For this reason, the person should realize his/her own competence and abilities and make some efforts to improve his/her abilities. Family members should support the person in this regard and stay away from critical approaches.

Psychotherapy is also a common and effective treatment option for such cases . Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is a way for people to better understand their emotions and how to channel them in more productive ways. The types of psychotherapy can be listed as follows:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: This common form of talk therapy aims to help a person change stereotyped thoughts and behaviors.

Psychodynamic Therapy: Aims to help a person cope with negative emotions and behaviors that arise from past experiences.

Supportive Therapy: Supports building self-esteem, reducing anxiety, improving social functioning and many more.

Dealing with Inferiority Complex

There are several steps that can be taken to overcome and cope with feelings of inferiority. Some of these steps are as follows:

  • Set realistic goals
  • One should stop comparing oneself with others
  • Learn to trust yourself
  • Increase social interactions and spend time with positive people
  • Stop wanting to be like others
  • Try not to worry about what others think
  • Focus on your positive qualities
  • Accept oneself as one is
  • Avoid perfectionism
  • Reverse negative thoughts and challenge them

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At10 March 2023
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