What Causes Abdominal Bloating?

What Causes Abdominal Bloating?

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Karın şişkinliği, nüfusun büyük bir bölümünü etkileyen yaygın bir sorundur ve sindirim sistemi sorunlarından, ödemden, sağlıksız beslenmeden, gıda alerjilerinden ve stres gibi çeşitli faktörlerden kaynaklanabilir. Sindirim sistemi sorunları arasında çölyak hastalığı, oniki parmak bağırsağı ülseri, gastrit, kabızlık, mide ve bağırsak kanseri ve safra kesesi sorunları yer alır. Ödem, yüksek sodyum alımı, hareketsiz yaşam tarzı ve düşük potasyum alımı nedeniyle oluşabilir. Fazla karbonhidrat tüketimi, lifsiz yiyecekler ve hızlı yemek yeme de şişkinliğe yol açar. Bazı kişilerde süt, şeker, yumurta ve glutene karşı hassasiyet olabilir. Stres de sindirim sistemini olumsuz etkiler. Tedavi, endoskopi ve kolonoskopi gibi teşhis yöntemlerinden sonra altta yatan nedene göre değişir. Tedavide ilaç, probiyotikler ve yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri (günde en az 3 litre su içmek gibi) önerilebilir.

Bloating is a common problem, especially in women, and can reduce the standard of living. While some gas formation in the stomach and intestines is normal and healthy, prolonged bloating of the abdomen and stomach can be a serious health problem.

Stomach and intestinal bloating, which affects a large proportion of the population, can have many different causes. Some of the intestinal and stomach bacteria benefit the body and cause some gas in the body. This gas content does not have a bad effect on health. When the amount of gas in the body increases and the body has difficulty expelling it, the dense air in the digestive tract causes the walls of the organs to stretch. This causes stimulation of nerve endings, leading to shortness of breath, palpitations, uncontrolled flatulence, constant belching, irregular urge to go to the toilet, abdominal pain and bloating that causes a feeling of bursting.

What Causes Abdominal Bloating?

One of the biggest causes of bloating is problems in the digestive system. Conditions such as celiac disease, duodenum, gastritis, constipation, stomach and intestinal cancer, gallbladder problems, stomach hernia cause gas accumulation in the intestines and stomach and bloating occurs. Other factors that cause abdominal bloating are as follows;

Edema: Dense fluid accumulating in the body can also cause bloating. Consuming high sodium, being sedentary, and taking insufficient potassium can lead to edema, which can cause bloating in the stomach and intestines.

Not Eating Healthy: Consuming too much carbohydrate foods can cause bloating in the stomach and intestines. Foods that are not high in fiber can cause the intestines to work less. Eating too fast is not healthy and causes swallowing large amounts of air, which triggers gas formation in the stomach and intestines.

Food Allergy: Some individuals have sensitive stomach and intestinal flora to certain foods. Consumption of foods such as milk, sugar, eggs and gluten causes indigestion and bloating.

Stress Stress is very effective on the digestive system. Stress can prevent the healthy functioning of the esophagus, stomach and intestines.

Abdominal Bloating Treatment

Treatment of abdominal bloating is done according to the cause. Methods such as endoscopy and colonoscopy may be preferred to diagnose the underlying problem of bloating. When deemed necessary by the specialist, medication can be administered depending on the cause. Probiotic intake is recommended. It is generally desired to change the lifestyle for the treatment of bloating. It is recommended to consume at least 3 liters of water during the day.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At16 July 2023
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