Speech and Language Therapy in Children

Speech and Language Therapy in Children

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Dil, düşüncelerimizi, isteklerimizi ve ihtiyaçlarımızı iletmek için öğrendiğimiz bir koddur; okuma, yazma, konuşma ve jestler dilin biçimleri arasındadır. Bu kod, seslerden, hecelerden veya vücut hareketlerinden kelime veya işaretler oluşturma, kök kelimelerin anlamlarını geliştirme (örneğin kız+lar=kızlar), kelimeleri bir araya getirme (dilbilgisi), kelimelere anlam ekleme ve farklı kitlelere, amaçlara ve durumlara göre farklı dil biçimleri kullanarak konuşma ve hikaye anlatmayı içeren kurallardan oluşur. Çocuklar, çevrelerinde konuşulan dili dinleyerek ve duyduklarını uygulayarak dil ve konuşmayı öğrenirler. Ebeveynler, çocuklarıyla konuşarak ve kitap okuyarak çocukların konuşmasını öğrenebilmelerine yardımcı olabilirler. Çocukların dil ve konuşma gelişimi yaşa bağlı olarak değişir; erken müdahale önemlidir ve dil gerilimi yaşayan çocuklara konuşma ve dil terapisti yardımcı olabilir. İşitme sorunları, özellikle hayatın ilk yılında, dil ve konuşma gelişimini olumsuz etkileyebilir. Dil bozukluklarının fiziksel nedenleri olabilir, ancak çoğu zaman belirlenebilir bir nedeni yoktur. Yetersiz dil girdisi veya ebeveynlerin jestlere öncelik vermesi de dil bozukluğuna yol açabilir.

What is language?

It is the code we learn to communicate our thoughts, wants and needs. Reading, writing, speaking and gestures are forms of language.

What makes up the language code?

Language is made up of a set of rules:

  • Creating words or signs from sounds, syllables or body movements
  • Developing the meaning of root words (such as girl+lar=girls)
  • Putting words together (grammar of language)
  • Attaching meaning to words
  • Conversing, telling stories and using different forms of language for different audiences, purposes and situations

What is speech?

Speech is the sound of language transformed into sound.

How do children learn language rules?

Children learn language and speech by listening to the language spoken around them and practicing what they hear. This way they acquire the rules of the language code. Language is not learned all at once, it is acquired over time.

How can parents help their children learn to speak?

By talking to the child, reading books. Not by asking the child to talk, but by encouraging the child to talk and making talking fun.

At what ages are children's language and speech like?

Different behaviors are expected at different ages. For example, at the age of 1 year, a child should be able to use one or two words, follow simple requests (such as "come here"), understand simple questions (such as "where are your shoes?"). At 2-3 years of age, he/she should be able to use his/her language to speak two- or three-word sentences or to ask for things and to fulfill two requests at the same time (e.g. "bring your ball and put it on the table"). In addition, the child's speech should be intelligible both to the family and to those who do not know the child. Every child develops in his or her own way.

When should I seek professional help about my child's speech problem?

When you start to feel anxious. Do not delay. No child is too young to get help. If there is a problem, early intervention is important. If there is no problem, you can rest assured.

Do hearing problems affect speech and language?

Yes. The first year of life is particularly important for learning language and speech. Even mild hearing loss can cause children to miss language and speech input from their environment and can result in significant developmental delays. Parents should take their children to an audiologist for regular hearing examinations, especially if they have recurrent ear infections, frequent colds and other upper respiratory infections or allergies.

Are there physical causes of language impairment?

There are, but language impairment can also occur without any known physical cause.

What are other causes?

Sometimes children are not exposed to enough language input to learn the rules of language. The child may not need to speak because parents respond immediately to the child's signs and gestures rather than to speech. Many language impairments also have no identifiable cause.

What can be done for language impairment?

A speech and language therapist experienced in child development can assess a child's language development and plan individual or group therapy.

For online treatment of speech and language disorders: https://cdn.npistanbul.com/online-dil-ve-konusma-terapisi

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At15 December 2020
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